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Everything posted by ozbear

  1. No I think their for making cakes the worlds biggest kitchen wiz with contra rotating blades.the Germans didn't really need it they were developing the DO335 pfeil or Arrow
  2. Those prop drive shafts would make life interesting if they or their cv joints failed
  3. Incidents like this may increase as staff are shed from Qantas
  4. RIP the AUF we now have frankensteins creation !
  5. The sad thing is the Brolga is a great prop I've had 2 three bladers on 582s and love them
  6. I wonder why they would put a foreign CEO in isn't there anyone capable of running a great Australian company such as Qantas in this country it wouldn't be hard to do a better job .I wonder what they paid him for his services and how much his golden handshake will be.
  7. Maybe nong you could expand on that a little unless you've reached your download limit lol
  8. It still leaves a lot of members with 2 seat aircraft relegated to single seaters by paperwork problems unfortunately
  9. Nev I have a niece who got a job driving one of those huge mining trucks I don't know how because she kept me busy for years repairing her car after she crashed it at least 5 times at the mine she sideswiped another mine truck leading to a enquirey the last straw was when she drove off while refuelling it with the hose still in the tank .
  10. No 450 kg
  11. Thanks tornado just checked it 550 kg it seems when they come to Australia their not as strong maybe sent deck cargo On a submarine resulting in weakened wing spars from corrosion!
  12. What weight is it registered under overseas?
  13. On renewal I had the same problem I have a pretty hefty mate so have told him he has to lose weight because if I take him I can't take fuel :)
  14. I also agree I just wasn't clear on who you were targeting.
  15. Just back to what you were saying earlier Dayfydd jabiru specify that mogas min 95ron be used I'm not ignoring the specified fuel
  16. There are a lot of cars running on pulp with very little problems engines now outlast their car bodies when did you last have to decarbonise your engine a common occurrence in the leaded days:)
  17. I use premium unleaded because I think it's a better fuel than avgas for me when you pull an engine down that has run on it the carbon left behind is minimum and soft andflakey unlikely to do damage not like left behind by avgas the engine runs fine and does not detonate or ping at all temps are in limits and plugs are clean but time will tell .if you recall a few years ago avgas was disolveing fuel lines
  18. I wonder how long it will take for Darwins theory to catch up with him I don't think he will end up as an old pilot sadly.
  19. What do you mean Dayfydd ?
  20. Somebody forgot to tell thehydrocarbon chains that .the trouble is impurities in the LPG cause a few problems the valves and seats in practice run quiet hot
  21. LPG creates a lot of carbon as well and is hard on valves and seats stellite faced valves and welltite seats are an improvement
  22. 2800-2900 cruise
  23. It's in a xair Hanaman approx 75 hrs so airframe is 75 to 80 kt cruise as well
  24. Mogas 98oct is the only fuel I use in my 2200 with no problems
  25. Maybe the devil you know is the best I don't think you will regret going for low hr lightwing Australian built with good backup
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