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Everything posted by ozbear

  1. Let us know if it works if so I will do the same.
  2. Me too I got a 10 for the price of 12 deal
  3. Well there you go I didn't even notice the thumbs down icon look out I'm armed and dangerous now
  4. heres another pic from memory in the early days 1 lightwing went to malaysia for training and border observation but their maintanence of the 532/582 rotax fell well short of what was needed ie poor fuel and the fact you needed oil in it.Here is another pic of 250080
  5. Yes It is rego 250080 I purchased it from Ross Fidock from Dubbo who purchased it from the first owner in a place called Penong SA .its on the website under aircraft database.I will try and find some more picsand post them.
  6. Hi flyerme I just found from the ALW website that my aircraft was number 4 I for some reason thought it was number 6 glad to see she is still flying maybe the website can help you find number 3 Regards Gary
  7. If you fly at 3000ft where I come from you would be AGL at ground level or very close
  8. I disagree haven't you heard of webinares used by the ATO and CASA the Internet is a great way to discuss relevant issues a forum is almost as good and in my opinion the board should be encouraged to use them everyone can have access at a time that suits them and questions are answered for all to see you have time to think about responses and do research if you don't know the answer it works well as long as everyone respects each other .
  9. Hi Maj Could you tell me how much of the predicted expenses of 3.02 m$ for 2014 can be attributed to CASA and why can't we invoice them for that amount and expect to be paid.
  10. Yep good idea but wouldn't it be better to save the equivalent per member on the spending side putting prices up may just have a greater membership drain
  11. I have a lot of respect for Rod and agree with him. We need to not play the blame game what's done is past in my opinion it is still at the point now that it can be turned around we just need to get on top of spending somehow and get back to profit ideally or break even.
  12. It says revenue is falling when in fact it has risen I'm not a financial wizard just asking a question ,how long can it continue with such a high rate of loss
  13. Why with a predicted income of 2.58million$ is RAAUS predicting a loss of $442,000 this financial year?
  14. Here's 250080 when I owned her airframe no 6 i think sorry about the quality
  15. Well done imagine the job you could have done with a full size video camera:)
  16. I think the Skyranger has a very good supplier backup and service a very important factor in my books . Can you expand on the factory and ownership changes with the xair 80k
  17. ]Go for the David Clarke , i bought a cheap second set for passenger use and the seals fall off in hot weather and the mike boom keeps coming loose .The David Clarke H10-13.4 I find a good model.
  18. Yes Nev I think it was ,a must for a sky diving aircraft you would think
  19. I saw a great safety item fitted to the bottom of a pilots seat it worked like a inertia seat belt and locked the seat rails if the seat slipped suddenly
  20. At least you know it's in there I have seen a oil injection system not supply oil and ruin a almost brand new 175 hp evinrude hence my 582s were always pre mixed
  21. what worries me is the climb to 45000ft an experienced pilot wouldnt do that if he wanted to keep everybody on board safe
  22. There are reports the transponder was switched off along with a course and altitude change military radar shows ac well away from search area .
  23. Welcome Ben
  24. It makes you wonder who will switch from wireless to NBN
  25. I hope your right Doug I wonder what the future will be for 95-10 and -25
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