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Everything posted by turboplanner

  1. .....one dollar battery fans, powered water bottles, and Chinese snake bite kits, These were all covered in a liberal blanket of cheap Christmas wrapping paper and underneath that paper was Chiko who'd been sipping Blackberry Nip as he cooked. Shirley, aka the Norseman Nymph had bought an Airborne XT-912 SST Tundra for Christmas. The "Nymph" name was sarcastic because Shirley was Security at the Norseman Reindeer Hotel. She wore a bullet-proof vest, a reflective strip over her deck and down to her Tool Belt which contained everything from a bottle opener to a rabbit gutting pocket knife, dark blue tights and Parachute boots. She decided to land in the main street, since no one was around. She'd learnt to fly the trike from a video; it was really quite easy, and as she swung on course and lined up on the five mile main street the whine died down, the Rotax coughed once then was silent. Her mind went to that fuel hose she'd bought and rivetteted on, but it was too late now; she was gliding quite well, if steeply, when .......
  2. Since the January "Questions over hobby plane safety" discussions in January and talking to a lot of people, I've shifted my position a long way. We're not going to retain safety with partial training by correspondence; while the proposals will cost more, at least we'll see thorough training on all the modules.
  3. Stakeholder in the Gen Y/Gen Z word for shareholder where they're not sure just as "reach out" is a BS word for Emailing or phoning someone.
  4. ......Chiko asked for a 50% Royalty on the profits and backed it up with a Leegal Opinion from Hammer&Crusher of Kalgoorlie. Now we all know what the Tracks are like at paying their share;Augustus spat the dummy in the dirt and it was on......
  5. ........the real stories behind.....
  6. In Australia we are taught the secondary effect of controls. The secondary effect of rudder is roll. You're in the cloud, there's no horizon, you're in a slight turn so the G force has shifted off vertical - it now feels like you're straight and level, but then a wind gust lifts the inside wing............. Also in Australia we have the Visual Flight Rules Guide which reminds us we don't follow the superseded rules any more - we must be clear of cloud and have 5000 metres forward view. I haven't checked ATSB to see how this is working out, but I don't see that bunch of May fatalities we used to have.
  7. .......pepperoni pizza he'd been trying to eat for days. The Cat Farms were a sea of red ink, and there hadn't been a trip to the Spratleys to work out the Vought Corsairs and he was desperate to try out the new ADSB. He'd watched the Chinese ships sailing between Australia and New Zealand yesterday and firing their guns. He and Cappy should have brought the Corsairs down and fitted them with the new TurbineMarineArmageddon systems. "Although" he thought "If they fired and missed Australia, we don't have much to worry about." But Cappy was another Neville Chamberlain "Peace in our time" merchant and....... Cappy addressing the Koondrok Duck Shooters Association before the scandal.
  8. .........Hit with a capital B. It was selling all round the world thanks to the Turbo AI clips showing Turbo bronzed in the oil standing in front of trains just in time to stop them from being hit by landslides, nudging his yacht right up to an iceberg to allow a Polar Bear to jump on board, avoiding starvation, and Turbo shaking hands with a lion. The clips went viral in India where people oiled up like Turbo, dressed in Safari suit, drank Tennesee whiskey and respected women. A rock band even named themselves after this runaway success. Only One Track wasn't happy, saying .........
  9. .....tried to delay the clap with chiko roll oil. He picked up his chikos as best he could and was just about to put them.........
  10. This Sunday 60 minutes; a terrorist tells how he was going to take down an RPT aircraft.
  11. .......the crowd had rushed across from the bull riding when they heard Turbo's pedal steel guitar crying out the song of the Rainbow Circuit, while Cappy danced and clicked the sticks. He only took his eye off the sticks for a second but there was a thud rather than a click and Cappy had clapped one of his bits .......
