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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. Why, there's 140 LSA craft that meet it now. Not being combative, I honestly want to know your foundation for my own education.
  2. I think the simple solution is that it doesn't appear in "What's New", if that's possible. Off Topic followers merely have to get there manually, fine by me.
  3. As Nev indicates, the LSA stall speed was based on kinetic energy, and what could be tolerated for the safety of the Pax and people/property on the ground. Using the same equation, a heavier plane by rights should have a lower stall speed, not an increased one, so it should be appreciated if they kept it the same. I don't see why it's pointless, you can carry heavier loads, just at a slower speed, all things being equal, due to more wing required.
  4. ? Ummm, I was speaking out of fairness for all those companies now on the market who have invested time and money into meeting the current 600kgs LSA rules. Not quite sure what you mean.
  5. I don't think they should increase the stall speed, besides safety, it's an injustice to those many companies who, combined, have spent millions of dollars and millions of man hours to meet the current LSA regulations.
  6. D: Pour yourself a Whiskey?
  7. Well which is it ... Incredible, due to some simplifying that causes a minor weight increase, anyone at home could repair my beast. It's some of the more intricate and or complicated parts that you need to make things lighter that also makes it harder to repair, not to mention more expensive. What would I know though, I'm actually building it.
  8. The cabins on those examples, and many more, have collapsed. Merely pointing out the need for a rollbar, quite hard to do with the current LSA weight limit.
  9. I have. Never once even had my email acknowledged as received. DON'T THEY KNOW WHO I AM!!??
  10. Why can't you just say Monck is the CTLS dealer and you believe the push for weight increase might be beneficial to him, therefore you believe also a possible a conflict of interest, it's a reasonable statement, and no need for playing games. I would like to know which model you refer to please, that would benefit from a weight increase, if that's your assumption .. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flight_Design_CT How is it a detriment to 99.9% of Members?
  11. Personally I think that just 650kgs is needed, not 760, but an increase none the less over the current 600.. My roll cage will add almost 10 kgs by the time it's completely done, some other weight increases due to seriously cutting both costs and ease of construction, are you suggesting the status quo of expensive planes, as well as this, are acceptable? I want to build safer, cheaper aircraft, it requires a tad more weight if fat blokes, which, speaking of status quo, there is a lot of about now, want to be included. Plane manufacturers and the Governing bodies simply haven't been realistic about people getting larger, both in body mass and height.
  12. Tough decision, loses it's collector appeal if you assemble it.
  13. I kept dreaming "Horse 5, race 5, horse 5, race 5 , horse 5 , race 5.." It came 5th.
  14. I knew it, I suspected all along the weight increase in Australia was so that CTL could sell more simulators in China, it makes complete sense. Now I'm off to polish some stones down by the river so that my house paint won't fade, cause that makes complete sense too.
  15. Yup, the landing "light", was in the wing.
  16. He came in for a few hours today, and thankfully he has not only half a brain, but can see some logic in process, rare for a Chinese worker, I assure you. He\s worth 2 fish heads and a small turtle. - except he's a phoneaphile, that was starting to annoy me a bit. I sorted out the basic roll bar, which is also the front fuse to rear fuse joining frame. Bit more to go yet, a cross-brace to take seatbelts ect, but had to determine how it fits. No one is going to trip over their front wheel and end up a paraplegic in my plane. And assembled all the HS ribs today as well.
  17. I actually foresaw you posting that.
  18. I went to the Coffee Shop yesterday morning, and noticed a strange looking guy staring at me. After getting my coffee, I went and filled up with fuel, and there he was again at the Petrol Station. I then drove to work and passed a car going slowly, only to notice the same strange looking guy staring at me from his car as I went by. That evening I went to the Shopping Center and when I drove in, again the same strange looking guy was already there in the car park, staring at me. It was then I realised I was being stalked by a Psychic ....
  19. You wouldn't have a tip for Race 5 at Flemington next Saturday by chance?
  20. Reward yourself with say 4 hours on Mabel, allows you one hour on the Rans. No, no, 4 ON MABEL, and one on Rans. That is literally how I control myself in the same situation.
  21. I've got one of our other employees coming in to help me tomorrow, I'm going to get him to rill some of the tubes, there's 16 tubes to a pack, that's 8000 holes. I'm going to wait till he gets through the first pack and see the look on his face when I point out the other 7 or 8 packs ....
  22. Well it was 2057.142 actually .... I had to go and buy a really small drill bit to do that 0.142 hole.
  23. Today I grabbed 4 of my 6 meters lengths of 6061 square tube, and pre-drilled the holes in them to start on the front half of the fuse. I had already lasered and folded a couple of 1 meter long drilling jigs, and away I went ... ... Yes, I de-burred them all. As a few hours dragged on, I thought, what the heck is taking so long? Then Then I grabbed a calculator: 6 meters divided by 35mm x 12 = 2057 holes! Dang! That's what took so long! My 70 ... oops, I mean my 2024 plates arrived today too ..
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