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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. ....14 yo race car drivers who’d breached bail 21 times. Their usual drive was an upmarket Audi, and dress code included. Machete, so they were severely limited with the plastic knives and forks in the MCD, but they were learning words like “bro” and......
  2. ....in a position to claim $750.00 for a dibble before talking to Child Welfare, and .....
  3. ........other branch of the family at Logan were given a Club discount at Logan Fish and Chips. The Bogans were welcome members of the AUF because they scorned authority, and made CASA FoIs pay the $750 fee for a welcome ceremony every time the boys showed up for ramp checks. There was some jealousy from the general group because no one had been smart enough to come up with a similar ceremony. This came up for discussion at one of the ad hoc AUF secret meetings, and they members decided to develop their own Welcome to Country with a similar fee, because the Bogans always had better Drifters and Smik Thrusters with the latest updates They decided to .........
  4. No one has said he wasn't covered; no one has questioned the policy.
  5. Since you've attracted attention; shared assets can be sorted out proportionately, "No Assets" will be investigated, and where there has been evasion, you're for a higher place, and Assets might be needed if you are silly enough not to have PL Insurance. For the second half of the equation, you've picked a vanishingly small percentage of the population. Usually it might be that you just fitted a prop incorrectly and it flies off and injures or kills someone etc. Or you serviced an aircraft and sold it and two people died because it had not been serviced in accordance with the engine manufacturer's requirements. I posted an ongoing case a few days ago about a jumping castle accident where the castle had 8 tie down points and the operator opted to use only four. You'll be able to see what happens as the case unfolds.
  6. .......bottom to the lake. You swam or you sank forever, so better to make a successful ditch black or not. Not many people know that Lake Boga is the home of the original Bogans. They.......
  7. ........was going to happen when all the airmen came in to practice BSFL. Arthur eventually taught them how to keep their feet out of the cooking pots and set a course for ......
  8. fly again. It was no good, he had no idea whether he was rightside up or facing the ground. Clearly he hadn't read Turbo's epic book "Inside the Pyramid". Suddenly the calm voice of Mavis rang out "Right aileron; more...more..hold it" and nose up; more, more - we're now in a shallow climb." Bull was stunned; the engine note was now normal and the noise of branches hitting the windscreen had died away. "How did you do that?" he asked. "Found a piece of string and tied my wedding ring to it" "But it's pitch black in here how did you work out where the ring was dangling?" Mavis wouldn't tell him, she was an old WAAF member and they had been trained by old Flight Sergeant Arthur Turbine who used to turn the ligts out in the Mess and .......
  9. .....would work. Mavis would hold her torch on the GPS and bull would judge the distance from the ground but the amount of foliage being chopped up by the prop. There was a ......
  10. .......over stretch to make sure he kept warm, and they were away. The first thing bull found was that when you smash all the lights you can't see the compass. He should have listened to Turbo's lecture, he thought, but knowing there was a solution he and Mavis started working it out .......
  11. Honorary board member. Not everyone knew that AUF bms were just Committeemen (so far they had resisted the Diversity that come when women start making decisions (other than their lovely wives of course). So the title was little more than a back-hander, but Turbo used the time to teach trusted friends the art of flying at night without lights. Of course the secondary Module had to be Short Field Landings (SFL) which today's AUF members didn't seem to know much about; If there's a runway for 747s, you can bet there will be Jabirus turning on to the last taxyway. The reason for the module was to make any collisions soft ones. Using just these two Modules the combined BSFL (black) ensured that CASA couldn't touch you. Even the famous aviator Bigglesworth, who flew from the east coast, over the dividing range with just a Morgan and a $3.00 compass was stunned to find after landing at Tocumwal, the parked Challenger on the last tee of the Tocumwal Gold Club. On one occasion, with no runways available and short on fuel one of the BSFLs, bull ............
  12. .......Jesus Christ. He turned the pieces into fish and offered them free to anyone who would stop and listen to his story which went something like this; "The AUF used to have a lot of very clever people but............
