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Everything posted by biggles

  1. Good luck and glad to hear Jabiru are looking after you . Your post may still dredge something up ! Bob
  2. Yeah Pud he certainly lives in a beautiful part of the world , ( well most of the time anyway ) , and what a contrast to that part of the world you live in . Didn't think he would ever venture further South than Innisfail , but have it on good authority that someone answering his description was recently seen in Melbourne , would you believe ! Bob
  3. Have you contacted the factory . I imagine they would be very interested in getting her back in the air again ! Bob
  4. The strip is on private property about 30 km South of Cairns and belongs to forum member Farri . Send him a PM for more details . He is a very capable pilot ( former CFI ) and a nice bloke . Being a Drifter pilot I'm sure you will have much in common . Bob.
  5. Horrified by what I read Geoff . I assume that it is a factory built aircraft , and not been tampered with in any way since manufacture .They would normally be a part of the 100 hourly , could they have been over tightened then ? If not , I would certainly be making the problem known to someone in authority at Jabiru . Bob
  6. [medio=full]332[/medio]
  7. Hey S36 . Saw lots of lizards and spiders , but no trike . Bob
  8. ..... ' Young girls ' ........... How old did you say you were again Linda ?? ' Young ' Bob
  9. Yeah EN . Actually it started life as British Racing Green and was converted to Honda "Formula Red " some years ago . Bit of a chick magnet , but I think I have left my run too late ! Bob
  10. Hey Maj , Here's my '64 . I know it would look better with Sally , but best I can do at short notice Bob
  11. Works OK for me on the IPad Ian Bob
  12. Thanks for that Captain, first time in ten years we haven't been able to make it . Bob
  13. A timely reminder for all skydogs Bob
  14. The three engine Cessna ploughed into the Cape Clear Primary School yard, about 38 kilometres south-west of Ballarat, about 1.30pm on Wednesday. Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/men-escape-injury-after-plane-crashes-into-schoolyard-20130227-2f5kw.html#ixzz2M4sa0kqs
  15. JP . Try holding finger on selected text to bring up the 'copy' prompt . Touch 'copy' then place finger beside curser which brings up the 'paste' prompt. Good luck !! Bob
  16. " That's news to me. I have hydraulic lifters and have not been told they need different oil. Can anyone elaborate? " Nothing changed OK . Aeroshell15w50 or equivalent still the recommended oil for your engine . Bob
  17. Well done Ian your efforts are really appreciated Bob
  18. Bill , Just a quick response as I am in the departure lounge in Tulla. Are you saying that the 3G network was "active" ie." in service" . If so then I am surprised as I fly that area often .Maybe some of the "real tech savvy " boys can comment . The only other thing I can think of, is that the signal may have been shielded .I think the Sportstar is a metal a/c Bob
  19. Bill , If your IPad is only 'WiFi ' it does not have a GPS and will require an external GPS to work with OzRunways .If you get a 'WiFi 3G ' IPad , it will have inbuilt GPS technology , as well a cellular system . If you activate the cellular system by buying a SIM card , eg .Telstra shop , you will be able to access the Internet etc. , and this activated 3G network will give you a faster more accurate fix , it "assists" the GPS . You may also have heard the term " triangulation " , well this is what the 3G network does to get that faster more accurate fix . An IPad 2 has "assisted GPS" and this essentially means that the GPS is "assisted "by the 3G signal. I cannot comment on your friends "lost signal" but there are many on the Forums that have , and are happy with , their " WiFi only" IPads , using an external GPS . Hope this helps . Bob
  20. GB I have an IPad2 and believe it utilises the satellites owned by the USA (GPS ). I also believe the the IPad mini and the IPad Retina Display utilise both GPS and GLONASS , which should give a faster and more accurate fix . Bob
  21. Beaten by an Octave !! Bob
  22. Not sure about other aircraft Derek , its probably best to talk to Jabiru about your concerns , but you are on the right track with the large air ducts. The heated air 'extraction' is important also .( "it won't come in if it can't get out ") As a minimum , I would also be monitoring cyl's 3 and 4 CHT's , even better if you monitor all four . Bob
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