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Everything posted by slb

  1. Found it - Thanks Also a good way of finding the RAAus safety audit report ....
  2. Maybe I am missing something, but without this link ... it doesn't appear on the HGFA website. So maybe it is hidden? (or supposed to be)
  3. Can we assume you had the HGFA's permission to reproduce it here?
  4. No problems. When the batteries expire GME will replace them. Just select the branch you require on their website, then send them an email for details
  5. Great to hear they walked away though - always the best outcome. Does anyone know what type of plane?
  6. The BMAA used to produce an accident/incident report in a booklet with their magazine. Nowadays it is produced on-line. However it still keeps you current with letting you know what other pilots had 'forgotton' on their check-lists etc. close calls and other relevent information. It doesn't have to be an accident to learn from the information. RAA have their own Accident Investigators (the last course I believe, was held in 2009). They are all equipped (or share within a group) with investigation kits that they take with them. They are there to assist the police, gather the information and report back to the RAA office. Maybe they need to conduct some more courses at Canberra?
  7. http://www.theherald.com.au/story/1344975/carl-carlsens-fatal-flight/?cs=305 ....The investigation will centre on whether a fault caused the machine to stop working before it plunged from the sky. Another news clip stated there were Aviation Investigators on site.
  8. Lets hope they never have to use an Angel Flight unless its a quiet one
  9. Awful news - condolences to both families
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