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Everything posted by ozbear

  1. I wondered what the trelleborg were like
  2. One of the ones I have now is flat but only on the bottom lol thanks Geoff:)
  3. Wondering what tyres are the best for the Foxbat 15x6.00-6 any advise appreciated.
  4. Hi Nev I think the answer to making it practical is battery storage technology as that improves things will change look at model aircraft now they used to be all glo or diesel now it's electric .
  5. N We have one in a flightstar in our hangar new in 2002 sat for seven years with the owner charging it now and then ,the aircraft was put back in the air in 2014 the Oddysey is still going now
  6. I don't care about the governments revenue but I do care about safety in the circuit so no call sign but give basic information at least is better than nothing .
  7. Call the Thunderbirds
  8. I agree Doug I won't go into specifics but have noticed VH aircraft not in my area giving no calls at all whilst RA aircraft always making calls due to restricted Database access I assume
  9. Do landing fees lead to less transmissions or no transmissions in CTAFs therefore a safety issue ?
  10. My theory is its in Iran
  11. I would have to say the Foxbat A22
  12. You could track it down to rings or valves by doing a leak down test with compressed air into the spark plug hole with a proper adaptor . On top dead centre firing stroke you will hear air coming out the exhaust if it's the ex valve,out of the carbie if it's the inlet valve and out of the dipstick and breather holes if it's the rings. The one down to 48 is certainly a concern hope this helps.
  13. Our AUF Rag and Tube has morphed into RAAUS pseudo GA with rules and regulations to match you need to be a barrister to wade through it all.
  14. The dji phantoms have a auto land system that activates when they get within a certain distance of airports which means they have an onboard database
  15. Could I suggest Orange a large country town upgraded airport with RPT service .GA and RAAUS training tar and grass strips Office could be based at airport in a large hangar earning rental income .
  16. You've hit the nail on the head Ian maybe a flywheel incorporating a harmonic balancer might be the answer
  17. So what forces are acting on the flywheel to need all of that it's not driving anything only the engine when the starter is engaged is my point yes more torque on the bolts might be the answer I'm not arguing just asking
  18. Dowels take some of the torque off the bolts they are used in many high performance applications but properly harmonically balanced engines are probably the answer here it's not even driving a clutch /gearbox/tail shaft/diff or the vehicle.Making something bigger heavier and stronger isn't always the answer.
  19. Are you guys talking about a old Harley or my ex wife ?
  20. I think Thommo is flying that
  21. Sorry O.K I was more adding to than disagreeing yes it maybe it could also mean Jab drivers are better prepared for engine problems and always looking for somewhere to Outland as all pilots should.
  22. But how many of those fatals can be attributed to engine failure? Just being powered by rotax doesn't make them more prone to fatalities things like VFR into IMC and codger factor (old blokes in fast planes) might be more like it.as well as airframes like the RV that aren't very crash friendly.
  23. I think it has a lot to do with this thread I think jabiru should offer the Rotax engine option they would probably be a world beater and be a short term answer to their problems it's probably been said before .
  24. So by the look of it you have a 912 in your jab is that right Ian
  25. Yes your right Bex if a politician buys himself a BRS distributorship then they will be mandatory.
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