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VFR Pilot

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Everything posted by VFR Pilot

  1. I think the venue makes all the difference. In a way Natfly is sort of like a ctaf, since moving to Temora it now has no boundaries and everybody is spread out according to their performance. At Narromine there was more togetherness, every one was closer you had more chance of bumping into people you knew, it sort of felt more homely. It was easier to see other peoples planes and pick up ideas and talk. Thats what it was like for me anyway.
  2. I agree with Frank Merriott. I have a heading indicator in my EFIS which also includes a HSI page, as well as a GPS which gives a heading, and I still wouldn't go anywhere with out a TSO'd compass Call me fussy, but I just like to organised and prepared for anything. (always anticipate the worst)
  3. You miss understand me biggles, I am old but not bold. I am a very careful pilot and in no way a danger to myself or any one else! In fact I have seen plenty of cowboys in planes out there that are very dangerous. I have been riding motorcycles all my life, for as long as I can remember, and the only injury I have had was a broken collar bone when I was 14 years old. I can't stand wearing helmets and If I had a choice I would only wear one when riding in built up areas. Other people are a danger to me not the other way round. So come back in off that limb and dont judge me so harshly. I would be very disappointed If I had to wear a helmet wile flying my plane. You asked for my thoughts
  4. If your worried about bumping your head or maybe killing yourself then harden the f----- up. If you think your going to crash then you probably will. Most injuries are internal or a snapped neck anyway. Helmet laws suck
  5. I think I might as well do it at least I will know everything is right then. Can someone pm me and let me know of a good company in Oz who can do the balancing Cheers
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't that design be less efficient, ie- one explosion having to move twice the mass ?
  7. The engine is brand new, but I have been told other people have found that their cranks have been out of balance all along and when they get them balanced they can't believe how smooth their engines run ? I wondered if this could be one of the reasons for through bolt failure. I just want everything to be right when I install it into the airframe.
  8. Has anyone had any issues or experiences with crankshaft balance in their 3300 engine I am thinking about getting my new cranks balance checked
  9. Out of all the Natflys I've been to the ones at Narromine were the best.
  10. Fair dinkum you blokes I can't believe what I am reading! Here's a bloke whoes having a go to try and improve things for everyone by placing a new product into the market place giving everyone another and possibly better option to what's already out there, and (except for a few people) all I see is a lot of critics carrying on with much to do about nothing. Ok there's something in it for him, but why shouldnt there be. Give him a chance if he is successful I bet you will all be lining up to buy one. Go for it Bex!
  11. Maybe some more how to videos for less computer savvy people like me. For the life of me I can't figure out how to PM someone ? Also possibly a time delay on the post reply button to edit your comment in retrospect. Sometimes I have thought oops maybe I should not have said that........to late
  12. Hay john, were you that funny looking kid I used to tease and anoy at the aerodrome back in the 60s ........ LOL We both must have the same excuses for turning out the way we have. You are right though it is a small world. cheers mate
  13. I was borne over there. When I was a kid I used to hang around at the Hood aerodrome in my home town and watch the planes coming and going. Even back then there was a lot of aviation everywhere. No wonder I love planes.
  14. I think they are saying that we don't have proper safety systems and they don't give a rats a.... about recreational pilots.
  15. Valve stems are lubricated by fuel not oil. If your engine is designed to run on avgas then you should use it. Avgas uses tetra ethyl lead to lubricate valves and guides, (originally introduced by Henry Tizard as an anti knocking agent which allowed for higher compression ratios). Tetra ethyl lead was replaced by Tin in modern times in unleaded fuel. If you want to run unleaded fuel in your avgas designed engine then you should change your valve guides to suit.
  16. I'm a little late with this one..... I have built many engines over the years and I always keep the ring gaps 120 deg apart including the 3 piece oil rings, they don't hold compression but they do hold oil. I also keep the gaps away from the thrust faces as much as possible.
  17. Turbo, I appreciate and agree with your views on this matter. I think it just is all about the overreaction. In today's society the pendulum always swings too far in the opposite direction. cheers
  18. Hey Turbo, with respect, If I was worried about injuring somebody or damaging property then I would lock myself away and never venture outside at all! That's not to say I don't take the upmost care or have the upmost respect for other people or their property. It's just that sometimes sh.....t happens, it's a fact of life. Just having insurance won't prevent something from happening. I wasn't put on this planet to make somebody else's life better or safer to the detriment of my own happieness, I am not an ant that will give everything I hold dear for the greater good of the colony. If life is not enjoyable then I don't see the point! I could have my freedom taken away from me today and tomorrow some nut case shoots twenty children dead. How bad is my flying then? When I am to old and am not a safe pilot any more then and only then I will sell my plane and stop flying. I don't need some idiot public servant who probably dosen't have a clue about what he is talking about to tell me that I am to old to fly, just to make himself feel important. That's just how I feel and what I believe.
  19. It seems to me that there is a lot of people out there that are so far in thought that they don't know where they have been, or where they are going. If I don't fly in controlled airspace or over built up areas then leave me alone to enjoy my life the way I want to. If I can't live my live then you might as well kill me at 50 for everybody else's protection.
  20. All facets make up the world. The more we exercise the brain the more healthier it stays. Flying can be complex requiring good judgment and sound decision making, making it good stimulation and exercise for maintaining mental health and well being. You probably know what I am talking about as it is obvious by your writing that you like to keep your brain active too. I do agree though that we all reach a point in our lives where we must recognize our own cognitive degeneration and stop doing what we love most......Flying. I think what I am saying is that just because we are getting older doesn't necessarily make us an unsafe pilot. Complacency is probably more of a problem. And no I am not in denial........yet
  21. Don't take one of these to China Bex, you might get shot down.........
  22. When flying it's not about reflexes but more about decision making. As long as the old grey matter is still ok there is no reason why an older person can't be a good pilot, even better than some younger, bolder pilots. And no i'm not that old yet either.
  23. Far out!.......... FK have raised the bar.........now I will have to borrow more money and will never be able to retire.
  24. Avgas soaks into the wood and fabric over time and the smell is intoxicating. I cant get enough of it. Its the same with Castrol R at a race track, lovely.
  25. Good point volksy I have to agree
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