Hey Turbo, with respect,
If I was worried about injuring somebody or damaging property then I would lock myself away and never venture outside at all! That's not to say I don't take the upmost care or have the upmost respect for other people or their property.
It's just that sometimes sh.....t happens, it's a fact of life. Just having insurance won't prevent something from happening.
I wasn't put on this planet to make somebody else's life better or safer to the detriment of my own happieness, I am not an ant that will give everything I hold dear for the greater good of the colony. If life is not enjoyable then I don't see the point!
I could have my freedom taken away from me today and tomorrow some nut case shoots twenty children dead. How bad is my flying then?
When I am to old and am not a safe pilot any more then and only then I will sell my plane and stop flying.
I don't need some idiot public servant who probably dosen't have a clue about what he is talking about to tell me that I am to old to fly, just to make himself feel important.
That's just how I feel and what I believe.