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VFR Pilot

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Everything posted by VFR Pilot

  1. It's all starting to sound a bit like GA don't you think?
  2. ozbear I was wanted to fit them originally, but now i don't think so. I didn't really notice the porosity of the castings, but i didn't really check them out that closely. My motor is brand new and i know my late model rockers wont line up properly with the valve stems when in the liquid cooled heads. I have had motors in the past where the rockers didn't line up properly and it was ok, but that was in motorcycles and they did wear adversely on the rocker surfaces. But you know what its like i don't think i want that in my plane. There are things you can do to improve the cooling with the air cooled heads, so that's the way i will go i think. Cheers
  3. All good points ozbear. I like the idea of water cooling but i think i will be giving them a miss all the same.
  4. I did. They looked good but they were on an older motor with external top end oil feed and solid lifters. I dont think the thin finned head rockers will fit.
  5. Put your thinking caps on guys. A restriction constitutes a depression not a curvature. Wind blows around my arm but it wont lift it up for me. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Down wash off the trailing edge creates an upward force combined with pressure under the wing and thrust. That should get things firing.
  6. Sounds interesting bexrbetter What's the story
  7. Hi ozbear The motor is going into a Zodiac XLB
  8. Thanks Andrew That pretty much seals it for me then, even if I got a set of old rockers i'm still in trouble. I think the rockers would have to be drilled for the top end oil feed? I will have to make do with my standard heads, maybe make a better cooling fence than the supplied fiberglass ones. Cheers Jeff
  9. Has anyone else besides Kent Karge in the states had problems with the Jabiru thin finned head rockers not lining up with the valve stems in the liquid cooled heads.
  10. Hay she didn't tell me she had a Jab and Sportstar online as well, But i'm spending the last of my cash on a EKP V at Temora tomorrow, i have been throwing copius amounts of money at my Zodiac and i'm a bit short now so i will have to save some more before i give her a ring. I learnt to fly in the Vision, then Gordon bought it off her and rebuilt the whole plane so its like new. Keith must have bought it off him. Cheers
  11. Thanks volksy Teraya tought me to fly 10 years ago, then did my navs in the gazelle. Life got in the way of flying for the last few years but in that time I started on the Zodiac. I couldnt handle not flying any more so I went for a fly with Brian in the Gazelle last November with a view to getting back up to speed but shortly after that some one bent the undercarrage so I havent been since. She tells me that its not fixed yet?
  12. Sometimes very intelligent people think that they are more intelligent than they really are. Inbilt in their thought process is, I know how to fly, I don`t make mistakes, don`t tell me what to do. Sometimes a slap in the face with some humility is what is needed. Human factors.
  13. Thanks mate I just wondered because I flew 3290 around there for a few years Cheers
  14. Mothra What Gazelle have you been flying around YGLB
  15. Thanks for that jakej I will take you up on the offer but it won`t be for a while though. Still lots of work to do.
  16. I noticed that after I posted my comment. That`s all I need. Save one for me I will be there on Friday. Jeff
  17. poteroo The 695 looks pretty good and a couple of hundred cheaper too. Its bloody big though, will take up a lot of room on my panel. I would have to move things around a bit to fit it in. I`m not sure now. How do you think the Avmap compares to the Garmin?
  18. I am thinking of running an Avmap EKP V with my D180 Flightdek autopilot. Is any one else using this setup and if so how is it going? Any thoughts or advice. Jeff
  19. Thanks Phil I am just ready to test fit the wings to make sure the upgraded aft spar mounts are correct then its onto the firewall forward and instruments and wiring. Cheers Jeff
  20. Hi Peter The day off was great but back at it again. Car pooling is not such a bad idea if it can be organised. I have spent quite a bit of money traveling back and forth to Goulburn over the years. My plane is still about a year off completion. There is a fair bit of work to do yet, it all moves along very slowly. Cheers Jeff
  21. Hi folks I am based in Canberra and have been flying for 10 years. I have been building a Zodiac 601 XLB for about 18 months and purchased a new Jabiru 3300 motor in January which I am about to start fitting it to the airframe. Cheers
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