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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. This, massive issue. When I was young (Love cliches, I'm still waiting to jump into a taxi and scream follow that car!) after i left school and looking for a full time job/apprenticeship, I couldn't believe the Goverment was going to give me money for no reason. I got 3 weeks worth, it was very little and didn't feel right. I was over the moon to get a motorcycle mechanics apprenticeship. Now it's enough money to pay for their mobile phone costs and more, and that's all many of them care about. A teenage girl merely has to bear 2 or 3 children and she's set for life, as is the father/boyfriend who, cough cough, doesn't live with her. Apple just passed the Trillion dollar worth mark, first public company in history to do so, they grow while society gets smaller. Dole payments should make life difficult, not easy.
  2. I have a serious posting issues that's worst at Rec Fly. Recent weeks I have gotten a faster internet package from the same IP provider, and I have reinstalled Windows XP. Since either one of those events, I open Rec fly and any page chosen with lightning speed, scrolling, next page opens, any surfing just great. BUT... If I try to reply, the reply box at the bottom won't open for ages. The 'still loading page' is also active in the top tab. If I want to reply to someone's comment, that page opens quickly, but again, the actual reply box to type into doesn't open sometimes for minutes. This box I am writing in now for a new post took over a minute to open, and edit my post is pretty slow as well to open. The smiley icons takes ages to open here, and at another site I can not 'Like' at all, absolutely no response, but I can reply there no problem. This is what the incomplete reply box at the bottom of the page looks like after 4 minutes(!) (loading images no problem).
  3. Yeah, painful, Missus had one yesterday and ended up at the dentist. My Uncle died of asbestos-is, we cremated him, took 3 days.
  4. It used to be a secret how each manufacturer would or wouldn't test their engines, now it's a promotional gimmick to promote the reliability and endurance of their engines. There are numbers of articles and videos available describing their testing regime and endurance cycles, Ford F150 comes to mind immediately, one of which is where they tow a boat or something around the Indianapolis track WOT for 24 hours. Google is your friend.
  5. No, it's just an engine, like hundreds of other quite capable of doing the same job. Like the VWs, Honda, Toyota, Ford, Chev, etc, etc engines being widely used today. Another myth, a very strong one in the USA and Australia where you are restrained from WOT by society and law. but not every country is like that. Up until about 20 years ago, you could travel full speed on Europe's freeways, and people did, for hours on end WOT. Note the majority of those cars were around 1100 to 1300cc, and they would sit on around 140kmh screaming their tits off, the same as my Dad would do in the 70's all the way up and down the Newell Hwy WOT in our 1100cc Fiat 128 when the Newell Hwy had no speed limit. They still can/do in Germany, plenty of Youtube videos. You can in China as well, there is a speed limit, but it's more a guide, and if you're doing 200, I will, err I mean, drivers will get a stern phone call telling you to slow down. But maybe someone can point me to an empirical data base of engines that fail at 75% load after some hours? Yeah, nah, there is no such data base because engines (modern) don't fail at those loads, nor WOT. So the people who continually state this absolute B/S myth, could please let me know where your information is coming from ...? The classic statement. Anyone here aware of how an engine is "designed" to accomplish certain parameters, or are you all just parroting previously parroted information over and over? This one makes me chuckle, I can just see the Rotax Engineers, designers of some of the highest specific hp modern production engines in the World, assembled at the meeting after the decision was made to build an aero engine (4 stroke), looking over the design parameters, and one of them puts a hand up: "Excuse me, what exactly is a 'pushrod'?...." Of course the sad side of that is the engines that Aero don't get from them as they are smart enough to build for the Luddites and not what they can actually build.
  6. This is one of the largest nonsensical myths going, that an automotive engine can't take full noise constantly, let alone 75%. I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me how a connecting rod (whichever component) knows how it's inside an aircraft engine (sic) or a lawnmower. FWIW, Aeromomentum's Suzuki G13Bs have been used for airboats at full noise for many years now, if I remember correctly about 70 running. They recently changed one out of a professional fisherman's airboat at 4000 hrs, and they have numbers over 1000 hours. Oh, and it cost the guy about $3000 to change out for a brand new long engine.
