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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. I did say "Mignet formula", i.e. 2 axis, front wing for elevation and rudder for roll. I believe I can avoid cosandey flaps too. By the way, Henri himself didn't have a problem with ailerons, he just though they were a complication and a waste of time.
  2. Welcome to the madhouse John.
  3. I've said it before, there's plenty of Ferraris and Porsches out there, Hyundais and Kias, not so much.
  4. Oh yeah, I have a Poo all ready to be squeezed out. I feel I have an answer to the crosswind issue, while retaining the simplicity that is the Mignet formula. But enough on my plate for the immediate moment.
  5. We all like a little head Kasper, I call him The Crazy Frenchman!
  6. At the moment they are just drawn up as easy remove, but one of the major complaints these days is cost of storage, so I think a manufacturer is crazy to not offer a "One man, fold'n'trailer" option, so will be working towards that goal.
  7. I laffed, but one complaint from many flyers is access so I am aiming to be one of the easiest ..
  8. Will save lives because very few people will be able to afford to fly them.
  9. The plane has little to do with the plane at the moment actually, there's a number of outside influences happening as we speak. Should have something solid information wise in the next week or 2 as to how it will tackled from here on in. There is no question about getting there, just which road. Got to get the Hi Wing started soon too. Cantilevered wing.
  10. Yup, it's quite the departure from a culture that we know, watch it again, you see more every time you do. Could you even imagine doing what they did after the tractor got hit? Did you notice they went 'X' distance, went back and kowtowed that missed distance! Sorry it's a bit off topic regarding flying, but it's pretty special, I wouldn't just link any old movie.
  11. See 3 posts above, it's on Youtube.
  12. Don't do it, you'll be besieged with adware. Does it run if you decline? It's Youku, which is China's Youtube, so should just play like Youtube without any player. I'll have a look for some other links.
  13. Yes. HANDS UP all those with a disposable $280,000 in their bank account. Yup, thought so. Hands up even those with $28,000 ... yup. You have become so accustomed to these idiotic rip off prices, it's what you expect, and so it just rolls off the end of your tongue like it's nothing to do with reality.
  14. There's some updates coming shortly, but know the delays aren't permanent. In the meantime, and I don't know where else to put it so I'll disturb my own thread, this is one very interesting or strange documentary, depending on your views on things. It's about a group of Tibetans who make a pilgrimage to Lhasa 'Kowtowing' all the way there. Kowtow is to first kneel, then bow until your head touches the ground. They walk 1,500kms and Kowtow every 7 steps! Takes them around 18 months, that I can figure, in some of the most hostile environment that is Tibet. Besides the insights into their mountain village life, a birth, a death and some of the hardships they endure, what is of great interest to me is the incredible landscapes you will see for the bulk of the movie. The cinema-photography is first class. Where they start from is about 6 hours drive South West of me and I have been fortunate enough to have driven through these areas early in their travels in the movie a few times. 冈仁波齐—在线播放—《冈仁波齐》—电影—优酷网,视频高清在线观看 English subtitled, couple of minutes adverts at the start, often stupid computer game ads. Be patient at the beginning, it is worth the wait. If you have trouble with the link, let me know.
  15. Sadly all boating, car and plane etc magazines have gone that way, paid for articles and because the sales of mags are so low nowadays they can't afford to tell the truth about what they are (allegedly) testing.
  16. What, you mean there's others at that ridiculous price!
  17. There's a lot of Australians flying Chinese routes, very rare I have flown locally and it hasn't been an Australian Captain, and there's a lot of Chinese currently training increasing in numbers who will work for cheaper here shortly. So makes me thing that a few current Australian pilots will be looking for work soon.
  18. German Pilots? Dead End Pilots? Diesel Exhaust Pilots? Draconian Empire Pilots? Disposable Elderly Pilots?
  19. Based on.
  20. Oh Mr Hart!!
  21. Google - 11 tourists killed in light aircraft crash in Tanzania - africanews
  22. I grew up with Monty Python and other comedies like The Goodies, Red Dwarf, Faulty Towers, Young Ones, Yes Minister, Porridge, etc. Nothing to do with cryptic meanings, just a simple bit of Python'ish ironic humour.
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