  13. ........Macaw "Cappy" along the beach at his resort. He was named after Captain and unfortunately over time and picked up some of Cappy's regular sayings. As we came to each female Cappy would say "Nice XXXX". Some would give an inviting smile to Turbo, but Cappy's words were not always appreciated and they would give him a sharp rebuke. Somehow he'd equated a sharp response to the saying "Who's lost their pussy!" and if there was another rebuke Cappy woulld up the ante with............
  14. .....ideas. Meg sterilised the knife by running it through the flame of a match. "Just a quick slice here, and a chop there: and we'll have you looking like an Adonis" she said. Turbo wasn't good on history but didn't want to look like an Italian but before he could protest, she'd sliced and diced him and he was bleeding profusely but in the nicest of shapes. After a good hose-down Meg bandaged him delicately and after about six weeks Turbo was able to sit down again. It was a few days later that he realised she had microchipped him with the serial number of a Jabiru J170D. But why........
  15. The collision was correctly posted back in October and has 6 pages of worthwhile data on it.
  16. ......he had a list of 15 recipients, kept him smiting for a month. He particularly smited OT repeatedly for his botched operation, and he smited his local coffee shop owner for putting up his prices and was rewarded with free coffee for life. He smit his car dealer and got a free Land Cruiser. He even smote the Bank Manager and was given a no interest overdraft for as much as he wanted. He smit the chick at the bakery but had to run................
  17. ......higher, then Turbo handed a grand to his local Father and wondered if the church needed a new roof and btw would the Father recommend his new Holy Water to the Pope and maybe he needed a new Chevy Corvette Popemobile and a week later the Pope had blessed the Holy Water and called it Nectar or Jesus, and the sales went through the roof. It paid for te Father to get a new two story church with gaming machines on the lower floor and the Pope to get his new Chevy and a Pope 1 aircraft to match Airforce 1, and ........
  18. Someone just plugged this prelim report here. The ATSB people will still be obtaining data at this stage so a lot could come up by the time of the final report.
  19. .......Chanel No. 5.5 anyway. [For NES Readers; the Turbine Team don't call it cat urine, we call it tinkling water.] The sales exploded to the point where................
  20. .....certain weakness, which started to curb the numbers of enthusiasts, especially in crowded latte joints with poor airflow and ......
  21. Woolies bags. It became a craze with 7 million Australians having the simple operation. The Medical industry advertised them with "Ever been caught short and found all the doors shut?" Always have a door open with L6. And then in the Supermarket....."Great news! We have replaced L6 plastic bags with Paper biodegradable bags which melt on contact with water. WOOLIES! THINKING OF YOUR KIDDIES FUTURE There was .......................
  22. .....Woolworths size L6 bag. Soon there were people all over town out on early morning walks lifting their jumpers to show their L6s and before long there was a .........
  23. So $10 mil on RAA and $5 mil = $15 mil? Sounds in the ballpark depending on the airfield environment, flying over suburbs etc.
  24. I haven't been watching recent cases so thes figures are only rough guesses: While the RAA insurance may cover you for killing someone or makinh someone a paraplegic, aquadripleic + legal costs used to be around $14 million so you would need to buy a top up to cover that. Also there's a wide variety of risk. If you are flying out of your own property strip, never carry passengers, and don't allow people near the airstrip and aircraft, then you'd expect the risk to be low. If you fly out of a busy airport with people milling around airside, gliders stopping on the strip with people on the strip and chatting within a few metres of active powered aircraft and on multiple and conflicting strips, the odds are that someone will forget a safety item and be responsible. If you don't take the VFRG seriously and don't bother to fly a correct circuit, you could be in a place that someone else hits etc. and that's your negligence. If you fly out of an RPT Airport the aircraft usig it are so dissimilar that an airprox is a common risk and the payout if you are negligent (as in make a mistake or forget something rather than doing beat ups), could be in the tens of millions. So it's worth looking at your level of risk rather that just going along with blanket numbers.
  25. You were a moving target for the GM system. You needed a part now, but the dealer parts guy was trying to help you offering to get one from another dealer or State warehouse. If you had asked the dealer to get the Brisbane dealer to put the part on Hold for you it would have been held for you to pick up on arrival.
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