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Everything posted by Cosmick

  1. Gone quiet............................................................................... Just so that we don't have any Pilots flying into Mountains, the answer to the riddle was that the word "Mistake" was misspelled. I liked the references to Japanese Liquor.
  2. But that aside, the challenge is that those who can't see the obvious may choose not to expose.
  3. You been peeking, actually that female fat in the curves (hard to lose) is there to support breastmilk. http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/bodysphere/the-science-of-why-womens-bodies-are-the-way-they-are/6343312
  4. Alcohol seems to be doing this to me in my later years. Maybe it does have female hormones.
  5. no hints
  6. Got one
  7. How long did it take, don't give out any Hints.
  8. Yeah but keep it coming
  9. Yes, don't you love the interpretations. Heard one about an American's first day Teaching in Australia Grade 6 when young girl upset exclaimed upset in class that Johnny had stolen her rubber. (what we call an eraser).
  10. Surely the Pub could have waited 5 minutes.
  11. Hi Tim, If there are any left can You put me down for one when they arrive
  12. As I age I'm still putting on a bit of weight, and I take the stairs. Good help us if we can't even walk down the street. (I sound like my Father)
  13. waaahhaaaa :) I have the 24hr shortcut while it still works
  14. I sometimes use the 24 to refind something I've read but has not received a subsequent post (in the last 24)
  15. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-02-28/helicopter-crash-at-archerfield-south-of-brisbane/6270722
  16. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-02-21/possible-fault-grounds-popular-helicopter-model/6180406
  17. Figures from WB example sheet in Austflight Manual - AUSTFLIGHT ULA Pty Ltd DRIFTER SB - 582 SECTION 6 CASA APPROVED WEIGHT BALANCE AND EQUIPMENT Drifter SB - 582 ITEM Registration - 55 - 6.7 EXAMPLE CALCULATION The following example demonstrates the use of the form. BASIC EMPTY CONDITION 271 FRONT SEAT PILOT 70 FRONT SEAT BALLAST -693 REAR SEAT PILOT 65 428 27,820 OTHER. ZERO FUEL CONDITION 406 506 205,570 896 18,099 336 7,997 REAR TANK 30L x 0.72 20,2 AUXILIARYTANK 40Lx0.72 23,8 TOTAL 450 515 231,666 Zero fuel condition is within limits. Total loaded condition is within limits. (32.9% MAC) (33.4% MAC) Issued March 15th, 1996 Page 6-8 WEIGHT X ARM = MOMENT kg mm kg*mm 835 226,260 Interested in the Aircraft but 180kg not a lot to work with, 200kg a lot better
  18. Well you've just spoiled the Movie haven't you.
  19. thanks Tex, co both about 270kg dry and 450kg meow so about 180 kg all up carry ?
  20. OK, you guys are the experts, SB582 Vs WB582 1. Speed and glide ratio 2. Empty (Long Range Tank) / MTOW 3. Strength G's +/- 4. Pro's and Cons
  21. There are now some Pics on the ABC link http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-02-11/two-pilots-killed-in-crash-of-two-planes-in-north-queensland/6084780
  22. Yeah, but the S,M an F havn't come out yet
  23. Could only guess it must have been a collision, Condolences to Family and Friends
  24. ABC article updated and Bad Bad news http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-02-11/two-pilots-killed-in-crash-of-two-planes-in-north-queensland/6084780
  25. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-02-11/search-underway-for-two-ultralight-planes-missing-in-townsville/6084780
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