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Everything posted by ozbear

  1. True Nev I'd like to see some pics of it a lot has to happen before a piston ends up out of an engine.
  2. You would think there would have been a catastrophic failure for a piston to be ejected such as a broken Conrod this isn't the usual type of failure I would be very interested in what caused this.
  3. Welcome Revgazza what engine are you running in the cougar
  4. Death of The Red Baron (Video) What a terrific job someone did at putting this video clip with great animation and period footage/photos together. Listen to the radial engine sounds and the background music. Very entertaining. Rise of Flight "The Death of the Red Baron" - YouTube
  5. Every star trek fan knows dilithium crystals are the answer
  6. Sounds like you run a mining exploration company too
  7. Good luck I hope the weather holds out for you
  8. The island was Palmyra Attol controlled by the US from
  9. ozbear


    Yep that's him remember he flew his RV to Antarctica and had alsorts of trouble buying fuel to get out of the place he's a legend in my book
  10. ozbear


    Is this the Jon your referring to seen here in a xair std doing a ferry job
  11. Welcome Sigurjon
  12. Hi Geoff I personally would have resized the Conrod if it was over tolerance by reducing crush ie wet and drying the bearing ends you have actually made it worse and may end up spinning a bearing or reducing heat transfer and increase fretting. With air cooled engines ring end gap I've found .005" min per 1" bore size works which is checked in the unworn section of course. Plastiguage is a good idea as a backup as it tells you what the clearance actually is and is not reliant on feel and mathematics Just my opinion from personal experience others might disagree.
  13. Your welcome Joe also if it's really windy and I've got plenty of strip I come in faster and don't use flap at all.
  14. If your tunnel sizes are in tolerance and your crank size is within tolerance then your bearing clearance and nip or crush should be correct if not it's a problem with the bearings themselves so try a different brand my advise is don't go filing anything off the ends of your bearings also get hold of some plastiguage and check your clearances with it
  15. Hi Joe I usually approach at 50kts full flap depending whether I'm two up and fuel load if I'm lightly loaded ie solo with half tanks I bring it back to 45 kts so your speeds converted would workout about right a good thing to do is check your stall speed in all configurations and stay 10 knots above that for safety also increase the margin if it's windy I have a rough bush strip with one direction and on the side of a hill that I fly to on my farm , ranch in your language sometimes if winds are too adverse I don't land and head home rather than risk damage .
  16. Absolutely right Nev the foxbat doesn't like to be forced onto the ground the best way is a slower approach speed full flap land on the mains and dump flap As soon as you can and use the brakes while applying back stick
  17. You forgot thieves ice addicts and terrorists
  18. Yenn I think our council would be happy if we all left so all they had left is REX they put our rates up in town every year the maximum amount they can and are increasing all airfield charges without consultation .
  19. I also own a hangar and contribute to costs and mow grass our local council charges like a wounded bull already if I'm doing touch and goes or just general flying it can add up to a lot of money per week I don't mind paying if I land somewhere else that is only fair Also I'm a taxpayer and never been on the dole in my life and would rather see my tax dollars used on things like airports than on buying housing commission homes for dole bludgers and drug addicts and asylum seekers who want to take our money and shun our way of life not to mention pollies chopper rides Rant over
  20. So u want to pay landing fees. I would object give them your rego not mine
  21. So is this company actually listed on the stock exchange are shares being traded?
  22. It seems the 912uls are the prime target one down side to having a good engine.
  23. Hi Scott Your probably right I was just about to mention that list my guess if it's a 100hp 912 uls it's headed for a job mustering in a gyro which most in central QLD aren't registered and never leave the cattle station
  24. What engine type was in it John also an engine number somebody might spot it
  25. Welcome Brian no doubt the jab will like the cooler climate over there.
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