Found this on RAAus website (under Events, but you have to scroll through some pages)
Oz-Kosh is Coming
Last edited: 27 May 2016, 4:03pm
Oz-Kosh Aviation Spectacular 2016
What is Oz-Kosh?
Oz-Kosh is set to be Australia’s premier aviation gatherings.
The principal aim of Oz-Kosh is to provide a single place where by anyone with an interest in anything that flies can come together to share their passion with a likeminded community.
Oz-Kosh is being established to provide a forum whereby anyone with an aviation interest including owners, pilots, industry employees; industry suppliers and manufacturers can meet on an annual basis to learn more about the Australian aviation industry.
The ultimate vision is for Oz-Kosh’s is to be the premier aviation showcase in Australia. It does not matter if it is a model airplane, hang glider, piston or turbine powered, fixed or rotary winged, home built or manufactured, If it flies or has anything to do with flying, it should be part of Oz-Kosh.
Where will Oz-Kosh be held?
Oz-Kosh will be held at Narromine in central NSW on October 6th to 9th.
How can your club or organisation be involved.
If you are a club, society or type group, your involvement at Oz-Kosh is not only welcome, it is vital for its success.
Oz-Kosh will provide a forum whereby your association and its member’s can:
• Run and participate in seminars, how to forums and builders programs.
• Participate in other seminars and forums put on by other clubs, exhibitors and industry suppliers,
• Have a central meeting place where they can meet and share their aviation passion with other interested aviators,
• Have a central place where industry and industry specific suppliers can come and demonstrate and exhibit their latest offerings and technologies
• Have a place whereby your members and fellow aviators can come and meet industry representatives and regulators.
Foundation member organisations
Oz-Kosh will only be successful if the aviation industry invests and gets behind the event. The best way for this to happen is if as many aviation interest groups come together and encourage their respective members, and affiliated suppliers to those members, to be a part of the event.
The Oz-Kosh organisation will be established to be a non-profit organisation, whereby foundation member organizations will share in any net proceeds generated from the event for use in their respective organisations to further foster aviation in Australia.
We are seeking seed capital from foundation member organisations of $5,000. Foundation organisations who have expressed interest at this point are:
• Australian Parachute Federation
• Australian Sport Rotorcraft Association
• Australian Warbirds
• Gliding Federation of Australia
• Hang Gliding Federation of Australia
• Recreational Aviation Australia
We have received expressions of interest from the following sponsors to support the event.
• Aviation Trader
• Civil Aviation Safety Authority
• Narromine Shire Council
We will be seeking further sponsors from key aviation industry suppliers in addition to these.
Who to contact
If you would like any further information on the event, please call either Neil Unger (0468 623 933 or 02 6865 3293) or David Young (0423 003306 or 07 3188,9369).
Nothing at all on the HGFA website, so not sure if all the foundation member Organisations are still interested. Doesn't seem to be advertised very well at all, yet.