I actually like crosswind landings, they make it more interesting.
So here comes the predictable story .....
Had to take a Metro 2 into Cooly for most of the week with a full 30 kts blowing across the main runway. The problem was the demonstrated max for them is only 20 kts so it was a bit of a handful.
The technique was the make the approach normally but with a little more airspeed, then do the usual boot-full of rudder and drop the upwind wing. The problem with that was even with full rudder the aeroplane still wasn't straight with the centreline so I had to take one hand off the controls (it's pretty normal to land a Metro in rough conditions with both hands on the controls as they're quite heavy, and just plant it with approach power on) and cut the power on the downwind engine, and that would yaw the aeroplane enough to get it straight. Next problem was even though the Metro 2 has very stubby wings, the upwind one was down so far I was worried it'd scrape the runway before the main wheel touched down. But fortunately it never did and I was able to just plant the heap of Metro onto the runway, keep full rudder on and then use lots of asymmetric thrust to keep it on the centreline.
All good fun.