Alf, I’m sure anybody reading this will agree with your comments. A tragic and needless loss of life. The pilot will undoubtably agonise over the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life, and I’m sure that the investigation team will leave no stone unturned, including the pilots training, authorisation, flight reviews, and whether his alleged risky attitude was well known. Hopefully the flight was being recorded. Some years ago I was involved in reviewing a similar accident with members of the NSW police air wing and others. In this incident, both the pilot and his female passenger were of mature age, and the trike fitted with good quality visual and audio recording.( GoPro from memory). We all watched the unedited video in its entirety. His pre flight briefing was impeccable, ensuring that she was comfortable, belted up securely etc.,and agreed that his preparation and pre flight briefing were not in question. The take off and early part of the flight were uneventful ...... gentle turns, maintaining plenty of clearance over built up areas, checking regularly that his passenger was comfortable, to which she responded enthusiastically. They then made their way to a large body of inland water when, seemingly without warning, the pilot put the trike into series of tight descending turns. He asked her if she “liked it” or similar, to which she replied “No I don’t“. I well recall the distinct sense of fear and urgency in her voice, she was truly frightened, Sadly these were her last words as the aircraft spiralled out of control into the water, all graphically captured on video/audio. The electronic evidence was invaluable for the investigators, to the extent that the police considered that they should be made of mandatory in all aircraft. The change in this pilots demeanour is something I often think about, and about how we, as fellow pilots, should go about changing, what we perceive to be an individuals unsafe behaviour. Make your concerns known to your CFI ,Regional Operations Coordinator or the registered organisation. That will ensure that those concerns are passed on to those responsible and may result in this type of accident never happening again. Doing nothing is not really an option ....... Bob