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Everything posted by ozbear

  1. hey turbo why buy new when second hand will do tell her to try ebay for a good set of low chomp ones never used on steak and only used on sundays by a little old lady
  2. Cool but not exactly the Prius of the air lol
  3. Wow I like that tell us more
  4. I cant comment on the aera but have used the 296 and own a 495 its perfect for me and easy to use and can be expanded im just a VFR Pilot myself and it suits me well I also have ozrunways on ipad wi fi and iphone but found it a bit cumbersome for me .
  5. no the aera 500 is like a nuvi i think .The gps map 495 is like a 296 but with terrain and a few more extras
  6. if money is no object i like the garmin 495
  7. sounds like a bit of redneck aviation pa Why is it so hard to solve a redneck murder ? A= all the DNA matches and there are no dental records
  8. Well done Chris you didn't panic or freeze when the pressure was on and you spotted your own mistakes your well on the way to being a good pilot
  9. Go for it David welcome:smile:
  10. As with all engines if you overheat them you do damage the higher the temp the more damage the overheating problems need to be addressed in some cases a lip at the bottom of the engine cowl may be the answer but don't keep flying it and ignoring high temps valve seats are fitted by heating the head they can come out the same way
  11. How about a north south circumnavigation I know Dick Smith did it by heli has it been done fixed wing single engine solo yet ?
  12. A good read and well written Owen what's your next adventure do you think you could do a arctic flight in the j230 Regards Gary
  13. It could have been amateur flown and maintained .
  14. Hi boof I can sell u one in a whole aircraft lol
  15. Welcome savannah62
  16. Welcome Mark what part of Canada are you from
  17. It sounds as if the heli may have had his volume turned down on his VHF but no excuse for crossing an active without using the mk 1 eyeball usually rfs call signs start with firebird
  18. Don't worry about the wifi dongle get a plan with decent download and just use it that way
  19. ozbear


    No Not necessarily so I assumed 544kg was mtow for my 19 registered aircraft only to be told it was 450kg that is what was on its original w&b when first registered I would ring raaus and find out what they want on it to save time and emails with pics at the last minute
  20. U Usually everything is covered until there's an accident
  21. T That's not rag and tube it's stick and cloth I think there would be a market for electric powered 95-10 on the lines of the spyder what we are doing now is reinventing GA aircraft and it appears all the same rules and regulations to go with it.many of our pilots have never known what it's like to fly a single seat rag and tube or even a 2 seat thruster type aircraft
  22. It's good to see you progressing so well Bex:smile:
  23. Nev last time I checked the 2.2 jab engine was around 14,500k
  24. At At that price I don't expect to be knocked down in the rush
  25. Hey Bex how do they cook them?
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