Your end result is about right.
Car & Truck Industries
As for the rest, if you're talking about carbon, it's a heavier than air material which just falls to the ground, albeit in its finer particles the wind can stir it up, it can get into the lungs and it can cause lung cancer.
So talking about Carbon, the automotive industry has been reducing the emission of Carbon in the form of those fine, invisible particles, PM10 and PM2.5 since 1975. By 1992 PM reduction had been reduced, but the industry started on the road to try to eliminate PM. Since 1992 PM emissions in new cars has been reduced by 98.4%, while Industrial operations haven't really changed, so he later cars have started sucking up ambient air and burning the PM.
PM Summary: Has increased car costs by several thousand dollars.
Maintenance costs due to the hours of stripping away electronics and hoses has increased substantially.
Global warming caused by CO2 emissions started as a means of raising money by the UN around 1968, and today is in full swing with some social media and MSM stories that Australian new cars are some of the "dirtiest" in the world. The truth is that unlike NOx and PM, the engine alone can't reduce CO2 output; that relies on the fuel going through the engine and now, with all our cars imported we can't run the latest overseas cars on our fuel so the overseas suppliers have had to add the complication of older engine designs to their production lines. The Government did nothing about the fuel, so the farce continued. The good news is that our Vehicle industry took the initiative and has successfully negotiated a deal with the fuel companies to bring in world standard (much cleaner) fuel and as soon as that becomes available to the pumps, the vehicle manufacturers will be able to give us the engines that Europe, USA get.
Aircraft engines have continued to emit a full charge of PM10/PM2.5 at the level of the 1970s.
The heavier than air particles drop down along the aircraft circuits and routes.
There's a health argument that somethig should be done about it, but no one's making much noise.
PM Summary: Development would have to start from scratch, probably using car/truck techniques
Several thousand dollars extra cost on new aircaft.
As with vehicles, Australia has had no design standard for CO2 emissions from aircraft.
You would hope that if the global warmists get their way, that a similar deal could be negotiated with fuel suppliers, so that standard overseas engines could be imported.