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Everything posted by ozbear

  1. You lucky SOB sounds like a great life style do you have camo pjs
  2. The thing is the drag created by a dead engine can be higher especially a seized engine with the prop not turning.
  3. Very nice a/c Steve
  4. I totally agree and armed with sound knowledge and training .Maybe a ballistic chute as well in case the turn back after EFATO goes wrong.
  5. I guess he had his 178 seconds thankfully he had a plan B not always the case!
  6. You can stall at any airspeed if you exceed the critical angle of attack . I agree with some of what your saying but in my opinion that footage is not suitable for low time pilots/students.
  7. As you know stall airspeed Rises with angle of bank struggling with getting back to the runway by steepening the turn and stretching the glide isn't an option either how many engine failures happen at a convenient height on take off
  8. My own rule max turn 45 degree with EFOTO depending on height and aircraft type ,terrain and wind if he tried that with something like a lancair in a 15k headwind and not enough height chances are he would stall it on the downwind turn with predictable results not a good thing to teach a student.
  9. Nev even though VFR conditions were declared arent all comercial passenger flights IFR ?
  10. I dont know Mark but I like your daughters description of your trike:thumb up:
  11. Welcome and Hi there is a Texanfan a windmill by any chance lol.
  12. Such a shame it never panned out ,Dick Smith spotted Kee Bird and landed on the ice many years ago and took some pictures of her.
  13. Avocet you have solved the age old problem of ground transport for cross countries and built a great looking aircraft well done
  14. :plane:Welcome Sam:welcome:
  15. They really can't blame casa if the doctors don't do the right thing I think the doctors need to be reeducated.
  16. Welcome Stefan how's the flying in SA . Your aircraft look a lot like the Kitfox Skyfox aircraft we have here.what engines do u use most over there ?
  17. Will we use one of these to track him down
  18. I know Ronald Macdonald statue in every town
  19. Done as well:cheezy grin:
  20. ozbear


    So Dayfydd what your trying to say is some of us are aerotards wanting to fly ultratards.
  21. They were imported by basic flying machines a man named Jack Delisa owned the company I hope this helps
  22. ozbear


    I hope your joking
  23. ozbear


    Dayfydd I don't think this guy was an idiot I think many things conspired to cause this tragedy the weather and high stall speed of the aircraft being the main culprits the one thing he should have done was not had his son in with him the aircraft was not certified to carry him so making more laws wont change the fact that people don't do the right thing.
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