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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. Would you expect it to be relevant to a person who broke through the "Security" fence and walked up to the airctraft with a loaded shotgun? Call me dumb.n, but I'd be looking at beefing up the security fence. This was not a terrorist ariving to take flying lessons.
  2. It's like a lot of things, a percentage will always cheat.
  3. Right now I'm working on 12 Tribunal cases concurrently, on one where the game is to ensure I don't qualify to be heard, several renaming the Use to the difference of prime steak vs maggots, 5 Truck parks for around 400 trucks each in land zoned for agriculture, a toxic soil operation (with a remediation cost of millions.) and two Subdivisions - all timed to hit us over the Christmas holiday period a lot of it is in the names like your example where the landing aircraft becomes an unmarked, unsafe aerodrome with a huge risk of slamming through end fences into agricultural machinery and photos showing (a) Tullamarine, how it should be and (b) a boghole on a very wet day just when the Landcruiser is bogged in the middle of the strip.
  4. You built an airstrip 8 years ago and got a permit for it. The Specificatioon was to CASA standards. A character like the one here moves in feels the planes are flying too low and goes to the Council. The Council checks to see if there's a permit; tick The permit date is 8 years ago; tick, in most states it will have existing Use rights, so you can't be stopped. He goes back to the Character and politely informs him the runway end will see aircraft flying 650 ' above his house, so try double glazing. The Skippy Way Checks the permit files - no permit, so doesn't worry to go further because there'll be no existing use rights. He checks the Zoning and finds the airfield is now in an Affordable Homes overlay, and Airfields are now in Section 3 - Prohibited. The Compliance and Enforcement Offier shows up at the door to say there's been a complaint and he noticed you had no permit.........................and it all goes down the tubes.
  5. There is a long and comprehensive thread on this on this site. If you want to build an airfield: Go to the State or Territory Planning Schemes. Find the online Planning Maps (interactive) Input the address The map will show the Zone and any Overlay. Go to the Council's Planning site; most have an online Planning portal Input the address See what your selected Zone allows in Section 1 or Section 2 (Permit required) Section 3 shows Prohibited. Go on the CASA site and find the Airfield specifications. including splays and approaches. You'll either be flying or returning it to pasture. If you move in next to an airfield Follow the same procedure. Find out how long it has been operating; it may have Existing Use rights.
  6. ........called the Khybers together. Mahatma, he said "You'll go down the left flank." Oh, and I am very much looking in the eyes left!" said Mahatma He shook his head and signed ........
  7. LOL MAAA controls are stricter than RA
  8. ...... the flying [avref] bullets were like a river of molten lead. The Khybers were terrified and many closed both eyes. The British firing dried up and everyone had a cup of tea............
  9. ....doing Left Hand Circuit operations, resulting in the need to declare an emergency every time you take off or call up at the entry points. The ATCs get used to it after a while though. It does save the eyes a bit because you only have to look out one side. This reminded Turbo of his days in the Khyber Pass with Cappy. The Khybers had heard the British Commands "Don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes!" The Khybers had seen first hand how effective it was, and General Somewat Slim issued orders to his men telling them to close one eye, so he could reduce his casualties by 50%. This ................
  10. .......pay for a TIF Flight from The Darraweit Airfield to the nearest dairy farm where an old guy was rumoured to have a Puss Moth stored in his hay shed. The Puss Moth got its name from ........
  11. ......with CT while out hunting becaise there would be bullets going everywhere. There was bullet damage all around DG. Every road sign was perforated, with little stickers hanging down saying "Sorry, CT", There were three bullet holes in the Mayor's window, a line stitched through the Darraweit Guim Memorial Shire Hall, the Pub dog was winged, but when a bullet hole was found through the boot of Isobell Simington-Smythe's car it was on ...............
  12. OK so you don't know what Self Administration is in Australia. We don't have self administration with our cars, but our sports and recreational clubs and associations have been practising it along with Councils and Industry for nearly 40 years. In Victoria the Department of Labour & Industry closed down about 1986 and there were no more Inspectors coming around testing cables and chains etc. We don't operate in the same way as the US, so no point talking about their system. Intetestingly I'm not seeing many complaints about SASAOs; they mostly go about their business, but it never stops in social media about the prescriptive part of CASA. So why run them down when you're not involved with them? Taking responsibility, and its associated costs is what SASAO's do, and have done it very well for the 40 years. SASAOs also have to comply with any Statutory laws that apply, so that's covered.
  13. It sounds as if you haven't been involved in Self Administration, so you'd be better watching what's unfolding over the next few months.
  14. We covered that one only recently. When RAA didn't act, CASA audited RAA to see what the standard of administration was. It certainly requires a careful study of what can be done outy in the community, but I've done it successfully in conjunction with Vicpol. Getting the advantages of Self Administration and then not administering is not an option.
