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Everything posted by FisherDaughters

  1. There is still stock remaining at Spectrum Aviation for enquiries contact: (02) 66224466 or 0437776055 or [email protected]
  2. Please note we had a typo in our email address its actually [email protected] Many Thanks
  3. Thank you for posting this. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested on 0451 109 763 or 02 66224466 or email [email protected] Hope to hear from you the fisher daughters (Lauren, Krystal and Dayle Fisher) :-)
  4. Thank you to the Drifter Community for your amazing support at the Drifter Part Sale. If you couldn't attend and need parts please contact us for an inventory list of remaining items 0451 109 763 or 02 66224466 or [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you :-)
  5. If you missed out on attending & need parts call us for an inventory list 0451 109 763 or 02 66224466 or [email protected]
  6. Thank you to the Drifter Community for your support at the recent Drifter Part Sale we held at Spectrum Aviation.
  7. Hello to the Drifter Community, We are looking forward to seeing you all this Saturday 5th October at our Drifter Part Sale and BBQ. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Cheers The Fisher Daughters 0451 109 763 02 66224466 [email protected]
  8. Hi David and Maj, Yes we are sad that we can no longer keep our father's business going. He was the soul of the business and without him it wouldn't be the same. We would like to help the drifter community out as much as possible as our father would love to know that the drifter continues on. David if your interested in the VH-VSI, please feel free to email us on [email protected] for more details. We hope to see you at the event for a chat and catch-up. :-) Cheers Lauren, Krystal and Dayle Fisher
  9. Come join the Fisher daughters for a BBQ and to buy any spare drifter parts you may require as Spectrum Aviation is now closed. We have a range of stock including; second hand drifter parts and engines, AN bolts, Aluminium tubing in all sizes (including raw fuselage tubes), tools, propellers, cabling and much much more...... We also have Wayne Fisher's FAMOUS one of a kind Aerobatic VH-VSI Experimental for sale. Feel free to fly or drive. We look forward to seeing the drifter community again and hope for fine weather.... Where: Spectrum Aviation, Hangar 11 Airport Drive, Lismore, NSW When: Saturday 5th October from 9am Please contact Lauren, Krystal and Dayle Fisher on (02) 66224466 or 0451109763 if you have any questions or email [email protected]
  10. Wow this is amazing and such awesome footage. Thank you for putting this together. We love it and our Dad would of been very chuffed that you had put this up on youTube. This is a first to see the cockpit footage while he is doing aerobatics. Thank you :-)
  11. We are currently trying to find Dad's aerobatic youtube clip if anyone knows who set it up for him. In particular we want the song which starts with: "He's a man of the air and he's got no hair..". Thanks
  12. Hey guys we forgot to mention that this is 11am NSW day light savings time. Which means 10am QLD time.
  13. Please join us in celebrating the amazing life of Wayne Fisher at the Lismore Aeroclub, Lismore Airport at 11am on the 5th of April for a memorial service. All are welcome to stay after the service for a wake. The Lismore terminal has been advised of the event and to expect a high volume of air traffic. Hope to see you there, Krystal, Lauren and Dayle (Wayne's daughters)
  14. Hi David, it is great to know that you will be here for the Friday memorial. Are you a member of the Flying Tigers at all, because we have been trying to get in contact with them to extend a special invitation for the day, as we met many members at dad's 60th and were touched by their regard and respect for our father.
  15. Thanks Patrick, We are touched that you would organise this, dad would be very honoured.
  16. Our earlier mention of donations has been withdrawn. We have been overwhelmed by the situation and your thoughts mean the most to us. Love Lauren, Dayle and Krystal (Wayne's Daughters)
  17. To everyone that knew and loved our father we thank you for all your wishes and support at this time. We are still making arrangements, however the tentative plans at this stage are to have a fly in memorial at Lismore Airport on Friday the 5th of April to commence around 11am. Full details will be confirmed in the Northern Star and on Facebook. Please spread the word to everyone and all are welcome to give Wayne his final send off. We are touched by your love, support and offers of help, in lieu of flowers if you wish to contribute a donation towards funeral & memorial expenses would be appreciated. Love Lauren, Dayle & Krystal
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