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Everything posted by ozbear

  1. Maybe a ballistic recovery system as well .
  2. From memory they were 060 oversize v6 Holden pistons to prevent reboreing of the cylinders and subaru bearings on the crank with honda valves in the earlier engines not sure about the later engines .
  3. These are pics of a 912uls with 1200 hrs on it run only on mogas carbon was wiped off piston with a rag inside tappett covers looks like new hone marks still in bore
  4. Well he would be in a good bargaining position right now If a good 230 came along at the right price I would still buy it .Its an ill wind that doesn't blow some good.
  5. I'm sure I've got an old VW engine in my scrap pile I might drag that out and put my jab engine in my ride on mower !
  6. Mudgee has right hand circuits on 22 and 16 maybe something to do with it.
  7. Many owners of 912 series engines don't know about the calendar time expiration of their engines I've spoken to a couple with 10 and 12 yo aircraft and they didn't have a clue.
  8. Hi I hope you don't mind I thought I'd revive this thread and add a link http://ctaf.com.au/viewtopic.php?id=282
  9. Congrats Mike well earned:)
  10. Great pic Ozzie the earlier links on this thread don't work has anybody got links that work or more pics of the Opal
  11. I just thought I might resurrect this thread I've just read that Dean Winton Scott's brother is trying to restore the Opal to flying condition to complete its original mission a transcontinental east to west flight there is a fund set up if you want to donate .I think it's a worthwhile cause.
  12. I think your rear end is safe dazza I reckon the Iranians have got it
  13. My little jab engine is running perfectly but would like to think it has a good back up service and parts team if needed how you treat past customers keeps new clients coming through the doors is the best advertisement you can get.
  14. Tomo I don't think you would be disappointed in a Thruster especially a t500 with a 582 up front
  15. Hi Nev just think of the very first flying doctors following roads railway lines and rivers by moonlight
  16. Currently running 7 to 10 working days for renewals excellent improvement on 12 months ago.
  17. If the D motor was priced a bit more competitively it would be a good option as well then there's the option of a second hand 912 with hrs remaining 100hp would be handy
  18. I paid mine on line as soon as I received the renewal it took about 4 weeks it was only out of rego for 3 days it was 8 weeks last year things r looking up :)
  19. The biggest problem is where steel meets alloy dissimilar metals tend to corrode even without moisture present
  20. Surely some common sense could be used not everyone landing at whyalla as a passenger has a ASIC card you having one and escorting her should be enough
  21. Well Dave The biggest problem with older aircraft is corrosion and the cost of repairing it the 120 is the cheaper version of the 140 without flaps or electrics originally about $3000.00 us new as said earlier the SIDS compliance is also a big thing
  22. Try one you won't regret it they are very addictive good cruise low stall great short field the only downside is the price for a new one
  23. The Xair Hanaman or Hawk also
  24. Is that like a STD sexually transmitted dept
  25. This thread is very informative thanks to all contributors just wondering the average cost of SIDS for the cessnas in particular the 152 and 172
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