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Everything posted by slb

  1. and yet they did not hand any out to their maintenance people who are outside the aircraft. They are not sending out those who completed the Accident and Investigation course at Canberra in 2009. Equally qualified, but never used.
  2. The latest on the other forum says otherwise now, after a closer look at high res. photos.
  3. Went for a Trike flight this morning. It was beautiful, calm and peaceful. Said a quiet farewell to those who have recently passed. RIP
  4. So, so sad to hear the news. RIP Crezzi. You will be sorely missed by a lot of people.
  5. All in the new Technical Manual Section 3: Issue and Retention of Maintenance Authorities Covers L1 through to L4
  6. Found this on RAAus website (under Events, but you have to scroll through some pages) Oz-Kosh is Coming Last edited: 27 May 2016, 4:03pm Oz-Kosh Aviation Spectacular 2016 What is Oz-Kosh? Oz-Kosh is set to be Australia’s premier aviation gatherings. The principal aim of Oz-Kosh is to provide a single place where by anyone with an interest in anything that flies can come together to share their passion with a likeminded community. Oz-Kosh is being established to provide a forum whereby anyone with an aviation interest including owners, pilots, industry employees; industry suppliers and manufacturers can meet on an annual basis to learn more about the Australian aviation industry. The ultimate vision is for Oz-Kosh’s is to be the premier aviation showcase in Australia. It does not matter if it is a model airplane, hang glider, piston or turbine powered, fixed or rotary winged, home built or manufactured, If it flies or has anything to do with flying, it should be part of Oz-Kosh. Where will Oz-Kosh be held? Oz-Kosh will be held at Narromine in central NSW on October 6th to 9th. How can your club or organisation be involved. If you are a club, society or type group, your involvement at Oz-Kosh is not only welcome, it is vital for its success. Oz-Kosh will provide a forum whereby your association and its member’s can: • Run and participate in seminars, how to forums and builders programs. • Participate in other seminars and forums put on by other clubs, exhibitors and industry suppliers, • Have a central meeting place where they can meet and share their aviation passion with other interested aviators, • Have a central place where industry and industry specific suppliers can come and demonstrate and exhibit their latest offerings and technologies • Have a place whereby your members and fellow aviators can come and meet industry representatives and regulators. Foundation member organisations Oz-Kosh will only be successful if the aviation industry invests and gets behind the event. The best way for this to happen is if as many aviation interest groups come together and encourage their respective members, and affiliated suppliers to those members, to be a part of the event. The Oz-Kosh organisation will be established to be a non-profit organisation, whereby foundation member organizations will share in any net proceeds generated from the event for use in their respective organisations to further foster aviation in Australia. We are seeking seed capital from foundation member organisations of $5,000. Foundation organisations who have expressed interest at this point are: • AOPA • Australian Parachute Federation • Australian Sport Rotorcraft Association • Australian Warbirds • Gliding Federation of Australia • Hang Gliding Federation of Australia • Recreational Aviation Australia We have received expressions of interest from the following sponsors to support the event. • Aviation Trader • Civil Aviation Safety Authority • Narromine Shire Council • QBE We will be seeking further sponsors from key aviation industry suppliers in addition to these. Who to contact If you would like any further information on the event, please call either Neil Unger (0468 623 933 or 02 6865 3293) or David Young (0423 003306 or 07 3188,9369). Nothing at all on the HGFA website, so not sure if all the foundation member Organisations are still interested. Doesn't seem to be advertised very well at all, yet.
  7. Engine date plate: Red = Certified Black = Uncertified
  8. Isn't the RAAus TechMan on the SAAA board now? If so, I am not sure how the cost sharing would work. RAAus have an MoU with both the SAAA and the HGFA but has anything been improved, or changed since they were signed? Both MoUs used to be on the website, but I can't find them since the website was updated. The RAAus/HGFA one is still on the HGFA website, so still valid as far as I can determine.
  9. No, certainly not critical and it wasn't meant for anything other than an observation. The aircraft used to be owned by Yarrawonga Flight Training school, is still shown on their website and clearly shows black cylinder head covers, showing it is the 912UL (80hp) engine. Don't shoot the messenger, I am pleased they are sending out these emails but would have hoped that all details would be checked prior to sending out a prelim report.
  10. Just wanted to point out that Aiborne XT-912 are normally powered by the 80hp engine 912UL and not the 100hp ULS as stated in the email received from RAAus CEO.
  11. Sad news indeed. Condolences to both family and friends. News like this hits hard. RIP
  12. I am pretty sure BertFloods sell them: http://www.bertfloodimports.com.au/contact.html
  13. Lack of hangars and not many aviation friendly Councils seems to be a problem for some would be flyers. Keen to learn and buy their own aircraft, but then the reality of where to keep it and where to fly from comes in. Maybe we should be encouraging the Councils to see that pilots using their local airfields is a good thing? Most seem to put up too many obstacles to be able to put up an 'affordable' hangar easily.
  14. Isn't this what is coming? RAAus have already announced that 2016 is THE YEAR OF THE MAINTAINER so hopefully they will be the ones to receive high vis vests this time around. Tech manual is due out soon we are told and the MARAP is already in progress, isn't it? Just the L1 and L2 training to go and we will then all know what we are supposed to be doing...... ...............and the Strategic Plan clearly states that this all starts in January 2016 (so you should hear something within the next 3 days)
  15. Just glad to hear he got down safely .... thank you flyerme for the update :)
  16. Amazing that he survived this. Strange that the press is unusually quiet. Hopefully he is OK and has recovered from his ordeal.
  17. You are employing a fellow Trike pilot to get as many as possible involved but no invitation to HGFA trike pilots? What about the other Associations on here too? There were a more than a few HGFA trike pilots in the air for last years attempt
  18. So sad to hear the news .... RIP Maj, you will be missed by all
  19. There has been no mention of any particular problems and yet the RA-Aus Strategic Plan 2015-2018 clearly states their intention of L1 focus ... starting in January!
  20. Sue - What happened to Neil? Just checked the RA-Aus website but it no longer lists the staff members.
  21. Not for any LSA aircraft, so back to the Aircraft Manufacturer for written approval, I guess?
  22. Mmm .... not sure what they are going to do. All I have been able to find out is that they have employed someone and there is mention of training in the Strategic Plan 2015-2018: Jan 2016 - Jun 2016 Commence roll out of training courses. Priority one training course is an L1 training course. Following successful delivery of this training course we will deliver three further courses including L2: safety management and instructor training As part of this roll out we will also develop an evaluation program to ensure our training remains relevant and up to date January 2016 is not far off .... so I guess someone has been busy behind the scenes!
  23. I thought that was why RA-Aus have employed the new Training Co-Ordinator?
  24. now I'm confused ....
  25. I agree with DRZoos here - this seems to be a 'FaceBook' / Reality TV type WOW, look at us type news. Perhaps they are just trying to make more 'friends' and then they can wow us with 10,000 + , then 11,000+ to show how big we are becoming?? Seems as if we are just in the FaceBook age now and all the hype that comes with it, nothing more than that.
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