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Everything posted by ozbear

  1. Hopefully the dollar will make a comeback and lower the price
  2. I prefer dilithium crystals myself
  3. Was that one of the early type pumps or the later upgraded pump that failed you are the unluckiest poor sole to have 2 fail .
  4. Hi Ozzie Right now I own a Foxbat and therefore have no electric booster pump But if I was inclined to fit one I would look for a new one to fit a 12v cessna or piper fitted to an aircraft with a 100 to 140 hp engine the best person to talk to would be a LAME he could give you supply volume and pressure specs also fitting threads. Facet actually make aircraft pumps as well
  5. The only fuel pump I've ever had fail was electric Has anybody here actually had a mechanical pump fail ? I would rather fit a GA type electric pump than the pressed metal cheap auto pumps
  6. Ft did you fall out of a tree and hit your head ?
  7. Makes you wonder how good a Taiwanese hull can be when the biggest reason for using anything is price usually quality is compromised .
  8. Not bad for 1946 built aircraft it's one of my favorites imagine me thommo and a bunch of aircraft parts jammed in it taking off with the old 85 hp motor on a bush strip
  9. Just on this the Foxbat A22LS no longer use the return to the tank We have a Foxbat on floats and is a dark blue and sitting in the central west summer sun suffered from vapour lock this season on high power mid day flights 2 up Cured by cold water poured on the fuel system temporarily. Some older foxbat A22 returned fuel to 1 tank which helps cooling of the system and dispelling vapour later a22L return the fuel to the gascolater which is near the oil tank in my opinion not as good at cooling the fuel so is the idea to help cool the fuel or get rid of the vapour or both.
  10. I think it's all rubbery figures
  11. The good thing about bronze is it doesn't melt like nylon the 912 is the first engine I've seen with nylon rocker bushes and I'm an engine reconditioner Having said that I would always fit the genuine part before thinking of any substitution
  12. He said low hrs not nil hrs if it's new oil shouldn't be a problem in that regard
  13. Also depends on how clean the oil was at shut down byproducts of combustion can turn very corrosive over time ie sulphuric acid
  14. Rotax 912 have a gauze filter in the oil tank and settlement area at the bottom if you've ever looked at a dyson vacuum cleaner which separate the heavier particles with centrifugal force it appears to work a little like that it would stop the larger bits from heading into the system a good reason to clean it at 100hrly or sooner.
  15. Could somebody photoshop a new door in for me it's rego time
  16. Maybe not Nev I was just generalising .
  17. Most probably fuel line fire sleeves would be my guess
  18. Little known fact The newzealanders invented condoms made out of sheep intestines the Australians improved upon the invention by taking them out of the sheep.
  19. I agree Scott it's nice to know what's going on around you and a lot safer when everybody does.
  20. Hi Nev or maybe over speed
  21. I've done the same thing when I first flew into cessnock the day night reversal on 35 caught me out luckily nobody in the circuit .by the way a great bunch of people there .
  22. I've heard that there was a prop strike at some stage during takeoff not confirmed
  23. I heard this on firecom communications apparently had 120 lts of mogas on board so very lucky to end so well
  24. I think it's actually illegal to trade while insolvent it's called fraud and someone should be charged
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