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Everything posted by slb

  1. A spiral descent is under control so you would level the wings and fly normally. However, a spiral dive is uncontrolled where a wing has stalled and I would have thought that you would have to pull the bar in to reduce the angle of attack on the stalled wing to unstall it, and then level the wings. You may need to check with your instructor for further clarification.
  2. slb

    Rotax TBO

    but have they all completed the 600hr (or 1000hrs) gearbox service? If not, then they have not complied with all the servicing requirements, which I thought was a condition to being allowed to run 'on condition'. Some of those already running on condition do not have the tools necessary to complete the normal Rotax servicing schedule, so how are they complying?
  3. slb

    Rotax TBO

    I thought all our engines were 'uncertified'?
  4. That's scary. Are you saying you were taught to push the bar forward during a side-slip or stall?
  5. Condolences to all the families concerned, including the witnesses of this tragic event. So sad to hear the news.
  6. Australian rego 32- flying in USA?
  7. They are much better now. There is a natural progression through hang gliders, motorised hang gliders, small nano trikes to single seat and on to the bigger trikes. Quite a few schools do all of them so a good mix between the disciplines now a days. How long ago did you have your trike?
  8. Have been trying to find out for you. Thought is was more RAA than HGFA due to the shift you mentioned which happened some years ago but found out today that it is closer to 50/50. HGFA have a slight lead over RAA apparently.
  9. no punchline - just agreeing with Tex
  10. Heard through the grapevine that he had an 8 hour operation, but have not heard anything since. Hope he pulls through OK
  11. One was flown to Australia, from UK by a blind man, another by a disabled man and another flew over Everest towing a hang-glider, so I have to agree with Tex
  12. Just checked the HGFA website (members area) and nothing listed under courses, but found the following: WM/Rotax Maintenance courses - 2015 venues: Possible venue in SE Qld no other details as yet. Another course listed is Strathalbyn, SA (Date TBA)
  13. and Belmont NSW on 7-8 March
  14. HGFA magazine has 7 pages this month showing these courses. Looks as if they have been to WA, SA and VIC recently. Write up shows that this course has been attended by HGFA, RAA, ASRA, SAAA, SABC, SLACWA and GA, and anyone who is interested in learning more about the Rotax engine and that they are passing the RAA guys' details to RAA Tech Office when they have completed the course. RAA magazine doesn't mention these courses though, so maybe they are doing their own courses? .
  15. Airborne Flight Training website has details about Belmont: http://airborneflighttraining.com.au/ Looks as if their flying school is up and running there already, so they would be on-site if you wanted to call in. I would give them a call first though.
  16. Not necessarily. You could log on and then get a friend (or friends) to answer for you. There would be no way of knowing who actually completed the test.
  17. As far as I know HGFA also register the base as the aircraft but they do have a separate wing logbook on their website to download for each wing, so if you have multiple wings this be of use to you.
  18. Question 3: Who is responsible for specifying the maintenance requirements for aircraft registered by R-Aus? Answer: RA-Aus this was a bit of a concern ... doesn't the Aircraft Manufacturer have a say at all?
  19. Yes, it opened up OK - do you have adobe reader installed?
  20. New L1 Maintainer Training and Assessment Site on RAA website (under Training) complete with a study guide: https://www.raa.asn.au/l1-maintainer-training-and-assessment-site/
  21. Hopefully Jabiru Team will be able to report as to how their meeting went with CASA, even if they are not able to give specific details just yet?
  22. Draft proposal for Jabiru aircraft from CASA has just been released: http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_102279
  23. Two stroke endorsement 2(s) - does this mean everyone flying a 2-stroke now has to have a flight-test to get the endorsement? or would they get this automatically if they have been flying one for a while? (Assuming that the Instructor has the endorsement himself)
  24. Not a question of either/or - the LAMEs you use have to be L2s (and financially current members of RAA) commonly known as 'LAME L2s'
  25. ... not to mention your Insurance too
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