Agree that Thursday was wet so numbers were really low on that day.
Friday was a nice day.
We got caught out with the $10 parking fee. A notice about it didn’t appear until Saturday.
A few people were upset about the on the day entry fee but to be honest I could have given my tickets to someone else to use as they were never checked.
Attendance on Saturday was much lower than I expected. Some of the vendors we were talking to are expecting to make a loss overall.
The seminars I attended were good (I didn’t bother with the meet the team ones).
The camping under wing was a long way from the venue itself so we didn’t see those apart from driving past, on the way in.
Watching the aircraft depart, most seemed to be VH registered on the Saturday.
I would definitely go back. The venue was nice, we could wander around and see all the aircraft. The vendors were all good and the air display was good, but I agree about the food area. We could’ve done with some bench tables, and why would they put the children’s area with bouncy castles in that area and in front of some of the vendors?
I don’t think it was advertised enough to non-RAAus people and other flying organisations. I think they were definitely expecting more to attend.