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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. I'm on heavy medication, it's not my usual character.
  2. I am the father of 3 Daughters and 3 Grand daughters, this wells me up, and I can't come close to imagining what you're going through. There ain't no words.
  3. Sadly there's nothing unique about that at all, generally across the board for just about everything sold in Oz, or rules for sports, workplace, etc for the last 50 years. It has made everything more expensive than it had to be. Our 'Public Service' is an oxymoron, with emphasis on the moron part of it.
  4. Sent the files, but 3 points to be aware of: They are largish files, might exceed your email download limit. I am in China, some servers services don't like emails from China, so if not there check your trash or junk inbox Most are PDF files, you may want to put them on a USB and take them to a print shop. Sherbrooke Street is the longest street in Montreal, Canada. and finally, 3 out of 10 people can't count.
  5. I have numbers of Morgan Sierra parts laying around, they are not for sale but I am happy to give you the dimensions etc so you can make the parts yourself. Nothing in them is so special you couldn't make it in a home workshop. PM me with you email and I'll send you some other info for them.
  6. Have you tried Aloha Airlines?
  7. Absolutely fan bloody tastic, made my day seeing this!
  8. Tom Hanks at his best. Or are you telling us you're having dinner with Catherine Zeta Jones ...
  9. What this is telling me is to never travel with you ! Hope all is well for your Daughter Mate.
  10. It has some potentials there to fail at any moment.
  11. This. There's a number of questionable things he does that he needs someone with experience hanging around to mention them to him as he goes. Might fly for years, and make all the knockers look silly, but also one day one of those questionable items is going to make for a bad scenerio, suddenly.
  12. Find out what some of the locals have, nice to gather information on type and make new freinds that way.. Zenith, Savanha, Cessna 150, Jabiru going by your price, but have you considered a Drifter, or is that too open for you? Have a look through Frank's thread for the drifter experience ..
  13. Video of the crash has been released ... https://au.news.yahoo.com/footage-fiery-plane-crash-killed-hero-pilot-092943443.html?guccounter=1
  14. I was going to post that it was made by Socata, it looked so darn French, but I searched every Socata model and drew a blank.
  15. The airport has been there since 1949, what more can you say except move if you don't like it.
  16. Out of pure curiosity and no disrespect meant to anyone, just pure analytical research, I just Googled car accidents in Morabbin/Mordy, I'm sure you could all pre-guess the extensive results.
  17. No more beers for you.
  18. Was his name Max by chance .....
  19. Fantastic stuff JG, thanks very much for the effort.
  20. Just a simple comment that the pilots knew at that height that it was unsavable, and there wasn't going to be any chance of recovery so why wait around.
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