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Everything posted by biggles

  1. Here’s your new VNC Yenn . Not sure if it’s any assistance though. ...... Bob http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/aip/pending/aipchart/vnc/Rockhampton_VNC_08NOV2018.pdf
  2. Yes, a bit like “ infotainment” systems in today’s motor vehicles ! ..... Bob
  3. This would’ve done him Don . Had her for 10 years until recently. A real chic magnet, but he can have the MG plates cheap if required ......Bob
  4. This strip is located a few km’s North of the Port Douglas/Cook Hwy turnoff. Nothing doing when I called in a few months ago, but seems to cater for mainly trikes and home of Port Douglas Microlights .... Bob BTW Frank here is that 3.5 croc we recently saw in the Russell and one your good self ..B
  5. Investigation: AO-2017-024 - Loss of control and collision with terrain involving B200 King Air, VH-ZCR at Essendon Airport, Victoria on 21 February 2017
  6. CAAP 166-2(1) for further reading on this matter ..... Bob
  7. “ The Australian Transport Safety Bureau the accident, which involved a single-engine Yakovlev Yak-9UM Warbird. “Initial information provided to the ATSB indicates the aircraft has collided with terrain approximately 20km west of Latrobe Valley Regional Airport,” an ATSB statement said. Five transport safety investigators from Brisbane and Canberra are heading to the scene to collect evidence. The ATSB said they would examine the wreckage, interview witnesses, and collect any available recorded data for analysis.” Yep , looks like they’ve finally got it right ...... Bob
  8. “The exact cause of the crash is yet to be determined and will be investigated by Recreational Aviation Australia with assistance from police who will prepare a report for the Coroner,” a Victoria Police statement said
  9. Pilot killed in Gippsland crash A PILOT has been killed in a plane crash in Gippsland. The tragedy happened when a plane crashed into a paddock in Tanjil South at 2.35pm. Police are at the scene, near Moe-Rawson Rd. The victim was the only person aboard. ........ Bob
  10. Can’t answer that Derek but this was last year and had .... “Cape Air Transport / Torres Strait” on the fin ..... Bob
  11. This is what the plate says ....... ANGEL A-44 VH - IOZ REACH OVERSEAS INC. PO Box 3085 ROADTOWN TORTOLA BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS
  12. Here it is . Had a close-up when in Mareeba last year .....Bob [FLO
  13. I know you mean “ per minute “ Turbs ! ...... Bob
  14. My employer used to employ Laggers to insulate high temperature steam pipes. They used to lay back amongst it and eat their lunch . All died at a very young age...... Bob
  15. Camel . Not sure why you gave a ‘caution’ . I posted a part of ERSA entry for general info. but mainly for telephone No’s ..... Bob
  16. GOONDIWINDI ERSA entry. HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES MOBIL: Lowes Petroleum Services: AVGAS Bowser, Local Account Card Option only. AVBL H24 (No Carnet). Call-out fee BH $20, AH $100. JET A1 - Drum Fuel Only. Phone 07 4676 2207, Emergency 07 4671 5000.
  17. Today the sun was finally shining and the wind a gentle Nor-easter, so time to check out the new 'East Sale airspace VFR Transit Lane ( Delta 353' ) Transitted both ways at 1500' for better visibility, safety etc. etc. Living in the surrounding area ,and being familiar with the roads , towns and water storages, I tried navigating using the VNC solely, but found it easy to stray off course and, with oncoming aircraft , potentially at the same altitude and with a closing speed of maybe 200 Kts ........well. So, as the corridor is only about 2 nm wide it is important to give full attention to maintaining that lateral separation, and keeping a proper lookout. Ozrunways certainly helped as the pics indicate. With hindsight, it may have been better to have had Westbound traffic AT 1500' and Eastbound traffic AT 1000,' giving better vertical separation. I am not implying that the route is unsafe, it isn't, providing everybody does the right thing. It is certainly a lot safer than transitting over that tiger country to North.The entire area is flat farming country with one small area of plantation timber ( last pic ) which should be easily avoided from 1500' if the engine fails. In summary, a positive move by RAAus and East Sale management to improve the safety of all VFR pilots ......Bob . . o
  18. If you can't see a Ferris wheel on climb out, what hope have you got with an R22 ?........ Bob
  19. Yes, it appears that the only difference is the non requirement of a PPL/RPL, along with the other very strict conditions/limitations. I wasn't aware that RAAus students training in CTA ,under the direct supervision of a qualified instructor, were required to have a higher medical than other RAAus pilots ..... Bob
