Was 11 years building, testing phase now, I never looked at the kit as having a value, put the cost down as like tuition fees, that way there is no financial pressure to finish, I will never sell my plane complete either, I learnt lots during the build. So there are some compromises built into it. Its safe, a bit heavy but not really upto some other peoples “finish” expectations so may part it out to help build next one if I ever get bored with it.
about half my build time was building an auto conversion engine, silly idea for first build. But I do now have an aircraft that owes me $0. And is quite a bit of fun to fly now I sorted all the overtemp issues.
Sometimes during the build I would not go near the it for months, just reckon if your heads not in the right space, better off doing something else for awhile. Reckon If you only planning to finish it to recoupe losses, better off quitting it now and let someone else finish it as they wish, you cannot really sell for more than parts value until all the flight testing is complete, I reckon this part is harder to get done than everything before.