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Everything posted by wanabigaplane

  1. YES !! Get a jump starter. On my recent trip to central Australia my 3300 Jab motor would not turn over fast enough to start on the really cold mornings. I was extremely thankful that before the trip I had installed a heavy duty pair of cables with an Anderson plug INSIDE the cabin. I did not have to remove the cowl to add the jump starter - I did not even have to get out of the aircraft !! During the trip my rectifier failed and became intermittent so that on the last day, at a mid day stopover to get fuel, the battery did not have enough punch to turn the motor over. The jump starter really saved my bacon.
  2. I have such a Sapphire and would like to get in touch. [email protected]
  3. I have such a Sapphire and would like to get in touch. [email protected]


  4. What's the problem - just get a boat ride over to Xmas Island. Plenty of people have done this before.
  5. Useless Loop does have a runway.
  6. People will make off topic posts in the threads anyway. Novel solution - Just like on the bottom right of any post you have buttons for "like, agree, funny"...etc you could have a "Off Topic" button that anyone reading the thread can press. After x presses the post can be shrunk to a single line saying "off topic". The post appears in full only if clicked on. Come to think of it, you could also have a "Moderator please", "I'm offended", "ratbag poster", or a "put in jail" button as well. Surely this process would lighten the load of the moderator, maybe making the threads self moderating. You could even put the score in the panel under the forumite's avatar just like you display the number of likes.
  7. I have seen a similar picture - it was on the front page of NT news back in the 70's. It showed a picture of the passengers on the rope starting the engine of a Maparta DC3 in Indonesia. The article said that it is common to start the engine this way using a jeep, but in this case the agent had already left the airfield.
  8. Since I have to log in separately it makes no difference to me. However, you never know what's around the corner. If for some reason you needed to pass the site, or Clear Prop, onto some other entity, it might be an encumberance if they were combined. Jack.
  9. Saw this on DIYDrones. http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/uav-the-hard-way Jack.
  10. A few years ago I flew up the Stuart Highway and looked out for the underground pipeline marked on the WAC chart!
  11. I was told Boonah had similar problems, particularly with new houses in line with the airfield. The complaints to council stopped when the council threatened to rezone the suburb as a high noise area.
  12. Hi Ian, Close enough so they can keep an eye on you, eh? Now surely they will have power in the RAAus tent - and the lead must go right by yours. Will the tent be the same size as the one you had last year?
  13. Crikey, looks like I have to learn type faster. OK, Kaz, I feel we are going in different directions here. I’ve read this list of deficiencies a number of times in this thread. I don’t mean to downplay the seriousness of them. But apart from readers of this forum, who amongst the general membership knows? Lets say you are successful in wading in there and sacking half the board, what then? The membership will have to elect a new set of board members. On what basis does the membership elect their next representatives? You wrote “Many of us here are in strong disagreement with the confrontational and disrespectful attitude being displayed by some Committee members to both other Committee members and to the membership, generally.” You may well be, but I as an ordinary, ignorant member, I don’t know anything about this. I suddenly see your confrontational and disrespectful attitude and think “what a rabble rouser, no wonder the board is ignoring her” You have to play nice to get close enough to kick them in the nuts. Jack.
  14. Andy, I am not advocating that we sit back and wait for the normal democratic process to take effect. It won’t of its own accord. It has to be driven. Any management group that has been around for a long time develops cliques and power cells centered around the executive. Beneficial if they are good managers, poisonous if not. You only need one or two alpha characters to set the style of management in the executive, and then the executive maintains the same style of management with the board. If you wade in abusing all and sundry, they will all feel hurt, wrongly accused, and under attack. This will make it even easier for the few alpha characters to circle the wagons even tighter. The few alpha characters have to be identified and exposed, then not elected. The good people we have in there are hopefully not thrown out with the bathwater, and we have a good basis to carry forward. Unfortunately the membership is too widely spread, and poorly informed as to what is going on. Even when I do hear about something and have suspicions, it is very hard to find out anything. I just carry on in ignorance, and when it comes time for voting I’ll read the half page blurb in the magazine and maybe cast a vote if I feel like it. And this situation is compounded by the secrecy. So, when I write “we should only bring about this change by better communication with the members and board members”, I mean we have to do something actively to improve communication so that the board knows we don’t like what is going on, and the members have the information necessary to cast their vote in an intelligent manner. So, how do we go about this better communication? Well, I’m not sure. I’m starting to tread water here. But it is the direction that I think that we should be going in. This forum is a start, but how many people read it? An email newsletter to all clubs? An email list for interested parties? Forming an adversary group made up of previously ejected board members?
  15. Err no, I did not volunteer my services because my name is on the list of members demanding a general meeting. If this was discovered while I was working in the office as a volunteer I’d be too much like the cat that ate the canary. I learned from a friend , who is a volunteer, that Middo is in there (during the new year), full time, doing just grunt paperwork along with the other staff members.
  16. Who says there was no one in the office between xmas and new year? I went in there to ask about my renewal, and the office was open and running. Yes, I got the political answer as to a possible short delay due to ….etc ..as she had been told to say, and there was nothing to be gained by carrying on. I am not agreement with the confrontational and disrespectful attitude being displayed by some posters in this thread. Some of the board members have been with us a long time, on a voluntary basis, and have in the past fought many battles to bring us to the amazing level we are at today. I would rather we worked with the board on solving these problems. Let those that are not prepared to let go of the old boys club ways not stand for re-election, or not be elected , as per the normal democratic process. We should only bring about this change by better communication with the members and board members. Jack.
  17. Hey Ian, some avatars are interesting, and I would really like to be able to click on them get a much bigger picture to have a better look. Of course, we would have to upload a higher resolution version of our avatar. A mark of somekind should indicate one is available. Jack.
  18. This is what is keeping me busy at the moment. see Canberrauav.com Jack.
  19. The RC community is fully well served with their own various forums. I know pilots may be interested, just as some are interested in bikes and cars and.... However, what might be of interest is where planes might clash with models - as you may have seen on this forum about the guy flying FPV near commercial airline traffic.
  20. Oh no, not more changes. I don't use the fancy features, so it makes little difference to me.
  21. I learned to fly in a lightwing, and then stepped straight into the Sapphire with no problems at all. Yes, the elevator is sensitive. You do use up alot of ground when landing until you get used to it. .
  22. The avatar goes with my username.
  23. Wow. I had to look through the lot. Fantastic trip. Thanks for the post. Jack.
  24. I saw the one at Natfly. Obviously designed so a grazier could sit in it with his hat on!
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