  7. Absolute myth. I guess this nonsensical myth came from the original and horrid all aluminium 10A engine of the 1960s. On paper the weight, power and 7000 rpm was quite astounding in comparison to predominately British equivalents of the time, but more astonishing was their failure rate, which caused them to go away from using aluminium to cast iron for the side plates and center section. By today's standards, a Rotary is heavy and underpowered. You can go to Honda and buy a Honda 2000 Sports with a 9000 rpm redline with a 3 year warranty. At 9000 rpm a Rotary lasts as long as a 16 year old with a girly magazine. Plenty of cars have a 7000 or more redline these days. Any modern piston engine today will weigh less, produce more power and use a lot less fuel along the way. Direct injection even more so, and that's before we start comparing turbo versions. Go look up the power and weights of some comparable class engines. Rotary's have a smaller physical size (not lighter, smaller), and their mass center can be more easily placed, about their only advantage. Anyway, I'm just offering factual information, I have no cheese in this pizza, no benefit to me in anyway to pursue it further.
  8. - Does it run mate? - Your Son ever use it on weekends? I think you should do better than 2100 hours, it might be fine but it's right at the far end of time.
  9. The latest owners, about the 27th I think, actually might get something done with it. I spoke to the 2nd last owners about producing it and he, an Englishman, was busy touring Oz on a motorcycle at the time, and was going to get back to me .... They never will. They are at 25% now, can't ever see them getting past 30%, and if, not when, battery storage ever reach 50% efficiency of fossil fuels, then they will be viable. That is an absolute myth Skippy, go check out what a Rotary actually weighs, 13B or Renesis being the most widely used, and then go look at what one weighs with a redrive attached, then you do the power to weight calcs yourself and, after you have fainted, get back to us... But your not alone, this whole thread should be called Mythdusters with the amount of myths and lores that have been dusted off, once again.
  10. I'm guessing you didn't see your own contradiction there, who's fault is it that both Parties drop their pants and take it up the nether regions from the Yanks? Yeah, the voters. Embarrassing that New Zealand can tell them to sod off isn't it. The incredible irony there is that you believe those lies to be true because it's forced down your throat almost daily by an apparently "Free Press", what a joke. I own a Law Firm here, most know that, or at least know my Missus is a prominent Lawyer here, so it's a a bit silly to state to me what the Judicial system here is like isn't it. I talk in depth about individual law cases every single day, I just got back from another city sitting with my Missus and 2 separate clients all afternoon, and what do you suppose we talked about on the hour drive home? - how many Chinese cases have you guys been involved with? And yeah, I drove there and back on a section of the world's longest freeway sitting on 120 to 140 klicks. It's nearly 3000kms long. G5 Beijing–Kunming Expressway - Wikipedia One of the many bullet train routes runs almost the same entire length as well, Chengdu to Beijing, $80 for a ticket. How's the Sydney to Brisbane NSW Nth Coast section coming along BTW? The Press in China is relatively free to report whatever facts they like, in Aus or USA they merely add words such "alleged", "suspected of", "opinion" and other immunity key words to say whatever unfounded crap they want to about anyone. Being "free" to say whatever Bollshot you want isn't a win for anybody. Slightly related, large protest came by my house a few nights ago down the main road, police presence for turning the angry car drivers around sending them back the way they came - they were all arrested of course, I say that because that's the only ending that fits into some of your states of minds. That's what you want to hear, admit it. Point with that is, I see daily what goes on in China, 13 years now, all you guys get is nonsensical American derived propaganda. I don't know where that paranoia comes from, quite laughable really considering Oz is a lackey for America. Boy, get some of your warships into the South China Seas now! Yeah Masta, gone thar right awey Masta .. By the way, that unbiased Western Free Press usually show a tight cropped map of the China Sea, they never show you this ...
