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Everything posted by bexrbetter

  1. We're generally not that serious around here Craig, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it, but send me money if it makes you feel better.
  2. Nah, just rice and blankets.
  3. You should try China! Only difference is the payouts here are of reasonable and logical size fitting for the losses./costs incurred
  4. Damn, I wanted to read that post again.
  5. I have no problem with adverts, I appreciate the real world, it's the way adverts are presented, as mentioned, is what makes the difference.
  6. Yeah, well bad luck, get a class 2 medical (whatever). Want a weight increase for the benefit of the recreational majority, not a few others.
  7. Maximum stall speed and 2 Pax resolves most of that. You want heavier, then it's going to be slower as you'll need more wing to meet the stall limit.
  8. Regardless of model, the point was that 0.020" is not "thin" in the light aircraft business, relevant to proper engineering of course. I don't think I can help you with speed Mate, likely faster than a Jab and Sav though, but not a lot, be happy if we get 120~130mph. cruise on 100hp. The aim is budget price, not performance, to get people in the air in a simple, very stable, safe craft. Easy to repair as well, even major damage. I'll have a finished plane within 3 months if I continue to heal and slowly increase my hours at the factory from about 3 to 4 hours per day now, then it's likely off to the USA for setup and test flights, I suggest you just sit back and watch the next month's happenings as at least the outside appearances will take shape rapidly. Systems/controls of course take just as long or longer. Still a bit up in the air about engines, I have multiple choices. If not my own or another one I am associated with, then at the top of the list is the Aeromomentum. Mr AM is keen. In real actual hours, the rear fuse so far is less than a lazy weekend's effort. I lasered and folded part 1 of the rollcage yesterday, went to fit it this morning but the rivet holes didn't line up. I know why, and back at my computer now fixing it for another set to be lasered this afternoon, if I stop talking to you and get it done in time ?
  9. Yes, of course 0.5mm, or 0.020" for the Ludites. You know Zeniths, Savannah and many others use a lot of 0.4mm/0.016"? I believe the Salder Vampire even used 0.3mm/0.012" n some areas. About the only place thicknesses such as 0.75mm are used are wing and HS spars , and as doublers in various critical places, again, usually wing and HS spars.
  10. Did you know "Pop" is actually a brand? Some 100 rivets hold the Dorsal Fin to the fuse, 50 hold the VS to the Dorsal Fin, both with redundancy. All those rivets could fail and it still can not separate from the fuse. The material along the rivet lines both at the Dorsal Fin and VS attach totals 1.5mm thick and are 'C' channels. You are correct, it isn't complete yet.
  11. Not sure yet, have some ideas. It has it's design roots in the 701, being that if the 701 didn't exist, then neither would the Savannah from which I based my basics on. Believe it or not. Also, like a Sav, it's in 0.05mm, your 701 longerons and verticals are smaller, but all 1mm I believe. I think it looks "strong as an ox" due to there being no lightweight holes in the longerons, stringers or gussets. They will come later, but didn't want to go to the trouble now just to find out later I had to change things.
  12. What's a "cassette"?
  13. I can't seem to find time at the factory the last few days, house do this, house do that, but managed a couple of hours today. The VS looks a lot better with some more rivets .. And a whole lot better sitting where it's supposed to sit.
  14. That might go hand in hand with the dramatic increase of airline pilots being employed since 2010? Are those airline Pilots the increase in membership? Are they actually flying light aircraft, or just interested in all facets of flying? Has PPruNe forum increased in membership in the same period? Will Robin arrive in time to save Batman from the Riddler?
  15. Yeah well they tried putting electric cars parked doing nothing videos up, but no one watched them. Just as many petrol cars catch fire, especially recently as packaging becomes tighter and more systems involved, they merely aren't the center of attention at the moment. https://www.google.com/search?q=Ferrari+fires&newwindow=1&sxsrf=ACYBGNTmkvfwHAiC9T9XpZlZ37lm_zHiIA:1575084384938&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiYlIXK_pDmAhUUGDQIHdU6BR4Q_AUoAnoECDYQBA&biw=1024&bih=710
  16. Bark once for yes, twice for no ... lol! Proud of my Daughter who can sign in 2 sign languages (there's more than one)
  17. Ha, I read that as in Jaws: "I think you gunna need a bigger boat!" .. There's a thousand per box. I thought I had another box to hand but I didn't, well I did, but I didn't realise those were 2mm longer dang narn it. Anyway, grabbed 2 more boxes on the way home. Things are conveniently close when you live in a small country town of only 600,000.
