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Everything posted by Tomwantstobeapilot

  1. Apart from the constant tapping on the altimeter, this is a pretty great video.
  2. Thanks for the link. I'm hoping to follow a career as a commercial pilot, but I have a very mild colour vision deficiency. My optometrist said that it was so minor that I shouldn't have a problem, but I'm not so sure. I have trouble with a few of the Ishihara plates. I'd hate for this to be what decides my future. The optometrist suggested that I go for a lantern test so I'll consider going for that before I make too many decisions. I'm not sure how my particular colour deficiency could affect my safety as a pilot...
  3. http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/malaysian-airlines-flight-mh370-crash-site-found-by-chinese-satellite/story-fnizu68q-1226853195656 Could be..?
  4. Thanks for the link! Worrying stuff.
  5. Not the best end to the flight, but a pretty impressive effort anyhow! What was the record: most consecutive rolls, or the most rolls in one flight? I've heard both. My parents were at Skyrace that year, Dad often mentions this incident I wish something would replace Skyrace, 'bout time we got an Airshow!
  6. That's great to know! I was worried that I'd have do a full time course up north during the holidays to get flying. This should make things a lot easier!
  7. Cool! As you can tell from my user name, I'm not yet a pilot, but I live in Kingston. Where are you planning to do your training?
  8. Welcome! Where are you located?
  9. Fantastic, thanks for posting! When was this flying actually done? I've only just bussed back down from the north.
  10. Before the engine fails? How would you know, in a real life situation?
  11. I too loved the book so I'm very interested in this incident and report. I also need to watch the video on it.
  12. Yay, welcome fellow Tasmanian! Are you "Wandering Foxbat" on YouTube?
  13. Welcome to the site!
  14. I would have liked to have watched this, but I was outvoted by fans of 'The Voice' :-) Was it worth watching?
  15. I've done this before with my DX6i RC transmitter. I ordered an all-in-one style USB connector from Ebay and not only did it come with an adapter to USB, it (unexpectedly) also came with some RC sims (although I'm sure this is pirated software). It works with most brands of RC transmitters and I managed to get it working with FSX. If you need a TX too, then I would suggest the DX5e as a good, cheap reliable transmitter that will work with this. If you want something cheaper then I suggest that you give this a look: http://www.heliguy.com/Flight-Simulators/ESKY-Flight-Sim/Dynam-RC-Flight-Simulator/. You should be able to find one on Ebay and for the price, they're pretty good value. It works as a normal USB controller. Tom
  16. That's pretty cool. Gotta love street view ;-)
  17. Wow, I'm so glad you pointed this out! It's sounds like exactly what I need so I can't believe I hadn't heard of it before. If it comes around again this summer, I'll try and apply. The hard bit will be fitting in 3 hours of flying in before then. Cheers, Tom
  18. I'd really like to have a flight one day. The other day as I was coming out of my piano lesson (in Kingston), the beaver was flying overhead and the engine sounded fantastic. I don't think it'd be able to fly today though, with the wind like it is. Tom
  19. This video on YouTube shows some trike wake turbulence. It's obviously not as extreme as it must have been in this incident but it's scary nonetheless. Tom
  20. A great use of FPV technology :-)
  21. Congrats on your solo! I can't imagine what a great feeling it must be! Tom
  22. The only one I can think of is Peter Reed here in Tassie. www.flyingintasmania.com/general-interest/for-sale-rotax-912-ul-engine/ Tom Ps. Good luck on finding one :-)
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