Hi guys, I'm fourteen and I've flown RC since I was 10. I fly RTF and ARF planes as I prefer flying to building. My Dad flew RC from when he was a kid himself, up until I was born and he didn't have the time. Now we're both members of our local club and I love it :-)
My first plane was a little (20g) Parkzone Ember, followed by a Micro T-28, also from Parkzone. My first non-micro was another Parkzone plane, their SE5a. I've now also got an E-flite Micro Sbach 3D, a cheap Hobbyking Reaktor and my only Heli style vehicle, the Blade MQX quad.
My Dad's only working plane at the moment is a Scratch-built (maybe kit-built) 1/5th scale Bowers Fly baby. It's running an old O.S. FS 61 four-stroke so it looks and sounds great. My Dad also has a Flair Nieuport 17 which isn't going due to a lack of a reliable engine, as well as a 2m 2-channel Spirit Glider, both made by him.
I'm not yet a full-scale pilot but I'm hoping to start soon!
Tom :-)
PS. Sorry that I have no photos but they're all of mine are ready-made so they're not that interesting.