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Everything posted by ozbear

  1. Dick is a smart business man if he is paying 49c in the dollar in tax the 4 mil really equates to a bit over 2 mil after being used as a deduction and the free advertising he is getting by handing over giant cheques on TV is well worth the cost if he was doing it out of the goodness of his heart he would just send a cheque or deliver it without the hooplah.
  2. I had an interesting thing happen with my mini I pad yesterday . I used a power bank with it yesterday for the first time as the charge was down a bit after takeoff I had what sounded like somebody on the CTAF keying their mike the radio was showing rx like a transmission was coming in so I switched channels and found the interference on all channels and getting worse eventually tracked it to the power bank so just be careful of external power supply's and chargers.
  3. If your unlucky enough to injest a goose into the scoop pull the carb heat on and you will draw air from under the cowl in the heated area around the muffler
  4. Aeropup have a good folding wing system no controls to disconnect fold in 10 mins
  5. Carlos try retracting your flaps b4 hitting the brakes the extra weight on the mains might help
  6. Very sad news a true gentleman and will be sorely missed condolences to family and friends.
  7. Welcome clear sky's and smoothe landings .
  8. With a big fine as well lol
  9. I've checked my marriage licence I can't find the expiry date or how many demerit points you get before you lose it. .
  10. The aircraft were only over Turkish airspace for a very short time not long enough to issue 10 warnings as claimed by the look of things they were actually leaving when hit . I think it more likely the Turks don't like their oil trucks shot up and cheap oil supply cut off.
  11. One thing Isis has done that the UN couldn't is unite Russia with the rest of the world in a common goal.
  12. I sometimes use a base join if I'm the only one in the circuit area and Rex RPT flights have given a 20 or 15 mm straight in call it gets me on the ground and out of their way with plenty of time to spare
  13. I find sometimes joining overhead can be interesting if some aircraft are departing overhead they are usually on climb whilst your letting down
  14. I've just bought a new A22LS after stupidly selling my old A22l I love it all the little things I would have liked to have changed on the old one have been done on the new one they are as follows. Tundra tyres std Electric trim that trims out properly at full flap Repositioned choke Repositioned park brake Redesigned nose wheel assey A good gust lock for the controls Y stick Carby heat and cold air intake 600kg mtow Soft start for the engine No bleed off to the right hand fuel tank so not swapping tanks as much A good radio and integrated intercom German made repositioned jacks for headphones The geometry of the ailerons is different not as touchy 112 lts fuel cap against 80lts for the old one Fun factor still 10 out of 10
  15. Welcome many of us are New South Welshmen
  16. We were so poor I couldn't pay attention .
  17. Welcome :)
  18. Y You forgot one thing it needs a local community and council that are pro aviation and supportive
  19. A common trap some trim systems can be quite powerfull to overcome especially when trimming out nose down attitude on full flap landings.
  20. Tell us more old aviator
  21. I was in Tyabb on Tuesday and visited The Foxbat hangar while I was there and I was very impressed with both the hangar and the A32 I took some pics while I was there and will try and post them later Peter also furnished me with some as well He gave me a link so I have added it as well
  22. At least file the sharpe edges off.
  23. It's a wonder there are not more incidents in MOA areas if that's the case scary stuff.
  24. If the jet was ifr and the cessna VFR shouldn't they have had 500ft vertical separation
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