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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. I admit to racially profiling and thinking 'Some stupid American', surprised to find Belgium.
  2. My 2nd daughter used to drag her tail around for damn near 2 years, but eventually she learned to walk like a normal person. I have no intention of going backwards in design to pacify some old gits who think radials spitting hot oil into their leather goggles while they're out on the wing adjusting the fuel mixture mid-flight romanticizing about the time they fought off 6 machine gun wielding Germans armed only with a pen-knife and a toothbrush is how flying should be. I'm not trying to be obtuse when I say I flat out don't care. I'm trying to make a cheap, functional aircraft, not win a beauty contest. Now, back to kicking my dog ....
  3. ... and you would be correct, same as Sonex do their rudders, and same as thousands of ailerons are done. ... or I did a "mother of all f**kups" while measuring .... You can see the hinges on this side (right side) and the horn sticking out further, now that the rudder is sort of finally fitted, I think ... maybe ... I probably should clean all my dirty paw prints off before I take pictures. The rudder isn't an odd shape, it's sitting 30 degrees to the left here .. I also redesigned the aileron balance arm gussets, nicer looking and stronger design, not that you'll see them under the eventual fiberglass caps ...
  4. Umm, press the button in the middle of the steering wheel? Well I am a Western man in Asia.
  5. .. and today made the rudder horn. You will understand it better when I put it all together tomorrow.
  6. I have quite a pile of aluminium scrap built up now as I rapidly learn the new CNC Router, almost 3 weeks now. But pleased to say, my understanding for what I want it to do, though still not second nature, is getting pretty good, and today I finally achieved parts, the rudder in this case, to my standard of quality and precision. It's almost dead flat on both surfaces and the rivets just fall into the perfectly matched holes. So now to start moving forward again!
  7. Issue is that a number of Politicians are on the bandwagon to get those vile votes.
  8. Something sensible for a change from the vile around at the moment surrounding the virus. Of course I don't agree with the "go vegan" overtones, but the rest is welcome relief from all the vile on the Internet currently.
  9. Yay, after learning some (lots to go) and a bit of testing, my first actual real part made. It's actually the rudder which I'm doing again, because I am very unsatisfied at the other one I did by hand with it not being dead smooth. It only takes a millimeter here and there, and it looks amateurish. The reason for CNC is the accuracy with considerable ease, that humans can rarely achieve.
  10. Tens of millions of taxis, buses and private work mini vans in China are on CNG. I would say 1 in 3 Servos are CNG here
  11. I can't remember the exact numbers, but a lot of the coal we export is hard coking coal for steel making, not going to be hurt as much as you might think.
  12. set yourself small targets to acheive and you feel like you have succeeded with them each time. Do not go to the next target until you are willing and prepared to see it through. Do not start a target late Sunday if you cant finish it because you have towork through the week, leave to start the next Fri evening or Sat morning knowing you can finish that task over the weekend.
  13. As a breaker of 4 tools over the last 2 days, and one serious crash when over running the Y axis (even bent the front facia plate), I can understand that. Mind you I was a bit pizzed that the machine didn't arrive calibrated, I sent it 1000mm up the Y axis but it only traveled 520mm, where I left it for a moment while I rang the company, they explained to me where to change the software calibration, traveled and measured the X axis which was now fine, then brain-dead me sent the Y back to zero by telling it to travel a -1000mm back to home ....... ..... but it was only 520mm from home ....
  14. And Jack Ma is an idiot. ... but who's the billionaire ...
  15. And now back to making aircraft parts, this was a 'first run for real' tentative drilling operation today, worked out superb, 166 holes along each of 3 sides (500 holes) of a 6 meter square tube . What's critically important is the accuracy for matched hole building. And here's the free program that made it so stupendously easy (2D milling that is)
  16. Well after spending most of the week sorting out and learning software and choosing between all the choices out there, yup, I'm using Sketchup. Just like the CAD program, the CAM plugin is just absolutely brilliantly simple. After I downloaded the plugin, I had a test file running in Camotics toolpath simulator in an hour, and up and running the machine within the next hour, and can now make basic files in mere minutes This was my first real test file ...
  17. YAY! My router arrived. Busy today making a little house for him and having a play with it. I would have thought the idiots would have done the calibration in the software supplied for and came with the actual machine, sigh .... By the end of the day I even got it to run a small 2D file, no tool of course, long way to go yet ... Still sorting through the various software out there too. until I find one I am comfortable with.
  18. Shock horror, a Politician looking out for themselves ... all the high level Pollys (both sides) selling off their Stocks after high level coronavirus meetings, then informing the public a few days later about the virus ... Take care Scott, jumped 20% in the last 24 hours ... https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
  19. Funny how Japan's count suddenly double after the Olympics were cancelled. Their count is very low though, but their population already has a very high percentage of daily mask wearers. They also don't shake hands ect. I just watched on the news Australian Police going around to check ordered home isolation people are actually at home ..... yup, you guessed it, with no masks on.
  20. Freezing bitterly cold countries don't exactly have to enforce lockdowns really do they, sunny Australia with luring beaches and parks is another story altogether....
  21. Great idea, hope it successfully stays up and running ...
  22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_withdrawn_drugs I'm pretty sure if you read back you'll find I agree and said "raw" Vitamin C in tablet or powder form, and you are correct, the body will excrete any excess. That will vary between people. So in summary, it's cheap, it can't hurt you, zero risk, and is thought to have numerous benefits that may help your immune system fight this virus, and that may make the difference for some of you. Even many Chinese chemists sell the expensive processed flavoured crap in order to make bigger profits, but otherwise I can buy raw tablets in small small bottles for cents in the dollar, and in Aus previously I used to buy the raw powder direct from some chemists for cheap. Mixed it in a glass of any fruit juice, don't eat a teaspoon raw, ask me how I know .... lol! I prefer bronze I think, concrete shows up the bird shite.
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