Hi everyone,
It´s time for me to exchange all the rubber fuel tubings in my SavannahS, Rotax 912 (eight years since built). Four dimensions (6, 7, 8, 10 and 11 mm) were delivered with the kit and as some dimensions are difficult to find (particularly if you want a quality brand) I wonder if all dimensions are really needed. For instance, the 7 mm tube is used to connect the mechanic pump with the electric pump while the 6 mm tube connects the mechanic pump with the "spider". In other words, fuel to the mechanic pump is delivered via 7 mm tube and fuel from the mechanic pump via 6 mm tube. Is there a reason for this based on flow, pressure or what or can I use the same dimension to and from the mechanic pump? If there is a reason, would it be possible to keep the 6 mm and exchange the 7 mm to a 8 mm tube which is easier to find than the 7 mm tube?
Also, the 11 mm tube is used for a few connections in the wings while all connections from the wings to the fuel reservoir are 10 mm (3/8") as well as the tube from the reservoir to the fuel valve. Perhaps I could use 3/8" tubes for the wing connctions instead of the 11 mm?
Do you Think it would be possible to skip the 7 and 11 mm tubes and stick to the 6, 8 and 10 mm (1/4", 5/16" and 3/8")?
Many thanks