Yes lots of aopa members,lots of raa members, lots of pilot licences, ...but actual non rpt flying? Very little. The over regulation...leading to just too any casa cost recovery fees and crazy maintenance standards. It mounts up, the funds bucket can only do so much... Example, yes I kid you not, a country lame is made to do a floor plan of his workshop at casa cost recovery fees. If he wants to now store his jack on the other side of his workshop he is supposed to rewrite the floor plan and obtain at cost recovery fees casa permission to do so. Bloody madness. It's hit ga,mm. It's headed for raa.
Who pays...pilots, aircraft owners. Result...not enough money to go flying!,,
I do not pine for good ole days. Those days are gone. I do pine for sensible, reasonable standards / regulation. might prevent, itmight happen so let's regulate it attitude .. Will only change with pressure from us. I agree with a risk management staff are saying the words and it is obvious from the over regulation they do not how to put that into practice.
Argh bugger it.. Fellow lovers of flying... Keep the discussion going. Itwontgetany better without lots of voices saying it's broken.