I would like a new Ferrari 548, I'm not having one because I can't afford it.
It doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't matter what evidence you offer, we can not afford to change at a rate other than a trickle over numbers of generations, it's that simple, period.
And here's the paradox, Australia needs to sell coal and iron ore (they go hand in hand, iron needs coking coal) and other 'climate damaging' minerals to be able to afford any changes. And when there is no more coal and iron ore being sold, where do you experts reckon the money to cover the costs are going to come from? You understand that coal and iron ore are our biggest sellers? We do pretty well with bauxite too, oh wait, still need coal for that aluminium ...
It's hypocritical to enjoy every part of Australia's wealth that comes from coal, iron ore, bauxite etc. and on the other hand, stand completely against it.
That's just us, there's plenty of areas that can't afford not to use coal for electricity, either we pay for them as well, when we can't afford it ourselves, or we just pretend they aren't there.
Now excuse me, I have to jump in my hydro electric power source charged electric car and nick down to the factory after finishing my soup from the veg I grew on my roof. Enjoy your drive home tonight in your particle spewing petrol powered antique with your energy sapping, sealed foodstuffs, you planet killer.