  11. Because it's a myth thrust upon the ignorant public once again by disruptive force for their own gain, usually the ALP, but certainly the Greens. In the case of the Greens at least they usually present a policy for the extra money, usually ridiculous but a plan none the less. The ALP simply do it to get votes by disruption, and then do nothing different. How in the hell do people think Companies don't pay tax? - They pay tax left right and center the whole way down the line for everything they do. GST on everything they sell and buy, taxes on fuels, taxes on properties, and on what planet do you think the workers aren't paying income tax? All that tax comes about because of that Company. And then there's the micro-economic structure directly supported by the Company, the delivery trucks, the sub-contractors, the supply companies, the food, the toilet rolls, the electricity and gas, the public transport (oops Australia, forget public transport), the fuel taxes from everybody traveling there, the list is long and is why Holden, Ford and Toyota closing up is costing 50,000 jobs within the micro-economic structures surrounding them. Yeah, sure, Companies don't pay tax. And here's my further thought on that, so 'fin what if they don't pay "enough" company tax*? What then? Gee, the Company has more money for R&D, more money for expansion and more jobs, or retain current jobs. And sure, the Shareholders will get more, and so what? - they will spend it on boats, cars, larger houses, holidays, i.e. micro-economic structures that keep others employed, and, wait for it ...... more taxes paid the whole way down the line. Or would you rather give that money to the hands of the Government so that they can use it to pay the dole for those who can't be fitted into the now shrunken micro-economic structures ... Think about how easy it is for someone like the ALP to alert the gaze of the common worker by simply starting with "Those wealthy bastards at the top ....." and how all this nonsense starts in the first place. * For what it's worth, I am heavily anti- 'profits going overseas'. Overseas companies should have the crap taxed out of their profits, but not Australian based profits. Who are the wealthiest and highest living standards countries in the World? Yep, that's right, the ones with lots of big Companies and Corporations who are well supported by their Governments. But please do post again via your Government assisted Corporation developed plastic computer, Internet, electricity, transmission lines, satellites, etc. How is hypocrisy spelt? s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-m.
  12. Number 1, not even a question about it. You will lose no perceivable strength.
  13. Most People don't understand the Ukraine conflict is actually about that the Ukraine is potentially the 3rd largest supplier of food on the planet. That's why Germany/USA were peeved that the (democratically) elected Government decided to sign trade deals with Russia rather than them. China pay ALL FARMERS a pension, profitable farms or not. A few less immigrants and a bit more investment into our Farmers ..... but the majority here will vote ALP or Lib and feel good about yourselves next election, and nothing will change. It never does. Get rid of the cotton farms, no need for the scum water thieves in Australia, replace them with real farms who will use a hundreth of the water. Oh by the way, China are going full speed with trials of rice and wheat that grow in seawater, this is HUGE, and something I expect from the CSIRO, who else grew up with those brilliant CSIRO shorts on the ABC as a kid? - but since grants to them have been cut ..... damn I feel safer with those 6 Drones for 7 Billion dollars, you know, the important stuff. And are you all aware of the 'Belt and Road' initiative by China? I bet it doesn't get much airplay in Oz. Railways (some now completed) and Seaways connecting the 70 Countries that have now sign up for it for joint trade. Wanna guess who hasn't joined in? America and it's 2 lackeys, Japan and Australia, and are now planning their own. Money and profit from trade that could be supporting our Farmers. Why is this important? 2016 exports to China from Australia = $65 Billion dollars for a $20 Billion trade PROFIT, Vs $9 Billion dollars export to the USA for a $10 Billion dollar trade LOSS. (China is one of only 4 countries we make a trade profit from, and is number 1) .. and yet we do everything possible to pee China off, who have other trade options. We go the the China South Sea and we give 100's of millions to surrounding countries to park warships in, say no to the Belt and Road initiative, and worst of all, saber rattle - all on America's behalf. But you Guys go right ahead and blindly vote for America, err I mean ALP or Libs next election and keep hurting our Farmers, which is our future lively hood. No one ever mentions Singapore who are the number one land purchases, and China is only number 2 if you include Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao as a group, otherwise China (Mainland) are number 3 behind Korea. America take the most monetary profit out of the country from their investments, ever hear anything disparaging about that? I mean Holden were an Aussie icon, lets just pretend that all the profits and more (theft of Government grants) didn't go straight to America.
