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Everything posted by ab0767

  1. Tyagarah, Anyone can use it, Landing fees to Byron Shire Council. The danger is parachutists and I fly around there. Be careful as some aircraft have no radio and military aircraft like to fly low and fast along the coast
  2. I went to Dubbo which is next door and back. I went a straight line to Rapville then on to ballina. The straight line to Rappville keeps you out of Tamworth CTA and rappville to Ybna takes you around Evans head restricted. There are plenty of strips along the way if you need a break or fuel and only a small amount of tiger country.
  3. Craig, I assume that you are that concerned for your family that you don't want to take risks. Tell me do you drive a car? Do you go swimming? Because you have a much greater risk of an accident doing both of these. You cannot stop living because you fear what might happen. I suggest you think of the joy that flying will bring you and your family and that great feeling you get when a dream comes true
  4. What music is it???????
  5. Bilby Where abouts at St George as there is nothing in ERSA, using avgas
  6. This one came up earlier on in the year and I asked Mick Poole to clarify and Ian is correct. Whilst under instruction (studying) you are a student and CAR 5.72 applies. It's a lonely path to get your Nav but well worth it.
  7. I'm a P51 Mustang, Sally
  8. "Godson" having his 21st, he works out there and gets paid to fly around the property. Only bloke I know to get free flying and didn't have to join the RAAF
  9. Planning a trip in a J160. Any advice on best fuel prices, rest stops ( plane has 10 hrs endurance however I only have a 4 hour bladder), or any info you think may be relevant.
  10. A National Water Commission representative stopped at a Canberra farm and talked with an old farmer. He told the farmer, 'I need to inspect your farm for your water allocation.' The old farmer said, 'OK, but don't go into that field over there.' The water representative said, 'Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me. See this card? THIS CARD MEANS I AM ALLOWED TO GO WHEREVER I WISH on any agricultural land. No questions asked or answered. Have I made myself clear? Do you understand?' The old farmer nodded politely and went about his farm chores. Later, the old farmer heard loud screams and saw the water rep running for the fence and close behind was the farmer's huge-horned prize bull. The bull was gaining on the water rep with every step. The rep was clearly terrified, so the old farmer immediately threw down his tools, ran to the fence and shouted out.......... 'Your card! Your card! Show him your card!'
  11. Not silly, best idea I've heard all day. The old fashion way is most times the best way
  12. I had a hard time grasping this same question during my training and to my instructors credit he took just as much time expalaining it. The best angle of climb is an angle 20 degress or 30 degress whatever. the best rate of climb is FPM. Your plane might climb at 30 degrees to cover an obstacle and will gain x amount of feet, less than it would have done in the same amount of time over a longer DISTANCE as the ASI is higher with a lower nose attitude and hence more lift . If you were to use best rate of climb you may not clear that obstacle as the distance is longer. Once you have cleared the obstacle go back to the best rate of climb.
  13. I'm with Pip. I am dead scared of heights, which is one of the reasons I learnt to fly, I told my instructor that when it comes to flying I am a coward. His reply was that it was a quality he admired in pilots - when in doubt don't. It's those with a false sense of bravado that threaten our freedoms and I for one have no problem reporting them. Self regulation it's called and if we don't do it then it's back to CASA who will do it with no other justification than revenue raising. Think about it
  14. you could have shown her after she woke up and advised Ian on what it meant, The really sad thing is that they are making a Cessna "ultralight" LSA in China - how are we supposed to conform to the manufacturers maintenance schedule if we can't even install the battery??????
  15. Kelvin you have stated that you are an OH&S professional, you ask a lot of deep questions but for those of us that are not specialised in your field I am interested in your thoughts about our safety culture and any ideas to improve it or indeed any suggestions you may have
  16. Sorry Ian I can't find a tree to attach a photo of my 2001 TRIUMPH bonneville low flying machine, I run a macbook
  17. Airsick Yes there is a list of resposible persons that MUST report an incident - but this does not preclude anybody else from reporting one. My view is that if you think a report should be lodged then lodge one. To worry that someone else MIGHT is unproductive to all concerned - especially the person that buys the plane after it has been patched up. I recently went to purchase a drifter but a local level 2 advised me that it had been ditched in the ocean - no report - no listing in the logbook. How long before the boom fails and you are all consoling my demise. I have stated in another thread that RA-AUS not only has 8500 members but it also has 8500 safety officers whose primary concern is the safety of their fellow aviators ( after themselves of course )
  18. Clayt A) the legs on the chopper are grounded (on the ground) B) the drum is grounded (on the same ground) C) the hose is special non conductive plastic stuff Planes have this rubber stuff they make the tyres out of that insulates the plane from the ground potential causing a potential difference with the drum that can cause a tiny spark - and it only takes a tiny spark
  19. Anyone can fly a plane - you could teach a 5 year old that. It is the ability to handle an abnormal situation that makes a pilot, I love to read the speculation that goes with an incident reported on this forum as it reflects the thoughts going through the pilots mind at the time. We have the pleasure of thinking about it for days if not weeks, the pilot had about 3 seconds to make a decision at the time. This is why so much time is spent during training on recovery from unusual attitudes so that we recognise the unusual attitude and can correct it before we meet mother earth. That is what the 20 hrs minimum is for. We can't prepare for every situation but we can be prepared to correct our attitude.
  20. The Mi-12 is not in production, only 3 made one crashed 2 left. Ian is right in that it is the largest you can buy ( for God knows how much) or rent
  21. No Ian there is nothing wrong with your/our weather site. I actually found the plain english version under the planner indispensible when learning to decode the encoded NAIPS weather. It gave me the opportunity to practice, practice, practice before the test and I have recommended it to other students at my flying school. I regularly use this feature to update and enhance my decoding ability which really needs constant updating. So far I have found no errors in it, but then we may both be wrong!
  22. Kevin all I can say is the words of wisdom given to me by my first instructor :- 98% of all aircraft accidents are caused by pilot error, i.e. the pilot didn't do something he should have, or he did some thing he should not have. Solution. Do EVERYTHING you should do and don't do ANYTHING you shoudn't, 99% of aircraft accidents involve the ground. Solution:- Stay away from it. You have subscribed to a great forum, where you can ask any anything and someone with more knowledge or experience will give you an honest answer. All the people that subscribe to this forum are primarily interested in their own personal safety, the safety of their passengers and the safety of their fellow aviators as well as the safety of their aircraft. I like to think that RA-AUS does not only have 8500 members but it also has 8500 safety officers and that is what makes it work.
  23. And to think you were worried about putting in a report, and then Rex says - thanks Merv ( at least I think thats what they said, I'm still looking words up in the dictionary). Do you get a free flight??? Good outcome I think
  24. Spoke to the owner, Jack Russell ( not the dog) he said it was mostly used for mustering and he had trailered it about - so a few cosmetic scratches. Wayne has his number, Sorry to hear about Wayne, should have stayed in the air where he belongs
  25. There is one for sale but it's in Wagga NSW, $13k with 0 hrs spare motor. Give Wayne Fisher a call at Spectrum aviation he knows of lots for sale 3 or 4 in Qld. I'm resigned to having to buy a new one just for peace of mind, but then I have a hanger space problem to overcome first. Wayne has a sport version, similar to the one he does aerobatics in which weighs in at 157kg standard tank 2 seat. Apparently very nippy and very STOL
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