......a News story on the little-read "BoringHousewives.com" where females who would rather be males pick on anything to do with men. One of them, Cheryl Smotherer couldn't help herself when she read the story on how, in the above attack by the FA/18 on Osama Bin Laden's compound, OSB escaped in the dust and was found gambling at Lake Tahoe."
Impressive enough to have a Youtube Video made about it, most people would have accepted that George Bush let OSB off for a 50 buck bribe and the MSM media just bought it.
The story was partly true (and we ask readers not to repeat this); OSB was found gambling, but at the Tiger shooting village of Dahir in India, by none other than Cappy on a shooting trip.
Cappy phoned Turbo, Turbo hopped across in he Challenger and they grabbed on of the Khyber Drifters, armed it, and wiped him out. The photo below shows how much more effective the KhyberDrifters are than the now-dated FA/18, and ...............................................................