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Everything posted by ozbear

  1. Reliability ,dealer backup ,more Power but not cost
  2. I've had both Rotax and jabiru I personally prefer the Rotax
  3. Condolances to all on board and to family and friends of the deceased flying is a risk and sometimes accidents happen we can only try to avoid them and keep risk to a minimum and learn from what's happened once we know I feel for the pilot having this happen while sharing the sport he obviously loves.
  4. If you dump the flap after touchdown on the mains you can hold the nose wheel off for quiet along time on the A22 not sure of the A32 but assume it's very similar .I would guess they have approached too fast and tried to force it on the ground and ended up porposing down the runway and damaging the nose leg just speculation at this stage .
  5. My neighbour loves it when I fly over his house as I land on my strip I hope he never sells up a new owner might not
  6. Not as silly as it seems I haven't bothered reading it since it became optional at a cost to our membership and put on line.
  7. Not a good way to start 2017 I hope the pilot makes a complete recovery the paramedics did a great job in a difficult situation.
  8. It's not really redundant if they share the same fuel line and how is a twin carb system a redundant system when they feed half an engine as in a 912
  9. Hi Neil When was the last time you saw a 912 fuel pump fail those ads were for oil leaks fuel leaks into the oil and excess pressure problems as far as I know not completed failure
  10. Geoff from what I've seen they are not a rough field aircraft so Tarmac mostly and in my opinion the best place for a vw engine is in the back of a vw.
  11. In my opinion the best fuel pump for the foxbat is the mechanical pump I don't like the solid state pump especially if it's located in the cabin it is very rare that a mechanical pump fails usually it's a filter problem .
  12. Don't keep us in suspense Dan
  13. That's the same with all aircraft not just foxbats . It's the Swiss cheese effect it just takes all the holes to line up .
  14. Hi again Neil I don't think it's a mandatory Aeroprakt modification the way I read it it is a LAA requirement Also the number of foxbats that don't have a fuel return fitted is much lower than 1000 I have only noticed the later A22LS aircraft without them which I think would make the aircraft affected less than 500 correct me if I'm wrong. The added advantage of the return line is it takes pressure off the needle and seat when the engine is stopped helping prevent flooding of the engine from thermal expansion of the fuel in the pressure side of the pump and lines as it heats up from muffler oil tank radiators and engine block which all radiate heat after shutdown.
  15. So here's a question is the fuel boiling in the fuel lines or in the carbie bowls or is it on the pickup side of the fuel pump where you would expect due to a lower atmospheric pressure being applied to lift the fuel.
  16. Hi Neil A tap would not fix the cross feed its because when the Foxbat is on the left tank the return line dumps fuel into the right tank only .a header tank would be the answer with the return running into it.
  17. Hi Neil There is merit for a return system on all rotax powered aircraft especially in high temperature areas using mogas I haven't got the system on my 2015 Foxbat it was a bit of a pain on the earlier foxbats as it transferred fuel from one tank to another in some situations I guess that's why it is no longer used fuel pressure should be governed by the spring in the fuel pump so in situations where it's high it may be a pump problem.
  18. Yep they are plentiful where my farm is Mullion Creek ,Mullion is the aboriginal word for eagle I would never shoot them they are magnificent creatures but they try my patience when they carry lambs off in front of me they havnt attacked the plane yet but when I had the thrusters they would fly beside me giving me a good look over
  19. Hi Nev I've been using my Foxbat to chase Wedgetail Eagles off my sheep they just carry them away and chasing them off with the Foxbat has forced them into the next valley over and they leave me alone maybe I better stop doing that
  20. One thing with the foxbats is their cruise speeds and weight have been increasing over the years since the a22 first came out and maybe a Upgrade of some items may be needed and so I'm sorry I was a bit short with u Dan after all we are all in this together and taking shots at each other isn't the way to change and improve things
  21. It plainly states pre existing cracks as to how bad they were is open for conjecture are you neglecting giving us that part of the information on purpose to soil the name of a good aircraft or are you ignorant of that fact Dan
  22. That's handy I reckon if my windscreen failed I would be telling the world especially if it wrecked my aircraft and endangered life and limb sounds to be more to it than a fault with the aircraft please provide some constructive follow up so this doesn't catch somebody else who might not be so lucky
  23. If it was a fault with the aircraft all owners would and should be notified unless it is a very late occurance but it sounds like a maintanence problem to me it should have given some warning such as cracks loose rivets etc to be picked up on daily inspection
  24. I haven't heard of this at all but there is nothing unusual about the windscreens in foxbats I've had 2 and no problem I think u have a bit of bat envy
  25. Is this still a requirement, foxbat for 1 no longer fit return lines to their latest aircraft .
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