I guess most of you realise the recent low input is due to the passing of my Mum earlier in the month. I have been in Oz most of the time with Dad and other family in SA and Vic mostly as well as driving considerable kms between the 2.
I have just today arrived back in China.
As I intend to return again soon, possibly for Xmas with Dad, and that there is another interest that may keep me in Oz for a few months early 2018, I MIGHT be interested in getting someone over here to work in my place.
It's just a thought at the moment and might interest someone who wants aprox a 6 month working holiday who is capable of doing the assembly work similar to what you can see in this thread, while keeping some wits and some decent work standards about them while they do it. The design and prep of materials (purchase, laser, folding, etc.) is organised otherwise.
If this might interest you, PM me, but consider it's not set in stone at the moment. Age isn't an issue, indeed probably suits a more mature person. Accommodation, airfares, guide, local basic wage (bowl of rice inclusive) and a kit plane at the end is a possible package.The experience of living here for a bit can be priceless to some, while others want to leave after a couple of months, sometimes weeks. This isn't Australia, if you expect it to be, don't bother.