  18. Checked out the dorsal fin/VS today. First the Fin... Then we'll need a VS. Notice the rivet box lower right hand corner is near empty .. And stuck them together Excuse that it looks a bit wavy, that's because I just ran out of rivets and only had a few to hold it together. You gotta cook the rivets a whole lot longer .. I spent a bit of time and money on that, so not throwing it in the rubbish bin. And just call it a "bin" like everyone else would ya.
  19. An arty farty shot. All the rivets were pulled by this stage.
  20. Years back I rented a house next to a deaf couple, also brilliant lip readers, was amazing. ... but oh boy did we howl in laughter when we heard the phone ringing out (landline)!! Never did understand why they had a phone, maybe for emergency. Mobile phones must be so great for them now, vibrate for notifications, and message family, friends etc.
  21. So today I added the rest of the vertical stringers, and introduced the top skin assembly to the lower skin assembly. Then I introduced the side skins Savannah builders will recognise the design concept, and thanks to Member 'Kyle Communications' for some of the info that help it happen. I went to see if the tail cone was all ok, then horrified to realise I couldn't put it on as the cone overlap inside the fuselage was larger than the tapered finishing end of the fuse! But was all ok, I managed to lift the corners of the side skins and slip it in, phew, I had in my head already started designing it! Well not much I can do further with the tail end until my 2024 sheets arrive in the next few days for the HS spars. But now the rear fuse has some form, I can get accurate measurements for the roll bar and look at creating the cabin area forward of the roll bar now. I already have a plan and basic design, I just wanted accurate proportions to work from. I spent about 5 hours on this today, the pre-matched holes are just amazing in improving assembly speed, I even took a video!
  22. Really? I've had a couple of posts edited, and one removed recently, was pretty much called a racist also, for factually explaining how some immigrants were using methods to get residential visas. In the Alan Joyce thread someone said "I wonder if Qantas gave him a big gift" and I quipped "His husband would give him a big gift" - it was removed. It was a joke, and typical Australian conversational humour at that. Why the completely irrelevant off topic about someone's marriage was even allowed to run ..... Thing is previously we could discuss things here, not racist things, but factual things, it was one of the few forums left you could express yourself. And of course hand in hand with that, you removed Off Topic because a few members forced themselves pain by continually open threads who's content they were well aware of. Yes, some threads went too far previously, but now you seem to be compensating in the opposite direction. Then you've got the insidious rat Flying Tornado who has been running around for years giving everyone the shites. Do the Facebook thing and when I ignore him he can't see what I post either. I mentioned that in 'Site Problems' but no reply, but a laughing emojie appeared, by guess who ..
  23. Some more lower stringers in today, as well as corner gussets .. A person was kind enough to suggest I run out and buy a cheap junk battery drill for de-burring, because they are weak and slow, ideal for the job ... and he was right, the drill bit is even heavier than the drill! I'll get a better bit later for it, or cut the drill bit down. Funny how you just get into a habit of doing things one way for decades, when there's better alternatives.
  24. But anyway, back to the task in hand. Only had an hour to spare today, but got to trial the very first parts ...
  25. "All" Marty? "ALL" did you say Marty? While it can help to pass the time away while eating breakfast, the sides of Corn Flakes boxes are not actually a reliable source of information. Putting "LSA" aside just for a moment, a company called Cessna, the largest light aircraft manufacturer in history, does not use 6061, they use 2024T3. Vans, who is actually the largest LSA manufacturer, by far with the RV12, don't use 6061 either, they go for the 2024T3 as well. Not to mention all their other top selling models that put them behind Cessna as number 2 light aircraft manufacturer. Then there's Gruman who's first light aircraft had 6061, but they went to 2024 on the next model. Then there's Piper, Rans, .... quite a long list of light aircraft manufacturers who don't use 6061. Oh, Zenith LSA low wings used 6061 ..... and their wings fell off. Mind you a number of Vans RV3 2024 wings fell off too. Again we come back to engineering with the material, far more important, relative, than the material itself. As for 7075, well Airbus, Boeing, huge numbers of military aircraft all use 7075 in their wings extensively, especially spars and top wing skins, because it's outstanding strength in compression that you need for a wing, it comes no better than 7075 and it's derivatives. .. But hey, above all, one thing I have learnt over the last 20 years on the internet (I joined my first forum in 1999), is that you can not beat the Internet and social media with actual facts. If 2 Members here pop their heads up and say that 7075 is bad, then there's plenty of others out there with the same thoughts spinning through their heads. Due to that sole "Internet" factor after reading Marty's comment, I changed my order to 2024T3 this arvo. So now I am protected by Cessna, Vans, Piper and many other famous light aircraft companies usage of that spec material, a clear case of social media triumphing over actual engineering. ..... not the first time, certainly far from the last.
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