  12. $500,000.00 grants (AU?50.00) for housing and entertainment and two sheep per person. There were no complaints from the Indigenous New Zealanders because the Bros were all living in Australia picking grapes, on the mines or conducting Welcome to Country ceremonies for Turbine WC Ltd. Turbine WC had made a fortune by undercutting the traditional welcome TC people with a Special Price of $740.00 each, The Councils, desperate for savings had picked it up the deal to save money and the bros got a pig on a spit dinner for every new Council signed up. Soon the aotearoa tribe's Native Title push netted them 35% of Australia, until.......
  13. ASIO have just released this (Source: The Age) WX00329.pdf
  14. .....the effervescence of the active hydrogen-based product which BTT Fluff NZ produced. The National Marketing Manager of BTTF assisted by his blonde Secretary entertained his thousands of potential investors at the Taupo Hilton with a dazzling series of PowerPoint, Video and stories showing the future potential of Fluff sales around the world culminating with the secretive confidential news that BTTF would be taking advantage of the waste hyydrogen to power cars and trucks throughout New Zealand from a network of 700 Fluff Entertainment Centres where you could fill up in 90 seconds then relax for a free 6 hours, claiming it on expenses the same as the EV jockeys did. There was a surge of sales from Picton to Bay of Islands until someone hit X with the story that the product was just water...................
  15. .................con the Australians with his research, but he made the mistake of outlining it to Bull (not bull) Two Tracks who was a shift little prick and quickly started advertising "Moa" feathers, which were really Kiwi feathers and necessitated killing millions of these gentle bird, prompting David Attenborough Turbine to campaign against it in a most convinciing way, and BTT Fluff (NZ) Pty Ltd was out of business until .........
  16. Members 23.5k Aircraft: PA28 LSA55, J160, J170, V115, AA5B, C210 Location: Moorabbin Country: Australia Posted just now I actually posted a photo of the documents and briefly explained things. I'm not going to publish any details.
  17. .......long or short depending on the tide, and where 87 years ago old Donald...... [Turbo has been there and asked them whether he did; but he didn't.]
  18. and who also looked like the legendary Howard Hughes. Not many people know that Howard started his legendary aircraft design career when he was paid two bucks to clean out his uncle's backyard. He kept a length of pipe and some steel scraps, a heap of woven plastic and an old Monarch mower motor and designed the modern bra we know so well and which has supported women better than many husbands. Becoming bored, he grabbed one of the canteen's plastic chairs, bolted it to the pipe and by the following lunchtime had produced the Hughes MK1, which broke the record from Hokitika to ...............
  19. Regulate is to prescribe or control. In the prescription age pre the mid 1980s we used to have prescriptive control and there were Controlling Bodies, one example being CAMS. After the State and Federal Governments decided to offload liability on to the recreational and sporting activities, we had to completely rethink our way of managing Associations to avoid negligent actions by participants sucking us into losing our homes etc. so mostly we set benchmarks based in industry best practice, Australian Standards, International Standards etc. and the participants worked to those benchmarks. T Initially the water park people were pretty much out of business with collisions down waterslides producing Quadriplegics who needed house remodelling and 24 hour shift nursing for the rest of their lives - around $10 million at the time. The industry moved to a two person management. The one at the top raised a red flag when he released the kid, matched by the one at the bottom who'd cleared out the kids in the end pool. when the kid arrived and got out of the pool the bottom guy dropped the flag and the top guy let the next kid go. Injuries ceased, but the wages were costly. Today there are two electronic gates. The top one only opens when the bottom pool has been cleared. So we've been coming up with new systems for around 40 years now.
  20. No Regulators involved. In Australia RA is self-administering.
  21. Not medical injuries; hurt by finding their aircraft could not be made compliant with current regulations, hurt by not being able to afford costs required etc.
  22. Today I gave an answer on what has happened to RA owners back in 2013 when someone did that. A lot of people got hurt.
  23. Well, you'll just have to have a good cry then, because we're not all going to turn around and come back. Why not watch what happens step by step in the current case.
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