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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. I would like a new Ferrari 548, I'm not having one because I can't afford it. It doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't matter what evidence you offer, we can not afford to change at a rate other than a trickle over numbers of generations, it's that simple, period. And here's the paradox, Australia needs to sell coal and iron ore (they go hand in hand, iron needs coking coal) and other 'climate damaging' minerals to be able to afford any changes. And when there is no more coal and iron ore being sold, where do you experts reckon the money to cover the costs are going to come from? You understand that coal and iron ore are our biggest sellers? We do pretty well with bauxite too, oh wait, still need coal for that aluminium ... It's hypocritical to enjoy every part of Australia's wealth that comes from coal, iron ore, bauxite etc. and on the other hand, stand completely against it. That's just us, there's plenty of areas that can't afford not to use coal for electricity, either we pay for them as well, when we can't afford it ourselves, or we just pretend they aren't there. Now excuse me, I have to jump in my hydro electric power source charged electric car and nick down to the factory after finishing my soup from the veg I grew on my roof. Enjoy your drive home tonight in your particle spewing petrol powered antique with your energy sapping, sealed foodstuffs, you planet killer.
  2. Onetrack; It doesn't matter about the content of you post, right or wrong, there is no way the change can be supported financially, it's not going to happen, it's that simple. Labor came out in 2016 (whenever) with the launch of "50% Renewables by 2030!!" then experts, including from their own Party and even the Greens, explained what the cost would actually be, they just as quickly pulled their heads in and don't mention it (as presented) any more. I'll walk out to the street and see if an electric bus comes by, there's usually a bus every 5 minutes, and there's one of your answers, force people out of cars in city areas. Like when you go to a big sporting event, car park a few kms away with non-stop shuttle buses, ideal.
  3. Indeed true, and Ford themselves proved a few years back that with all the processes from start to finish to build, maintain and recycle an electric car, there is almost nothing to be gained with electric cars. One point usually missed though, is the density of pollution in cities, and the quality of the immediate breathing air, not to mention noise, is drastically improved by electric vehicles. I'll video one of our electric buses compared to a normal bus here and you will see (hear) the difference. Electric buses, you know, those things countries who don't waste their money on plebiscites can afford. Shenzen city (over the bridge from Hong Kong) just spent 600 million replacing every public bus with an electric one, they now have more electric public buses in one city than the entire amount of public suburban buses in all of America. China's Shenzhen city electrifies all 16,359 of its public buses
  4. Yeah, real world tests, phttt, he would have been far better off arguing about it in a forum somewhere with a bunch of experts.
  5. Moreys (Lucas) Vs STP oil additive. Run dry, the Moreys engine lasted 20 minutes, 2 times the STP engine's 10 minutes.
  6. We were smart enough to put it all around the outside.
  7. Only a year? Looks like they didn't get a University to help them then.
  8. Was a similar story for George Seppelt, known to a few of us in the know you know, you know. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007585247520
  9. Just to show you how variable it is, Toby is now in 4th just 7 mins, 30 secs behind now, and he was only 3rd fastest on today's stage! Great he made up 6 minutes to the lead in one day though. Tomorrow's stage is cancelled due to heavy rain making the stage impassable (must be pretty serious to be impassable for these guys), that isn't in Toby's favour as stamina is one of his strengths, because it gives the other guys a day's rest, as well as allowing only 4 more days rather than 5 to make up that 7 minutes. Talking about stamina, in 2016 a stage's end was cancelled just after Toby, who was first bike on the road, left the checkpoint, he was the ONLY bike rider to do the full extra 200 kms that day (he wasn't happy either!).
  10. I'm in intensive study at the moment and learning some interesting things, better than I thought actually. Stick with a simple, air cooled DC setup, big amps can be applied for about the right amount of time to get up, then back off and settle into cruise before overheating. That setup consists of batteries, DC motor and very simple DC controller, that's it. Still investigating but more suitable for homebuilt than AC which for various reasons is the preference for production aircraft such as the Pipistrel.
  11. He's in about 5th or 6th at the moment, but has fallen back a little, 13 minutes now. Amazingly that is not only still in with a great chance, not a single expert will put money on anyone in the top ten who are all within 15 minutes of the leader not winning, this event is just that hard.
  12. Wow. Great result anyway.
  13. Does that make it the "Deflatoplane" then? That reminds me, in 1827 in a graveyard in Vienna a guy was walking past Beethhoven's grave and heard strange music coming from the grave. It was very strange and music experts gathered to try to understand what the sounds were. Then suddenly one of the experts deciphered what it was, it was "Beethoven's 9th" playing backwards, most curious. The next day more strange music, with clues from the day before it was established it was "Beethoven's 8th" playing backwards. the day after it was "Beethoven's 7th" The following day as all the Experts and more who had gathered for this strange phenomenon were listening to "Beethoven's 6th" playing backwards and contemplating the meaning of it all, one of the cemetery's gravediggers was walking past, he leant his head in and asked what was going on? After carefully explaining all the recent days events and their bewilderment of it all, the Gravedigger casually replied; "Oh that's just Beethoven decomposing ......"
  14. So, I put Rockwell, Ultralight and Wood into Google and got this as number 3 hit .. Aerosport Rail - Wikipedia
  15. Nope, weird one. I'm Chinese, so I'll claim it.
  16. YAY! After day 6, (rest day yesterday) Toby's in 3rd place, now just 9 minutes down! Promising news is they are heading towards faster and harder surface stages now which is where Toby excels.
  17. This was discussed a few days ago and is suspected by some as a cause possibility of the Vans RV7 crash that was vinyl wrapped. I wouldn't use vinyl wrap because of the dangers of it peeling and interfering with the flight controls.
  18. Damn, he's fallen back today, consistently on each stage, so there's some issue. 15th and 13 minutes back, but, believe it or not, that is still very much in the hunt if everything goes well. Yay! Just read; The issues were deep sand like day 1 that he had issues with, he just isn't used to it and fell into some deep holes getting stuck, and by the day's end he is now in 6th just 10 minutes behind. "Just 10 minutes" you might ask? The Dakar with 10 days to go, 10 minutes is nothing.
  19. Send other owner on trip, strip both and change everything over. Just saying .........
  20. Also the argument against a diesel to a degree too, they can start near the same weight as petrol, eg; heavier engine, less fuel required, but land heavier. Made a decision today to follow electric power up, but will start learning with the car first, it's a bit safer!
  21. Sorry, not aviation but though you may want a report on our own Toby Price at the Dakar, the world's toughest off road event that manufacturers spend tens of millions to win. To the shock of the World, Toby Price won it in 2016, that's the motorcycle section. 2017 he was challenging for the lead until a crash put him out, and a badly broken leg. 2018; Bad first day for all the KTM riders as the very deep sand dunes did not suit their bikes, but Toby managed to hold 10th place, 6;40 seconds down. Now the end of the 3rd day and Toby has ridden supremely and fastest of all the bikes, and was in the lead of day 3, and about 3rd overall. He fell off once, and his navigational map got damaged, was hard to read as well as his drink bottle broke so he dehydrated towards the end of the day. This cost him time and he fell back to 3rd fastest time for the 230kms, and is now in 4th place overall, about 3 minutes back. I know this ain't aviation, but this is an Australian who is the best rider in the World in this arena, and you should be proud! It is the largest watched/followed single sporting event in the World. A good watch if you want to know more about the World's most famous Australian at this moment ..
  22. Tomorrow I will be meeting with the man who does the lobbying and paperwork for the yearly research grants for the group who holds the patent for it. The research grants are very lucrative, they aren't in any hurry.
  23. Love it!
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