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Everything posted by slb

  1. He's RA-Aus so he'll be running on condition ... (sorry Maj)
  2. Turbo I agree with you. The wording of the job advert is a little worrying - sounds more like a Corporation than an overseeing type Organisation ... sounds as if RAAus are planning a major reshuffle with Assessment Programs and Managing Performance and Compliance of Trainers. Sounds costly, but is this maintenance or for operations as well? Maybe a Major Overhaul is on the cards?
  3. Sorry Dazza - I posted it in the Training thread but didn't get a response so thought I would try again to see if anyone had any details on this new job. I haven't seen it anywhere else... I had assumed it was the next phase in the Maintenance training but as Happyflyer states, the job description is a bit vague.
  4. Job advert: posted on the RA-Aus website: Training Co-ordinator – Recreational Aviation Australia (Full time) The key responsibilities of the role are To develop and implement national training strategies to ensure the continued growth and success of the business Coordinating trainers, venues and resources for course requirements. Develop, design and facilitate training and assessment programs Managing the performance and compliance of RA-Aus trainers Reporting where required
  5. So, so sorry to hear the Tragic news. Condolences to his family ..... can't think of the words right now. Just so sad to hear the news.
  6. It's coming ..... Job advert: posted on the RAAus website: Training Co-ordinator – Recreational Aviation Australia (Full time) The key responsibilities of the role are To develop and implement national training strategies to ensure the continued growth and success of the business Coordinating trainers, venues and resources for course requirements. Develop, design and facilitate training and assessment programs Managing the performance and compliance of RA-Aus trainers Reporting where required
  7. Thanks Kasper - I didn't realise that! At least if I keep the HGFA certificate current, it means I can start practicing
  8. I was going to say 'yippee ..' and then I remembered that we are issued Certificates, not Licences and these are not recognised overseas
  9. Nothing in the RAAus Ops Manual except that there is only 2 seats allowed therefore, I would think only 1 passenger allowed not 1 + 1/2 Interesting that there doesn't appear to be a minimum age either, although some of the seat belts we use in the aircraft may have one. Does anyone know?
  10. Attitude plays a big part in all this. Those with a good attitude will always seek out more information, keep up their training/skills etc and fly within their abilities and competency. If they haven't flown for a while they would fly 'carefully' until their skills were up to speed again. Those with a less than good attitude ... well, I guess this is what we're talking about. 'She'll be right attitude' just doesn't work with flying and Human Factors should be an intrinsic part of the training and not a separate subject, or module.
  11. Exactly!! and I assume this was why it was all 'just a test' (for now at least). I am guessing this will all come out in the New Technical Manual, being worked on at the moment, I understand? Not sure when it's due to be released though, and I guess everything will be explained, when it is
  12. Moved on? I thought the Tech Office was doing this ...?
  13. Not any more: it's now $200 for members Just received my renewal in the post, but I don't think I will be bothering to renew this year.
  14. Has the Test period finished yet? The website still states that: The initial phase of this package has now been developed and is designed to provide present and future L1 holders with: suggesting that there is more to come??
  15. I thought Maj already had
  16. NEW RELEASE MANDATORY ROTAX SERVICE BULLETIN: "Replacement of the overload clutch of 914 (series)" SB-914-050 / SB-914-050UL ATTENTION ROTAX 914 OWNERS, A GEARBOX SLIPPER CLUTCH RECALL MAY AFFECT YOUR ENGINE! Due to a deviation in the manufacturing process, certain ROTAX 914 series engines with optional gearbox overload clutches may be prone to unwanted slippage. Such a condition could lead to an over-rev of the engine during high power settings. The service bulletins SB-914-050 and SB-914-050UL describe the range of engine serial numbers known to be affected. Even so, not all the engines with affected serial numbers necessarily include an optional slipper clutch. To verify if your 914 engine has a slipper clutch that might be affected by this SB, a simple test can be performed by locking the crankshaft and checking for 30 degrees of free play prop movement (non slipper versions have no prop free play movement). For more information on testing your gearbox for inclusion of a slipper clutch, see this video. The SBs also define a range of gearbox serial numbers which may be affected. As with engines, not all gear boxes with affected serial numbers necessarily include a slipper clutch, therefore the same verification test can be performed by locking the crankshaft and checking for 30 degrees of free play prop movement. Also affected by this SB are any engine in which a clutch has been replaced or installed in the gearbox between November 1st 2014 and May 13th 2015 during general maintenance or overhaul. This is a MANDATORY service bulletin, and replacement of the overload clutch on affected engines must be accomplished at the next BRP maintenance event or within the next 25 hours of operation, but at the very latest by November 9th, 2015. IF you suspect a slipping clutch (observation of engine speed increasing without a corresponding increase in propeller speed) then the replacement must be carried out BEFORE THE NEXT FLIGHT. For affected new engines not yet installed in an aircraft or yet to perform first start up, the bulletin must be carried out before first engine run. Whenever conditions have resulted in the maximum engine speed or boost pressure being exceeded, the events must be recorded in the engine logbook as specified in the 914 Operator’s Manual section 4.2 and the ‘Overload Clutch breakaway torque measurement’ procedure should be performed, as described in the 914 Line Maintenance Manual chapter 05-50-00. The breakaway torque measurement usually requires the gearbox to be removed and mounted to a solid attachment. For further information on correct procedures for removal of the gearbox, see the following video.
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  17. Great news that a .pdf copy will be available I feel sorry for the non-flying members though. 'No change to membership' ..... still $100, but this used to include $90 worth of magazines hand delivered to your door. If they want the same deal, that is a huge increase! Yes, I know they can download an electronic copy for 'free', but what does the $100 cover now?
  18. (from RAAus website) Alert for pilots of aircraft operating in the Gympie area May 13, 2015 | opsassist CASA have provided a photo of a mass balance from an unidentified aircraft which was found in the Gympie area. It has been determined this part is not from the aircraft involved in the fatality near Gympie last month, however may be from an aircraft operating in or near the Gympie area. This has the potential for serious consequences if the aircraft is operated without the mass balance fitted. Please circulate this alert amongst other members, aero clubs and Flight Training Facilities in the Gympie area, for pilot’s information.
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  19. Well that's good news as my understanding was that this may have been said at a recent meeting between RAA and HGFA. I think the HGFA have PPGs and RAA have PPCs - is that correct? (I am not sure what the difference is between them)
  20. Over 70 RAA members (weightshift and 3-axis pilots) have had their names passed to the RAA Tech team apparently for completing the course so maybe RAA will start to recognise it soon?
  21. The 'Jabiru-Scimitar-hub-inspection-bulletin-06052015' is on the RAA website (under the Latest News tab as well as under Technical/Airworthiness)
  22. Good pick up kasper. There is also a rumour going around that RAA wants to off-load their PPC's so maybe that explains the somewhat strange explanation. Builder carries full responsibility - doesn't make any mention of passengers.
  23. .pdf would solve my problem too ..... let's hope the CEO gets to that part of the plan
  24. Thanks bennyboy, but goodreader is an app for an ipad. I can view and read OK, just not able to save to the laptop within the ISSUU program where the link to the magazine took me .... if that makes sense?
  25. Reading on my laptop is OK, can zoom and move around the page. I can even view photos over two pages. What I cannot do is save a copy! This means that I have to be on-line every time I want to 'pick it up' to read. This is really going to eat into my Internet quota per month. Surely if we are allowed to read it on-line there should be a free way of downloading it to be read later? (for PC users)
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