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Everything posted by Tomwantstobeapilot

  1. That's good to know as (hopefully) my name will become irrelevant in a year or so :-D Tom
  2. That's what I thought. She wouldn't really have any idea herself so it's not her fault. It's just another mistake though... Tom
  3. The unfortunate, recent crash in Lismore, has several reports saying that "Because the plane was not an ultra-light or a fixed wing aircraft, no investigation will be conducted by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau." Last time I checked, RV-12's were fixed wings! Tom
  4. Awesome, Park Pilot was probably my favourite section of the mags as it covered most of my interests! It's cool to see more RC pilots getting their 'full-scale' licenses, or of course, the other way round :-) Tom
  5. Welcome! I'm not a pilot (yet) but I've flown RC for many years, recently including 3D flying and I'd love to start doing some FPV :-) What are some of the reviews you've done for Airborne? My first, year-long subscriptions just finished but I have read everything written in the last 12 months. Those Carbon Cubs are so cool and I'd love to be able to afford one at some time in the future (I'm only 14!). Tom
  6. My condolences to Wayne's family and friends. Such sad news! Does anybody have any clues to the cause of the crash? Being such an experienced pilot, I'd be interested to hear what went wrong. Once again, this is very sad and I hope that his family is alright after this awful news! Tom
  7. Which is why I doubted it was related ;-) Mind you, if it was fast enough, it could've be the same plane! Tom
  8. It's nice to see another Tasmanian! How are you finding freedom flight? I'm in Kingston and unfortunately, no club down here currently offer RAA training so I'm considering northern schools. Tom :-)
  9. For me, every day! And I'm not even a pilot! At the moment, I find myself almost constantly looking skywards, imaging the view or staring at the water, imaging the joys of a seaplane :-) Every time a plane flies overhead (sadly, they are quite rare here), I rush outside to become instantly jealous of that lucky pilot ;-) Tom
  10. I heard (and saw) a plane that fits your description, that flew overhead at school today, between 11:20 and 1:30 pm. It looked like a low wing and was pretty fast. I'm in Tassie though so I doubt it's related. Tom
  11. So do we know what model the trike was? I missed the news last night so I'm relying on this thread and internet news. Tom
  12. I just noticed this crash too. Very sad! Unfortunately, this won't help convince my dad to let me start lessons. I'll keep an eye on this thread to keep track of new information. Tom.
  13. That's very sad! I'm glad you told me though because I didn't notice anything on their website. The Bright Microlights website doesn't have heaps of info but mentions full-time courses so they sound fine. Tom
  14. So would the local school be the 'Eagle School of Microlighting'? One thing I'm confused about is which license each school trains you for. Some offer RAA, some HGFA. I know people prefer RAA but does the HGFA let you fly Amphibious trikes? Tom
  15. I'd be interested to hear which state people think is the best for learning to fly trikes. By this I mean the most instructor's/schools, the most trike-friendly weather, the safest terrain etc. I'm curious because if I want to get a WSC certificate (?) I'd most likely have to travel interstate and I'd like to go somewhere with the above qualities. Tom
  16. Or us Tasmanians' with our rubbishy weather... ;-) Tom
  17. What a beautiful plane!!! Tom
  18. I'll be 14 and 9 months around mid-year so hopefully I'll be quick to get a job to fund the lessons. I've been looking around at different flying vehicles and I've decided that something that would be great for Tassie would be a seaplane or specifically, an Amphibious trike. I like the look of the Krucker Cygnet and think it would give you more things to see, as well as more flying time in Tasmania. Of course, you also have the advantage of being able to land on water in the event of an engine-out. If I was rich, I'd probably get an Icon A5 or similar but I think the trikes are so versatile and are probably more fun, at a cheaper price. Tom :-)
  19. Awesome, I'll probably hear you buzzing around :-) I hope I'll have my license by then! I think money, as well as weather and finding time, will be the main issues :-( Tom
  20. Thanks for your reply, I thought this. Also, Tassie would be limiting as to where you could fly as it has a lot of of what I believe is called "tiger country". If I ever did want to fly trikes and didn't want to move interstate, I probably take a month-long holiday to the mainland and do a full-time course so I could bring a trike back to Tassie :-) Unfortunately, Hobart area has even worse weather than other parts of the state so that's also a bummer. Tom
  21. I know this thread is old now but I'm thinking of learning to fly in Tassie and getting my RA license so I can eventually save up for a good trike (I'm only 14!). I've never seen a trike in real-life and the closest I've seen any ultralight is a few thousand ft in the air above my house in Kingston. If I ever did want to experience a trike, I'd probably have to travel to the mainland! The one thing I'm worried about in Tassie is the weather! It's often cold, windy and it's also mountainous. Apparently most accidents happen on Takeoff and landing and nasty Tasmanian weather wouldn't be too helpful. Does anyone have experience flying in Tassie? Tom
  22. If anyone's interest in model helis, I'd suggest the Blade MQX as a second or third vehicle. It actually a quadcopter and it's four-channels and responsive but it's great fun and made by a well known brand, Horizon Hobby. I have one and I stuck a little keychain cam (max payload of about 28g) and love filming the garden and house from the air :-) BTW, I did have previous co-axial RC heli experience and years of RC planes and still found it hard to master but it's so tough that I learnt in no time and find it quite easy now. Tom
  23. Hi guys, I'm fourteen and I've flown RC since I was 10. I fly RTF and ARF planes as I prefer flying to building. My Dad flew RC from when he was a kid himself, up until I was born and he didn't have the time. Now we're both members of our local club and I love it :-) My first plane was a little (20g) Parkzone Ember, followed by a Micro T-28, also from Parkzone. My first non-micro was another Parkzone plane, their SE5a. I've now also got an E-flite Micro Sbach 3D, a cheap Hobbyking Reaktor and my only Heli style vehicle, the Blade MQX quad. My Dad's only working plane at the moment is a Scratch-built (maybe kit-built) 1/5th scale Bowers Fly baby. It's running an old O.S. FS 61 four-stroke so it looks and sounds great. My Dad also has a Flair Nieuport 17 which isn't going due to a lack of a reliable engine, as well as a 2m 2-channel Spirit Glider, both made by him. I'm not yet a full-scale pilot but I'm hoping to start soon! Tom :-) PS. Sorry that I have no photos but they're all of mine are ready-made so they're not that interesting.
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