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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. Sometimes you forget the famous stuff in some places have nothing to do with the bulk of the locals, who only tolerate it at all as it brings some money into the place. My Uncles used to be one of the major drawcards many years back.
  2. ... obviously never been to a shopping center in Logan City on a Saturday.
  3. Watch this one if you don't need to feel good about yourself, buy a Honda, and just want some interesting facts.
  4. And a free "Yeeee - Haaaa!" to boot!
  5. What makes biscuits chewy? High moisture content does; so the recipe, baking time, and temperature must be adjusted to retain moisture. Binding the water in butter, eggs, and brown sugar (it contains molasses, which is 10 percent water) with flour slows its evaporation.
  6. Wasn't this designed by our esteemed member from Evans Heads?
  7. Well, now you need to start dancing and take your top off. Frank (Farri) can give you lessons on that, I've seen his stripper pictures (true story) that's why I ended up at a Therapist.
  8. Lucky for you .. australian submarine cost blowouts - Google Search
  9. Get us to build your submarines too, we are awesome at that!
  10. You could try a new aftershave, it worked for me once.
  11. So don't go into that class, there's no rocket science involved with that decision, just don't do it.
  12. Well the idea was to keep it within Australia for Australians, not to farm it out to some wogs who can't speak English.
  13. Nothing changes overnight, the sale of ivory is now under a complete blanket ban here, for large scale ivory importation you are looking at the death penalty. And you know what the death penalty means in China. It has come about again due to the new generations coming through, and the work of a lot of celebrities, 2.3 meters or 7'6" tall Pro Basketball player Yao Ming is one of the most famous people in China, and certainly the most popular with teenage and young males, and made a full length movie a few years back that had huge impact ..
  14. I was full of hate and rage, so I went to my Therapist who suggested that I sit down, write a long letter to each of the individual people letting out all my feelings and then burn them. I did that, but now I don't know what to do with all these letters.
  15. Why is my post funny? Why can't we have a 100 cheap planes in the sky connected together with whatever radar system to cover the entire grid that coverage is required? The alternate here is to have 6 units for 7 Billion, and with past history of the Australian Defence Forces, at most 2 will be able to fly, 2 will be in for servicing, and 2 will never be working waiting for parts or something. The Nigerian Airforce has 60 Vans RV6's for training and basic survelliance, Taiwan in the past had also 60 similar type and size (not Vans), so why not us.
  16. Get Brumby, Morgan, whoever to produce a thousand single seat planes and put 500 pilots into them. 100 million for a thousand equipped planes, double it or triple it for running expenses, hell even if it cost a Billion whats the issue? The peripheral employment and Australian economy would benefit as a whole.
  17. Anyone know the costs of putting a satellite up over Oz to do the same job?
  18. Yup. And spent on what, that's right, the Middle East. 20 people get killed in Syria, they go to war, 250 school girls get kidnapped in Africa by a genuine terrorist group, and nothing. Thousands of Christians murdered, tortued, raped etc in Indonesia every year and we give them 300 million in Aid. There is something badly wrong with the world today, and it's called Israel. The USA could run a basic free health system for their population for a 100 Billion per year. Old news, and no longer true. Most have no idea of the depth, vigilance and spending going on here on the 'clean up'. The Youth of China are as highly educated, and just as motivated and vigilant as any other Nation on Climate Change and environmental impacts. Japan, for one example, has been doing it since industrialisation, difference is China uses all it's resources available to it, Japan does not. Imagine wanting to pull your own people out of poverty, the nerve of them Australia's wealth comes from "happily sacrificing" and selling it's own resources, so I'm not sure what leg you're standing on there. Maybe Australia should have spent a few hundred million keeping Holden, Ford and Toyota in Australia rather than spending billions supporting America's military machine? It's what China does for it's Auto Industry, and ironically, so does America.
  19. The term "parking by braille" comes to mind!
  20. Great stuff, and bugger me, I didn't know there was a volcano there! You're not only entertaining, you're educational as well!
  21. Bahaha! That came out of left center, well played Sir!
  22. Jet Pack Man at 6 minutes, 28 seconds ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4GJQhuxaII
  23. There's lots of aviation related to these stories, look at the viewing total to tell you if it's worthwhile or not, or just be pleased that some of us are happy to read the stuff.
  24. "fuel injected" - I know who I would be contacting first, the manufacturer of the fuel injection system.
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