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Everything posted by slb

  1. A better solution surley would be to check the background of the 1000 L2's from their original files. Make 2 piles: 1st pile: Those that have formal training 2nd pile: Those that haven't. Then go through the 2nd list and find out if they received any hands-on training Should narrow down the number of L2's that have appeared without any training and start with those. That seems to be what they want as per aj_richo's post above. The statement is 4 x 100 hourly. Doesn't say 4 x 100 hourly/Annual or equivalent
  2. Sad news - condolences to his family and friends
  3. The accident came just hours after a man was seriously injured in an ultralight plane crash near Ivanhoe in north-west NSW................. ..............Police are investigating the crash with assistance from the Recreational Aviation Australia. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/newslocal/south-west/female-pilot-treated-after-crashlanding-plane-at-bankstown-airport/story-fngr8hxh-1226919836935 Busy day it seems
  4. So we could end up with ... Those who are unqualified but current Those who are suitably qualified but suspended
  5. News feed: http://www.skynews.com.au/news/local/sydney/2014/05/16/cessna-crashes-in-bankstown.html No other details - just glad she was OK, but not yet clear if she was the pilot or a passenger?
  6. Does the 2-year currency apply to those who have genuine training and recognised qualifications? If you are unable to work on a particular type within the 2 years do you have to re-take your Cert IV or AME qualifications? What happens if you no longer have a qualified L2 anywhere close due only to lack or currency, not knowledge or capability. Seems like although it may be a good thing on paper, it may end up in a huge shortage of 'current' L2's available. Once out of currency how would they get it back again?
  7. So sad. I hope his daughter pulls through OK. Our thoughts are with his family.
  8. It's up and working again now
  9. Appears to be listed for GA as well as Sport Pilots: 232 Flight check system: (1)The operator of an aircraft shall establish a flight check system for each type of aircraft, setting out the procedure to be followed by the pilot in command and other flight crew members prior to and on take‑off, in flight, on landing and in emergency situations. Penalty: 25 penalty units. (2)A flight check system shall be subject to the prior approval of CASA, and CASA may at any time require the system to be revised in such manner as CASA specifies. (3)The pilot in command must ensure that the check lists of the procedures are carried in the aircraft and are located where they will be available instantly to the crew member concerned. Penalty: 10 penalty units. (4)The pilot in command shall ensure that the flight check system is carried out in detail. Penalty: 25 penalty units. (5) The operator of an aircraft must not allow the aircraft to be flown if the following requirements have not been satisfied: (a) the flight check system has been approved by CASA; (b) if CASA has required the system to be revised—the system has been revised in the manner specified by CASA. Penalty: 25 penalty units. (6) An offence against subregulation (1), (3), (4) or (5) is an offence of strict liability. Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.
  10. From what I heard, if you pass the online questions then you will retain your maintenance rating, so if you are already conducting your own maintenance this should not be a problem. If you are unable to answer the questions then I guess you will need training in the area you failed on.
  11. RA-Aus on-line shop has a Ultralight Aircraft Maintenance Log for sale ($10) http://www.raa.asn.au/shop/index.php?route=product/product&path=63&product_id=79
  12. All the info on Electronic Flight Bags can be found here: http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_101077
  13. Be very careful out there: If it happened in Germany, it could happen here too .... http://www.skynews.com.au/offbeat/article.aspx?id=945805
  14. Sorry, motzartmerv. I meant a form you can 'complete' on-line rather than one you can access online and print off.
  15. Maybe having a specific RAA defect report online form would help? It would certainly encourage more to report, would be much quicker, and if all reported defects end up with information in a speadsheet then that would enable RAA to quickly sort, and produce some interesting stats for everyone.
  16. I always thought the increase in Membership fees was because the insurance had been raised to 20mil? Under the terms of the MoU with the HGFA for CAO95:32 I thought it also had to be 20mil now ......... interesting
  17. Just saw on the RAAus website that Jill Bailey is the new Ops Manager. Congratulations Jill and congratulations to Zane for getting a good job at CASA. No doubt we will still see you around
  18. HGFA have WM Inspectors as well as WM/Rotax Maintenance personnel now. Ned, I beleive is both (and a CFI)
  19. Contact Ned at Sydney Microlight Centre http://www.sydneymicrolightcentre.com/ based at Illawarra Regional Airport
  20. Devastating news. RIP my friend, you will be sadly missed by a lot of people.
  21. Like the flowchart on the 'contacts' page?
  22. slb

    Safety Officer

    Strange there have been no replies john. After the previous thread I felt sure there were one or two out there who would know the answer
  23. Have you joined your local flying clubs? It would certainly help you to be the one with his ear to the ground
  24. and Factory built?
  25. Want to hire a VH registered plane? RPL cheapest option Have a RPL and want to buy a plane? - Has to be VH registered and LAME maintained. Want to maintain your own plane? - has to be RAA ... so what's the problem???
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