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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. In the case of these 2 that you are comparing directly here, I feel you get what you pay for. Depending on plane, I think the Aeromomentum is a valid choice too, especially if you are hedging over money, and especially long term costs.
  2. Look out, Onetrack's on the PC warpath today
  3. I'll be right Mate, if a lady can't take that sort of humour then there's no way she's coming to my house to cook and clean for me. So your riding along in an Army chopper over hostile grounds and suddenly bullets rip through the craft and the pilot takes one in the arm and in the leg ... Would you prefer that Pilot to be of which sex at that point in time?
  4. I'll invite them in for some dog stew.
  5. A woman parking, not much more to be said.
  6. Family friendly joke, read between the lines ... A man had a bit of a problem downstairs and made an appointment at the appropriate specialist hospital. After arriving for his appointment and being led down a corridor by a Matron, he noticed one man alone in a room holding a gentlemen's magazine and being very active with his hand. He inquired with the Matron as to what that was about? Oh, he is here as he has a 'pressure problem' which currently needs to be relieved 4 or 5 times a day or some nasty consequences will arise. Walking a bit further, they walked past another room and there was a man in a similar situation, however in this case an attractive nurse was 'assisting' him. Again he enquired with the Matron as to what that was about? Matron replies that he also had a 'similar pressure' issue. Ahh, said the man, but why the nurse to assist? Matron replies: Better Health Insurance.
  7. What about the Rolex?
  8. I used to start Jimmy 6-71s on the floor, a few V8s and had a 4 and a 3 through the place once. Smooth as silk, although you got to hold them when you blip the throttle, but the noise is quite the thing! There was a local rubbish truck (large skips) that had a Jimmy 6 with an Allison auto, man it screamed along! Apparently it's route was being changed often due to complaints!
  9. The original I still think is the best, Giles Puckett's "Tubemiter.exe", it's round the net.
  10. You couldn't have taken that seriously when you wrote it Bruce? Only 1 Murder? Try about 1000 per year, which is still very low relative to per head to other countries. Even though still low, there is a cultural embarrassment about murder in Japan that has led to experts believing that many suicides, which is one of the highest in the world to offset the low murder rate, and other accidents, are actually murders but a refusal to report them as such.
  11. And here's a hole. Draw a circle on a part, extrude through, highlight as required, Intersect faces and delete what you don't want. You can also extrude a tube isolated from the other parts, 'Group' it, then position it where ever you want that hole, then 'Explode' it (Edit - Face - Explode), Intersect faces etc...
  12. Marty, you may or may not know how to truncate the tube ends where they meet another tube in SU? It's also the same way the you bore a hole through any shape. Draw your tube up to or through the other tube or shape otherwise Highlight all interconnecting parts. The 'Edit' dropdown - select 'Intersect faces' - 'With selection' Note if your parts are already grouped this will take a while to complete. Select parts individually and group the part before it can be removed from the other part. Remove part. Notice fishmouth. The hole can be made in the other tube by highlighting it and delete, or delete the black intersection lines. Sometimes can right sweep and select the lot, sometimes I have to delete the segments one at a time (PIA).
  13. So Abdul the Muslim just loves food and he just has to know what pork tastes like. So he slips to the other side of town where no one knows him, finds a restaurant, looks at the menu and orders 'Suckling Pig' on the recommendation of the Waiter. Out comes the small pig on a baking tray, and wouldn't you know it, Abdul's cousin Yasmin walks in the door at the same! "Abdul, what are you doing? Have you forgotten the teachings of the Koran!!" Abdul replies, "What the hell, I ordered baked apple and this is how it comes? ...."
  14. Target fixation is an attentional phenomenon observed in humans in which an individual becomes so focused on an observed object (be it a target or hazard) that they inadvertently increase their risk of colliding with the object. It is associated with scenarios in which the observer is in control of a high-speed vehicle or other mode of transportation, such as race-car drivers and motorcyclists. In such cases, the observer may fixate so intently on the target that they steer in the direction of their gaze, which is often the ultimate cause of a collision. The term target fixation was used in World War II fighter-bomber pilot training to describe pilots flying into targets during a strafing or bombing run. I'm in China Mate, I already have his credit card number and bank details. ...and yours.
  15. There's a name for that, a psychology term when drawn towards something you see and fear without your control, anyone know it? Next time you see the water trap, think of all the happy times swimming, playing, fishing, etc, otherwise in water, until it has equal standing with to where you want to hit to and then you won't unconsciously be drawn towards it. You're welcome, Dr Bex.
  16. Your economic facts are indisputable, in real life however, it just doesn't play out like that for cars, planes, boats, motorcycles, etc etc. People want new and the latest.
  17. Hey Dazza, haven't seen you around much recently. With just a smiggen more weight to increase safety. It's at 115kgs, around 130 would make life easier for many builders. Many in America are apparently overweight because it's so hard to build to that weight spec, but being self regulated they aren't really checked. The quite weird FAA 254lbs (115kgs) figure was apparently arrived at by math calculating impact inertia in an accident. "This is a new Part that will parallel CASR Parts 42 and 91, and apply to persons flying and maintaining these aircraft by applying appropriate requirements that may be unique to these kinds of aircraft. The rules will be consistent with Part 91 in areas of common coverage and will invoke personnel standards similar to Parts 61 and 66". I have no idea why people ever complain about public service departments .... .... because stuff from Europe was so cheap previously.
  18. To be fair it will gain altitude on the tarmac as it uses fuel. CNN ran that story on April 1st 2014 apparently.
  19. Shocking scandal with the Boeing 777, it makes you wonder just what other secrets they are keeping from the general public ... Is this the truth behind MH370?
  20. I have no idea what that means. It's going to be an interesting one, on one hand the Government is telling everyone they are saving the planet by killing IC cars, and on the other hand they will be considering taxing the saviors. They may not have much choice, who's going to make the petrol cars when the main players are only making EVs in 30 years. I know, we can buy a Holden or a Ford. Wait, what? ? China isn't so far behind America now, nearly 200 million cars Vs the US at 250 million. All cars in China are minimum Euro 3 emissions, the bulk are Euro 4 and some Euro 5. The amount of 'dirty' cars in America must be quite large as the average car age is 12 years. Point is China is having a much smaller effect there than you might think at first.
  21. The pictures taken at night show clearly the plane wasn't pushed to one side, as it should have been, and asap. There is plenty of room to the left side of the craft, maybe it was very boggy over there, maybe they could have put some planks down first. At the minimum they could have pushed it onto the verge and closed one lane only. I've just seen too many times where the Police have taken absolutely ridiculous measures without seeing the big picture, and how their actions affect a greater number of people, as you have exampled.
  22. Plane landed about 5pm, Police closed the road somewhere after 6, plane was still there during the night. Might still be there, doubt if they started looking at it until next morning, and had to get the right people there first..
  23. Spinner, come right in. The red plane, don't know, went through all the Stinsons I thought it was, then Pipers and Bearhawks, then Googled bush planes, but I give up.
  24. Yes if it was really wet it would be an issue, for the vehicles going around it, but the video in post 1 clearly shows the ute driving around it on dry, solid ground. Not that I would care if it got bogged, that's their problem, not the road users.
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