  20. " This step recognised the issue related to RAAus members who were trained at RAAus Flight Training Schools (FTS) in Class D or C airspace under a CASA Instrument. Previously once this training was complete, they were no longer permitted to operate in that airspace.Working collaboratively with CASA Sport, we are pleased to announce progressive changes to these Instruments which will permit RAAus pilots to privately hire a FTS aircraft and operate into and out of the specific airspace related to the RAAus FTS." . ( : no requirement for a medical ! )
  21. Controlled Airspace access for RAAus aircraft Controlled airspace access – the first milestone is complete! RAAus is proud to announce to members the completion of the first milestone of the planned four stage process to permit RAAus members to access controlled airspace! This step recognised the issue related to RAAus members who were trained at RAAus Flight Training Schools (FTS) in Class D or C airspace under a CASA Instrument. Previously once this training was complete, they were no longer permitted to operate in that airspace. Working collaboratively with CASA Sport, we are pleased to announce progressive changes to these Instruments which will permit RAAus pilots to privately hire a FTS aircraft and operate into and out of the specific airspace related to the RAAus FTS. This change also provides flight schools at these airfields with an opportunity to earn additional revenue. We anticipate demand to hire FTS aircraft will increase, in turn increasing aircraft hiring revenue. RAAus has worked very hard on this project and is excited additional economic benefits will flow to our schools and associated Instructors and maintainers as a result. There are a number of specific requirements, which are provided in July Sport Pilot and provided at this link as a Fact Sheet but in general terms include the RAAus pilot being trained and assessed at the nominated RAAus FTS, requiring the CFI to make a notation in the pilot’s logbook to confirm their competence in the airspace and only that specific airspace. This change has been possible due to the diligence and thoroughness of the CFIs operating at the 13 RAAus FTS under CASA issued Instruments at locations across the country. Additionally, the open reporting culture and professional responses received from RAAus pilots and Instructors operating in the airspace who have reported incidents and undertaken retraining if required. To summarise This initial access is a major step for RAAus members, allowing access to flight operations closer to major metropolitan airports and cities, along with having RAAus members provide evidence to CASA and industry of the maturity and professionalism of RAAus members. While this permits controlled airspace operations only in RAAus FTS aircraft, members can be assured RAAus continues to work with CASA Sport to further access to controlled airspace. Additionally, RAAus is working closely with the Department of Defence to further expand access to active military restricted airspace as part of our planned controlled airspace access. Finally RAAus is also committed to progressing the proposed increase in Maximum Take-Off Weight for member’s aircraft to an eventual 1500 kg. Don’t forget however, that this extended privilege will not affect those RAAus members who chose to operate simple, lightweight aircraft away from controlled airspace. RAAus remains committed to ensuring these additional operations will not require anything extra of those members. If you would like more specific information follow this link Class D Instrument of exemption – solo flight training using Recreational Aviation Australia aircraft – Plain English summary This email was sent by Recreational Aviation Australia, Recreational Aviation Australia, 3/1 Pirie Street, Fyshwick, ACT 2904, Australia to [email protected] Unsubscribe
  22. Ash , check' East Sale ' in ERSA ..... Bob MILITARY AIRSPACE ACCESS PROCEDURES. 4. IFR ACFT. a. ACFT may plan a preferred route and level in accordance with AIP flight planning. 5. VFR ACFT. When R358 is active ACFT are to contact ACD on 133.6 MHz prior to the boundary for AWY clearance. Clearance is not required for transit through R358A via D353. D353 (VFR Transit Lane). Lateral limits approximately 1NM either side of the RAILWAY line Cowwarr - Heyfield - Maffra - Stratford - Lindenow South. Vertical limit SFC - 1,500FT AMSL. Active by NOTAM. No air traffic services provided. Keep right of the railway/disused railway line. ACFT must monitor 126.7 and broadcast at COWWARR and LINDENOW SOUTH compulsory en route reporting points. Princes Route expect a clearance NOT ABV 1,500FT. Coastal Route expect a clearance at 1,500FT due to helicopter OPS to and FM Longford. Other levels may be AVBL upon request.
  23. Care to elaborate ?
  24. Yes , a little confusing especially when it appears in ERSA and on VNC . Guess there may be a few breaches ! . The Coastal route should follow in a few months . Talks continuing on access for West Sale RPC pilots . Military Traffic will ramp up in West Sale from next year and even the RAAF are unsure how they will manage that ...... Bob
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