,,,,,,,,, and Turbo agreed with bull, alyhough he did seem a little dazed and confused, whereas the razer sharp mind of Cappy had been focused on that radio transmission which finished with "plug an exhaust of your Bluehead, and then we'll see how fast you can fly."
Knowing Airbus drivers, Cappy and Turbo side-slipped out of the way but was at heart a Queenslander and we know what they're like on the road.
"That's not correct radio procedure; get your act together he barked into the mike".
When those words came through in the effeminate tone that come from all RA aircraft with their Chinese radios, The Captain twitched his moustache and looked at the suntanned FO who looked down at the dash, searched for a while and pressed the "DOWN" button and then as they zoomed under bull, the "Levelle" bouton, then the "Take off power" button, and bull was going through space like a cigarette button thrown out of the window.
bull however was a trawler Captain, a real one, and one of the best and he kept control of the Drifter and he flew done under the trees and let go a Tasmanian XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX xxxxxxx x XXXXXXXXXXX into the mic.
The FO blushed, the ............