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Everything posted by slb

  1. Yes, a trike. Registered to SAFA according to reports. RIP and sincere condolences to the families of the two men
  2. To not hold the raffle is bad, but who ends up with the aircraft now that it is built and has the required hours flown? If it has to be sold, then the proceeds should definitely go to refunding the ticket sales as everyone who bought one was a potential winner.
  3. Pretty poor? I would say extremely poor that they have not provided the shortfall. All they had to announce is that they had supported the event so that one lucky winner could have the finished aircraft as promised and that hopefully next year would return a windfall back to RAA. There must be some redress to RAA for this surely. Or are they just going to say we will take the profits, but someone else can cover the losses?
  4. Agree wholeheartedly. If the flying schools taught in 2-stroke, easy to maintain aircraft then it follows that the student would buy them. There are some areas around Aus where low cost flying is endorsed by the CFI as an entry level, but as Turboplanner says, this is not promoted as a entry level in to flying by most.
  5. Older Cessnas may be cheap to buy, but expensive to maintain. Especially with SIDS which I believe is not just a one off inspection
  6. I hope you get elected Kasper. It’s about time someone called for a look at the more affordable type of flying that the majority of pilots first started with. Those with lots of spare cash will always be able to train in the heavier and faster types of aircraft but most just wish they could buy something small and affordable to start off with. The Organisations are supposed to be not for profit which means making it affordable for everyone, and encouraging new schools. If they don’t do this for the lower end, then we will lose that pathway. So well done and we all hope you get through.
  7. The L1 online test is just an exercise in looking up information as far as I know. The practical courses seem to cover mostly line maintenance so far, which everyone is allowed to do whether you are a L1 or not. So I assume there will be more courses to cover more things later on?
  8. I thought so too. The HGFA has had 20 Mil for a few years and I thought RAAus had increased theirs to match. No increase for the HGFA pilots though, so not sure why it would cost so much for a 2nd Organisation. Different Insurance Company? I guess if they both went through the same insurance Company it could reduce the costs for all.
  9. That is bad news. Isn't that where Darren Barnfield is based?
  10. At least the new board member flies a weight shift so that could be a good thing for the lower end of the membership. I mean in numbers not in Status. We now, at long last have someone to lobby on our behalf.
  11. ASRA Investigators on camera in this video confirming it was the model that was grounded. Very sad for all concerned. https://www.9news.com.au/2019/02/08/21/26/wa-gyrocopter-crash-robert-james-waughman-aircraft-should-not-have-been-flying
  12. They can't agree? i.e. fractured = split dynamic = may be No.4 i.e. they were very loud in their differences? dynamic [dʌɪˈnamɪk] ADJECTIVE (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress. "a dynamic economy" synonyms: modern · liberal · advanced · forward-looking · forward-thinking · [more] (of a person) positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas. "a dynamic young advertising executive" synonyms: energetic · spirited · active · lively · zestful · vital · vigorous · strong · [more] relating to the volume of sound produced by an instrument, voice, or recording. electronics (of a memory device) needing to be refreshed by the periodic application of a voltage. NOUN a force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process. "evaluation is part of the basic dynamic of the project" music another term for dynamics.
  13. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone ? Happy to hear you found your teeth now you can enjoy your Christmas dinner in style
  14. So what was the point of deleting/changing the online magazine? This is the third time RAAus has had to backtrack recently. What’s next?
  15. Heard the Airpark is not going ahead as the Council did not have permission to sell the land? The land outside has been given over to RVs and is time restricted. Not free as they have to pay the Football club. No camping allowed as far as I am aware. Not allowed under wing, not allowed outside either. Looks like Hervey Bay is the better option as ERSA (November 2018) states Hervey Bay is free for Recreational Flyers but not Maryborough . Parking fees and landing fees will restrict future events. The Roulettes was a great success by all accounts with plenty of parking but that was before the caravan park and once the Aviation museum goes up there will be less land outside for carparking.
  16. Have you tried the L2 list in the members area of RAAus website? There are quite a few listed for Qld. Could be worth a try. Assuming you can’t or don’t want to do your own maintenance. Might help to list what you are after, engine servicing 100hr or 200hr? Or airframe too?
  17. Part 200 of the CASRs gives exemptions to all RA-Aus aircraft from CASR’s but you are right in that all conditions of the exemptions have to be included in the RAAus manuals (Ops and Tech)
  18. I agree. It is a shame this photo appeared in the Sport Pilot magazine. Also, no photos at all of Matt Hall, and yet he was there, meeting and greeting people on the fence as well as doing a good job in the Air Show. There were many other photos that could have been used. Unfortunately the mag used the above to 'promote' the event. Strangely most of the photos and articles were form the editor this month. Hopefully that will change in the future editions.
  19. Not many members bothered to vote though. Far less than 10%
  20. Interesting comparison in this months Sport Pilot magazine with both AirVenures mentioned in separate articles. Compare the two photos used: Aus AirVenture on the left was taken on the Saturday and of course the famous USA AirVenture taken from much higher, otherwise you would not get it all in.
  21. Thanks Jaba-who. I was just wondering if it was another Trike 912-XT with an Arrow wing. I guess we will wait for a report to come in for further details .
  22. I thought it was still listed as a Not For Profit but I could be wrong
  23. This was also confirmed at the PDP by CEO when asked that particular question
  24. Agree that Thursday was wet so numbers were really low on that day. Friday was a nice day. We got caught out with the $10 parking fee. A notice about it didn’t appear until Saturday. A few people were upset about the on the day entry fee but to be honest I could have given my tickets to someone else to use as they were never checked. Attendance on Saturday was much lower than I expected. Some of the vendors we were talking to are expecting to make a loss overall. The seminars I attended were good (I didn’t bother with the meet the team ones). The camping under wing was a long way from the venue itself so we didn’t see those apart from driving past, on the way in. Watching the aircraft depart, most seemed to be VH registered on the Saturday. I would definitely go back. The venue was nice, we could wander around and see all the aircraft. The vendors were all good and the air display was good, but I agree about the food area. We could’ve done with some bench tables, and why would they put the children’s area with bouncy castles in that area and in front of some of the vendors? I don’t think it was advertised enough to non-RAAus people and other flying organisations. I think they were definitely expecting more to attend.
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