  15. Just at the moment the last thing RA needs is someone rabbiting on about breaking the rules. I seem to remember you telling us you were going to doze an airstrip on your Western Queensland proprty then it was under the Rockhampton airport space.
  16. Group G is just one operation outside RA Perameters, and involves taking shortcuts in training and operations which currently have clear boundaries between Prescriptive and Self Adminiistering Operations. It's the splitting and potential liability issues that this move relates to. Personally I don't think its='s feasible without RA training coming up to the level of GA in that area.
  17. They were good people but instead of just setting up for RA, they wanted to include other aircraft, like the bottom end of GA and that was problematic, because you'd have to run a parallel with CASA airctraft prescriptive and the same aircraft in their group self - administering, so not at all easy to handle, particularly in terms of responsibility for accidents.
  18. In most Industries and Sports, if you want to get one up fast you pick an existing model that's worked and use that as a base; it can be from another Industry or it can be from the existing body. Two of us set up the policies and controls of the reasonably complicated (about 75 mm thick) ISO 9001 Policy, including trials in 6 branches in three months, using an existing example from another industry.
  19. ....and CT should know; He decimated the Rabbit population of the Guim with his Morris 1100 until it threw a rod oned day, but he'd made enough from selling the skins to buy a mansion in Toorak. Turbo had used a faster Morris 1300 for spotlighting foxes in Dingley, but the machine gun noise drew too many complaints from the residents who were ...........
  20. When HGFA was operating SAFA wasn't around. When AUF was operating RAA wasn't around. These were new organisations.
  21. Recreational Aviation Australia Inc. Recreational Aviation Australia Ltd SAFA Depends on how good you are with paperwork, and the skills in the group to produce an acceptable constitution, and policies and set up a skilled management structure, and also what you want to do.
  22. SAFA MET as it is called is a complex subject and the Met Module favours the student who is spending a long time training because he/she experience more and different type of weather whereas someone who lives on site with the training taking less than 30 days may experience 30 calm and finew days then six months later take off and fly directly to their end. However, those who read the Coroner's Report right to the end will have a better idea of what caused his death, and if there is a claim then a Court will decide exactly who was responsible.
  23. That's like a dog pointlessly barking at the back door. If the door's not going to be opened there's no point in barking. Other than the Prescriptive GA aircraft administered by CASA, there's just one other way to fly prescriptively and that's with SAAA. Apart from that, all the other options are with Self Administering bodies where all the participants, including non-government airfields have the duty of care to eliminate all the risks and they make their own rules to manage their operations. One of the confusing things is that when they start their engines they will be rolling and flying in prescriptive airspace where CASA is the safety authority and rule maker. There are people on this site who have done the study and training for the self administering, but are winging it for the prescriptive and not knowing the difference.
  24. A lot of fairy stories there. CASA already has six SASAOs;no reason why a group couldn't set up an Incorporated Association the same as RAA Inc. with a similar structure and large scale activities like Natfly, and State or region based Committee Members, Aircraft Examiners, Maintenace Examiners etc. just like the others. For years now there has been leakage from RAA to HGFA/SAFA; no reason why they couldn't expand more if they wanted to. Sport Aviation Self-Administering Organisations. (SASAO) SASAO Oversees 1 Australian Parachute Federation Parachuting regulations 2 Australian Sport Rotorcraft Association Gyroplanes 3 Australian Warbirds Association Limited Airworthiness of Limited Category aircraft, Adventure Flight Operators 4 Gliding Federation of Australia Gliding 5 Recreational Aviation Australia Limited Ultralights, Recreational, Weight Shift Microlights, Light Sport Aircraft, Power Parachutes 6 Sports Aviation Federation of Australia Hang Gliding, Paragliding, Weight Shift Microlights, Power Parachutes (Previously HGFA)
  25. Well it's like this; there may be an issue, or even a good idea that CASA want to communicate to pilots, but do the just limit it to RPT Pilots, Charter Pilots, CPL, PPL and leave out the riff raff like Hang Gliders, RA Pilots or the old Grumps that never stop whining? If they leave someone out, someone else will find out and complain about Natural Justice; if they just leave the old Grump out he's going to be writing stinging posts for a month. So they have to pick their market, and their negative risk if tey want to keep the message away from a long line of people. Of course, if they are sending a message to everyone they'd be typing for half an hour and if they forgot one, they'd get the stiging posts, so they database all those groups under the heading Stakeholders, so everyone feels important and part of a big picture. It just stratifies groups where all might get Attachment A, some might get an Attachmenbt B, some might get an attachment B, C, D etc depending on how they are classified.
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