  14. Obviously not true for all, but driving around in the country a lot previously while working on the drilling rig, hard not to notice the new cars, the large new'ish houses and the underworked, new million dollar massive tractors in the sheds. And the famer would drop by the rig and say hello in his brand new, full spec Landcruiser telling you how bad things were ... Clearly drought hits many farmers badly, I'm not disparaging that, but so does over commiting yourself with ridiculous loans from the bank.
  15. Most on HBA agree with the weight issue, their's and LSA's!
  16. I was there 10 years ago, and last year for Mum's wake. Not the place I grew up in, and I wouldn't live there now. I miss the train (diesel railcar), riding our mini bikes up the service tracks of the train line to Baxter, jumping off the pier then climbing back up from the catwalk underneath and the jetty, swimming at Fishy's Beach and further advantures with females in the boat sheds, Jack's hamburgers at the bottom of Main St, getting drunk in the footy grandstand on Friday night, the house parties of the 1970s, etc etc. ... good life. My Grandfather built about a 1/4 of the houses of 'old' Mornington. He also built the stone monument on the point above the pier.
  17. Nah, just spend up big for the 7 years, and if it goes sour you can just eat your children. Deuteronomy 28:53 And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, whom Jehovah thy God hath given thee, in the siege and in the distress wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee.
  18. Mornington hey? I grew up at 61 Hampden St when Wilsons Park looked a park and not somewhere where you would dump a stolen car.
  19. "here to steal some knowledge" Oh, you in China as well?
  20. Whats the bit that goes across perpendicular to the long straight bit? Actually I am also waiting for some American LSA news happening as we speak. Important meetings at Oshkosh say our spies. Apparently, like Australia, the FAA has finally woken up that 600kgs does not accommodate 2 horizontally challenged males, a bit of baggage and fuel, and not everyone wants a Rotax 912 forced upon them. LSA has been a miserable failure in the USA, anyway you look at it. “The weight limit changes were a surprise part of EAA Chairman Jack Pelton’s press briefing at AirVenture on Monday. Although not everyone in the industry seemed aware of it, the higher limit is about halfway through a four-year rulemaking process. “It did surprise us, I’ll admit. I knew there was talk about it. I didn’t think it was very likely to go through,” {Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association President] Johnson said… They’re going to go away from a number, which today is 1320 pounds for landplanes and 1430 pounds for seaplanes. That number will disappear and it will be a formula to arrive at it,”… He thinks it’s likely that the formula-derived weight limit could be around 750 kilograms, to match the European VLA limit. That’s 1650 pounds or about the weight of a Cessna 150. The implication is obvious: More legacy aircraft will be grandfathered into the sport pilot pool. While that may hurt the sales of new light sport airplanes, it also removes the arbitrary weight limit for manufacturers of new LSAs, potentially allowing them to offer more robust structures with more safety features and equipment…” See: https://www.avweb.com/avwebflash/new...-231227-1.html
  21. Jokes are rejoice.
  22. Tumbleweeds eh? Indicating a ghost town, eg; nothing happening. Well fact is a hell of a lot is happening but I don't feel the need to publicly explain my daily life out to people. No offense meant to the genuine interested members here. The aircraft business is a business that will be finalized, too much time and effort has gone into it not to, attention to it will return sometime after the middle of the month all going well.
  23. I'll let you know after the 15th of August. FT has been on my ignore list for years, I pulled a piece of lint off my sock yesterday, I miss that piece of lint more.
  24. They would probably laugh because it's a JOKE. Especially as an atheist has quite a degree of higher level intelligence.
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