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Everything posted by Chocolate

  1. Look to left or right. It's easier to judge the cloud height above you that way. Or to judge rate of descent...
  2. Have a look at casa website for NPRM scenic flights. Commercial pilot licence required etcetc
  3. Well has anyone got an infringement notice out of a ramp check. .? And for what infringement was it issued. Talk of it has put me off going to flyin but maybe the facts don't bear out the "talk".
  4. [MAP][/MAP]Would this be permitted if I ask nicely. Got any suggestions for low traffic time or weekday. Thinking of phoning them but thought I d ask for locals opinions. Coming frm nth and 1500ft preferred. Buledelah clarancetown maitland trk.
  5. Dropped into Sharron park strip recently due weather. It is farm stay just south of glen innes. wonderful hosts, good grass strip. Make sure to get a workshop tour...it's amazing. And check out the home designed and built hanger, by 70 plus years young owner of new stol aircraft. They have a website.
  6. Looking for a lame to check inspect, sign off on MR. Located northern nsw, so moree, goondi, Ballina, toowoomba I guess. Armidale / tamworth I know about. Periodic testing of atc transponder. (Trigg S) CAO 100.5 pitot static systems CAO 100.5 pressure altimeters
  7. Yes lots of aopa members,lots of raa members, lots of pilot licences, ...but actual non rpt flying? Very little. The over regulation...leading to just too any casa cost recovery fees and crazy maintenance standards. It mounts up, the funds bucket can only do so much... Example, yes I kid you not, a country lame is made to do a floor plan of his workshop at casa cost recovery fees. If he wants to now store his jack on the other side of his workshop he is supposed to rewrite the floor plan and obtain at cost recovery fees casa permission to do so. Bloody madness. It's hit ga,mm. It's headed for raa. Who pays...pilots, aircraft owners. Result...not enough money to go flying!,, I do not pine for good ole days. Those days are gone. I do pine for sensible, reasonable standards / regulation. Currentoverregulation..it might prevent, itmight happen so let's regulate it attitude .. Will only change with pressure from us. I agree with a risk management approach...casa staff are saying the words and it is obvious from the over regulation they do not how to put that into practice. Argh bugger it.. Fellow lovers of flying... Keep the discussion going. Itwontgetany better without lots of voices saying it's broken.
  8. Won't need many lames as no aircraft to be serviced. Ga has been killed off as Small aviation business startup is cost prohibitive due massive red tape legislation and regs, with casa oversight costs at cost recovery the final nail in the coffin. Damn shame.
  9. Soe..what the? Statement of expectations huh. And how many years is that going to take to draft, consult, redraft, consult wider blah blah. And what exactly is the aviation safety outcome of that exercise? The objectives of the Act are the statement of expectation last time I looked. Section 3a if you want to look it up. Section 9 CASA functions, looks pretty clear statement of expectations to me too. (Though the casa organisation as a whole seem to have a bit if trouble with 9 1 c. 'Developing and promulgating appropriate, Clear and concise aviation safety standards.') Is this Just adding another level of distance from the minister responsible for aviation in Australia to the director casa? In my humble opinion our elected representative Minister Truss should be bold and consider folding the authority back into his government department so he can control the outcomes a lot better.
  10. Issues identified by committee..yes. Govt response ..full of caveats. and the ministers speechwriter from casa saying we are already heading that way. Casa got a shove to get on with reg introduction by end of 2015. So..has that had any effect in the past..nope. I'm off to write to my local member of parliament.
  11. Thanks jabawho..very informative. So the dame, gp family physician and specialists are only evidence gathering for a casa person to make a decision. Confirms my belief that the Director CASA should consider having the decision about whether someone meets the medical standards devolved to the DAME. If that were the case I am sure a lot of the unnecessary testing and specialist surveillance currently called for by casa would be gone. To the relief of my finances and; removal of the wastefulness of a now well person taking up specialist time and resources. Not to mention the 600km round trip by car. The current system is doing nothing more than encourage pilots to lie by omission to doctors and DAME's. Thank you again for the explanation of the roles.
  12. At some point the cost of running avmed will factor in the new director casa thoughts. It is so obviously a cost saver if the decision is with a casa trained DAME with online updating to avmed. Yes I am one of those who have casa costing them a small fortune in unnecessary specialist visits just to get a letter saying what the gp has already said to the DAME and the DAME has already assessed for himself. Living in a country area the specialist visit is a 600 km round trip. What really irks is the knowledge and embarrassment of so obviously wasting the valuable specialist time that would've been better spent on treating someone in need of urgent treatment. Here's hoping the new director is more pragmatic and stops sending well people for endless medical testing.
  13. Not a good idea to annoy them, but damn funny post fatal!, ta.
  14. Ok hit me with it people. Why is there no a coastal vfr coffs harbour. And why can't there be one. There is not that much traffic there. Even if it was for certain times of the day it would be really helpful. And same for williamtown. Going via tiger country is just nonsense.
  15. Bump. Anyone
  16. Has the new credit card bowser been installed yet? Thank youThank you
  17. I was at allora show ground for the weekend and wondered what all the activity in the sky was about. The formation that flew over allora going nth nth east ..was that the Trojans? It was amazing to see and hear. They rumble of big engines was very memorable. The formation looked tight (great) and when they were well past I could see the layering for seperation. A highlight of the weekend for sure.
  18. Had ASIC frequently checked in Ballina.
  19. No avgas casino. Ballina had self fill 24 hr avgas last time I was there. Takes visa MasterCard too. Just read latest ersa. Not obvious in ersa so maybe phone them first. Good cafe in terminal by the way. Owners name is jake. Lismore bit of a bugga weather wise. can be in cloud mist etc when Ballina and coast clear.
  20. I look forward to the day they put it in plain English. Just not necessary. Necessary last century but not now. All those abbreviations were setup eons ago when we only had telex machines and a non local phone call cost the earth. Yep I am old enough to remember operating a telex!
  21. Check out Australian women's pilot assocn Facebook page. Always someone to talk to who is willing to encourage and assist.
  22. And no mention yet of balance in this thread. Perhaps start a new thread with with balance horror stories we can all learn from?
  23. Every dame I know says it is for their own professional interest only. There is no money to be made in it. They cannot see why it goes through avmed doctors review processes and delays issuing of licences. Avmed doctor reviews are a waste of public money. Let the dame decide.
  24. Step off the skid on a 80 ft winch out of a heli.through the trees into bush land or winch up to heli. No worries. Luv the view. Climb a ladder or windmill...nugh!nada!noway! Hate the feeling. Go figure.
  25. Beautiful day for flying around casino today. Lots of students and others about. Glorious sunny day with light winds for my flight to tenterfield. Just heard on grapevine that council looking to charge $28 landing fee at tenterfield bumpy ole grass strip!! Though just how they are going to collect that remains a mystery. Exorbitant fee hike from zero.
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