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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. I made it, in Shenzen and still alive! I actually went to Zhuhai and caught the ferry to Shenzen to look at the Zhuhai to Hong Kong bridge, holy mother of dog, it is surreal, it's a bizzarely long bridge sitting out in the middle of the sea, utterly out of place. Google pictures of it, but they don't come close to seeing it for real. Go to China not just to see the Great Wall, but now also the Great Bridge.
  2. Agree, use double washers, the largest diameter practical but thin, and a normal washer on that one to spread the load. Use crappy punched washers that have a predominate curved smooth side, and use that on the fiberglass surface.
  3. Thanks Mate, going to change my Will tomorrow to include you, just in case. I'm leaving you my pristine VN Commodore with only 420,000 kms. The undercoat hides the rust very well and you'll only need 4 wheels to get it onto a trailer, you can keep the bricks. Pick up anytime from Logan City, easy to spot out in the street. Ignore the Council notices.
  4. Just booked tickets to Hong Kong and back on the weekend (business), right in the prime time and area for it to take out a plane .... Mind you, probably a Chinese airline so I was already taking a chance ...
  5. I am less worried now that the BBC have just reported that Tiangong "may" hit Earth, clearly there's a chance it might miss then. You obviously don't read some of the websites I read .... Also I was just thinking, if it lands in America, I wonder what the tariffs will be?
  6. You came to the right place for Savanna info ...
  7. Most of parts Rod McNeill has painstakingly crafted from hand. ... showing picture of Holley carby on Chev engine
  8. The word direct from Dave Cooper's mouth himself is ZERO washin/washout.
  9. Research Autoflight New Zealand, Neil Hinz. Probably the best, but no idea of the price.
  10. I found a lamp with a Genie and got one wish, "I want to be hung like a Black Man!" I said! Then suddenly appeared before me a dozen members of the KKK.....
  11. Doesn't sound right. I just shot an email off to Dave Cooper for other reasons, but have included your inquiry.
  12. We have odd people here.
  13. There's only been one recorded hit on a human from space debris in all of history, a woman who ended up with a huge black bruise on her leg. My Mum got hit by the nut of a slasher blade bolt when the blade came off (and whizzed past her head) and left a huge black bruise on her leg, and I have been hit in the eye by debris from a whipper snipper. So I am infinitely more concerned about someone mowing near me than I am about a satellite re-entry.
  14. I would equate the cross section of dogs to being similar in character to humans, most are friendly and reasonable, and then you get your a-holes as well.
  15. Not true. Why don't you guys buy 2 strokes then, you can't get "less moving parts" count and lower weight. Aircraft engines will stay being sub-standard as long as the market continues to make it's demands based on nonsensical myths and lore.
  16. Well done you!
  17. Ashley they do, they are compressed and store the energy. A spring is a spring, metal or rubber. Every time the subject comes up you desperately argue against them. There is no magic that's going to save you over tiger terrain, there is no magic that's going to stop you from a flat spin, 2 of which have already killed 4 people in Australia this year. Those 4 people were flying in the very latest in tech certified aircraft, and had certified teaching pilots in both, yet they are dead against your constant proffering that "well trained Pilots in well maintained aircraft" will save the day. And they were flying over good clear ground. How many other fatal accidents just this year alone would you like exampled where a chute would have save lives. Well of course "Real Men" walk out on the wing and fix the motor themselves. Apparently.
  18. Well at least in NT's case he would squash the Crocs first. Obviously you are not aware of how much damage truth and facts do to the Internet.
  19. Well that's a little obvious I guess, but my question was directed to a person who "just made it" to open ground, as to their thinking towards BRS after such an incident. Note that I am unaware of NT's thinking towards BRS previously. I presume you have one because you are aware that these situations can and do occur?
  20. Firstly, great human result. What's your personal view on BRS parachutes after this incident?
  21. Welcome, jump right in.
  22. He has a body harness if you look carefully. Numbers of people survive shark attacks, 500 ft falls, not so much.
  23. Could you back that statement up with some facts please? Well, no, they have had known failures, enough for them to go back and redesign them again, and you are starting all over again with the unknown on the second design release. I've actually grown to like the concept after initial shock of, and laughing at someone releasing a sidevalve, but why on earth would you take one over a Rotax 912 at the similar price.
  24. I see the Aeromomentum had no failures at all so the choice is clear - that's the sort of twist you can do with statistics you know. There's a couple of brands there I know for fact there has been more failures than listed, so the actual number's validity worries me a bit. But at the end of the day, all those reports tell me is get a BRS parachute.
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