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VFR Pilot

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Everything posted by VFR Pilot

  1. I bought a set of FlyTies, the seem pretty good. Haven't tried them in a strong wind though.
  2. Rick my rudder kit didn't come with 65t4-10. On mine the plastic top just went straight on the top. It's been ok for a year and a half so far.
  3. I have a Garmin gps slaved to my Dynon FlightDek, they are great together, no problems. I set up the heading indicator on the Dynon by myself, easy as first time. Both are top quality products.
  4. Rick, to prime between two joining surfaces, just clean then prime. If you are going to paint, then scotchbrite with 50/50 mix, then clean with straight metho, then final wipe over with the prepsol and then etch prime, then apply primer and then colour over the top. If you are going to do this it is best to paint wet on wet, it's more intense but it is a lot quicker and a lot less work. Jeff
  5. Prepsol is a wax and grease remover, the metho (denatured alcohol) and water mix deoxidisers the aluminium surface so the etch primer can stick. If you are painting only apply a very light mist covering of the etch primer then primer over the top.
  6. Rick don't forget to prep the alloy with 50/50 Metho and water mix applied with scotchbrite before etch priming. Jeff
  7. Hi Skip, My 3300 Jab hasn't been idling properly lately so I thought I would pull the carby off and blow it out while I am doing the engine service. There isn't much room behind the motor so was a little difficult to get off. I happened to have an Aero Injector sitting on my book shelf that I bought when I was building my plane so it seemed like a good time to install it and I just need to re-rout the fuel line and need some fire sleeve, all good though I ordered some this morning from ASAP. Jeff
  8. Thanks Downunder, I will give them a try.
  9. Is there some one selling fire sleeve in aus?, I need some this week. Jeff
  10. Hi Narra, Use Cortec, Allan has it @ Bendigo. I used it on my up grade install, it was great. Jeff
  11. It's just distance divided by time, it doesn't need to be complicated or anything.
  12. Click on Steinair.com they have supplies and good info
  13. I used to use the Phillips 20W-50 in my 3300 but changed to AeroShell 15W-50. I think she likes the 15 weight oil a little better. Temps always in the mid 80s C
  14. Warren and Brown suggest if you look after it, it will give you years of accurate maintenance free service. I keep mine in the house at fairly constant temps and take good care of them, that makes a big difference to letting them float around in the tool box.
  15. I have two Warren and Browns as well jetjr, you can't get any better, top quality.
  16. I am more than happy with my Garmin GTR 200. It monitors 2 x frequencies has 3D sound is fully configurable and has upgradable software.
  17. I have never been subjected to a ramp check so how do you supply evidence of the passengers weight? Dose casa have a set of scales with them that they use to weigh pax and items on board?
  18. Vision N600 with Teraya at YGLB
  19. I removed overspray off my canopy with Clay Bar I got from Super Cheap It worked well but it took a few goes
  20. Besides an LSA is a real aircraft and Wagga is a real airport.
  21. Thanks Blue, I got an el cheapo from Spruce it's just a flat piece of metal shaped a little like a screw driver, cheers
  22. From memory, it was 1.5 Kg heavier than the bungee. Just add that to your nose wheel weight and re-calc W&B
  23. Thanks corvairkr thats just what I needed, cheers
  24. I am ready to swing my vertical card compass but I can't find any info on which of the two yellow and green adjusting screws is for N-S and which is for E-W. Does any one know?
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