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Everything posted by Peter008

  1. I can send you a copy of Townsville & Mackay if it helps. Class C & D. Send me your email by PM.
  2. I never bother to read anything from this paper either. It seems to be often dramatised and often factually incorrect
  3. I was asked at Emerald not long ago so they do ask.
  4. Reading the above link makes RAA look like a great organisation. I hope the people who think RAA is performing poorly have a read of this report.
  5. Could it be that the radio calls that you made were not received by the approaching aircraft? I have had a similar issue where a spray plane joined circuit on base whilst I was on the piano keys after doing the regular calls. He assured me afterward that he did not hear my calls. I deduced that maybe because I was not airborne the radio was not as effectual as it could have been.
  6. Interesting - when I first read of the new site being up and running, I selected the members portal and the iPad defaulted to my Facebook details and I was able to log straight in. I have since received an email with the login details but have no use for them. Don't know how, or why, but I'm happy with the result!! As to the site presentation I believe it is as easy to read as most newer site designs and I will probably use this members page to access the Sport Pilot magazine once they are all loaded and up to date.
  7. I would be looking at fuel as well. Restricted filter, carb issues etc. Make sure that the manifold hosing is secure. A small leak will effect performance quite dramatically.
  8. That is the sirname of a mate of mine - He pronounces it Feather-stone-heu.
  9. What is the material that you are drilling Mike? Is it a fibreglass / Lexon type material or a lamipanel?
  10. PM me Russ and I will supply some details.
  11. I was visiting my folks on Bribie for the last few days Geoff so I recon I saw you flying over. In fact I was quite surprised at how many small aircraft flew over the island during the time we were there. I won't mention how I just had to walk outside each time I heard a plane engine. Got caught once with an inboard boat engine.......
  12. I'm sitting at the Singapore lounge Terminal 3 at the moment reading this thread. I could suggest the same thing here; almost nobody about. However when i flew in three weeks ago it was packed full. Hardly room to move to the connecting gate and be on time. Heathrow was packed as well. Nearly knocked down in the rush! The same could be said of Brisbane. Most times when I am there the seats at the gates are quite full, the eatery is always packed, mostly with people who do not need the junk food. Rarely is it deserted as my flights go in and out. Only fly through there once a month so maybe the frequency is not a good sample to judge.
  13. After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, British scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago. Not to be outdone by the Brit's, in the weeks that followed, an American archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story published in the New York Times: "American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the British". One week later, the state’s Dept of Minerals and Energy in Western Australia , reported the following: "After digging as deep as 30 feet in Western Australia's Pilbara region, Jack Lucknow, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely bugger all. Jack has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Australia had already gone wireless." Just makes you bloody proud to be Australian.
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  14. Admin Ian - Are you sure you cannot install an "Ignore Thread" button? This one is just becoming a bashing club Vs a Supporters club. Sadly, it would seem that it occurs at every opportunity that Jabiru is mentioned in any thread. I got the "Murder of Crows" joke. I just don't get this one. Please, an "Ignore Thread" option......
  15. Agree Frank & Jetjr - That was another reason for asking the question of Admin if there was an ignore button for a thread. When it just becomes a bashing issue (of any thing or any person) we can just ignore that thread after hitting the "What's New?" button.
  16. I've heard of a program that is available to use via wifi from your iPad to home computer printer. Not used it myself but was told it was found via Google. I think it was called Printer Pro or similar name. I am content to do as others have suggested and send a screen shot photo by email then print it. Has worked every time for me although the scale is not quite the same if you look to print the plan map on a single page.
  17. Welcome also richdj. Keep reading and let everyone know your comments.
  18. Welcome dva51 - Nothing wrong with aged Italians...... We are everywhere in the north!!
  19. Her name is Shirley but it used to be Paul.
  20. Quite extreme thinking perhaps FT. I doubt there is a conspiracy occurring through it all.
  21. This thread is interesting and I wonder how many people will be in a similar position to what I find myself in. I travel quite a deal for work and prefer to fly the longer distances rather that drive. I am an RAA pilot. In North Qld there is a corridore around Townsville airspace that is probably bad on most days and dangerous on some, other than very good days. Often it is not passable due to fog or low cloud until later in the morning. I am seriously considering advancing to GA using section 61 just to be able to pass through the controlled airspace. I still will keep the RA plane and membership just fly more convienently.
  22. Agreed - good idea TP. A nice sharp edge will have little friction and provided the uprights are level, it should be fine. Thanks for the tip. I also liked the comment on the other thread on the same issue, to balance it on the plane as it does not have to be perfect to remove most of the vibration.
  23. Playing the Devils advocate here; So, taking this thread to the duty of care argument that occurred with the RAA vs CASA duty of care with the pilot flying a VH aircraft, does everybody who reads this thread now have a duty of care to advise that one of the passengers intends to use an electronic device on a plane? If the use of the said device causes an accident then all readers have a liability in the matter. It is our fault not Syrianboy; he was just harmlessly recording a movie!!!
  24. It is easily recognisable as a tyre balance issue as you can feel it getting less of a vibration as the tyre slows down. I am probably too busy getting annoyed at it at the time so not sure of the height but 150 would probably be correct. The front does vibrate more than the rear I think, perhaps due to the nose wheel suspension of the Jab. Also the brake, as has been spoken about a few times shuts up the rear. Just to be sure, you are referring to a vibration? At first I suspected that you were referring to an engine hiccup at somewhere between 200 & 500 ft that I have experienced. It would just cough, then keep going. A number of people suggested carb ice from the taxi run but it ended up being air swirling into the engine chambers. A modified goose (turkey) neck into the carby as suggested by Jab fixed the issue. The tilting of the plane and spinning the front wheel should tell you as was suggested but bearings that have some resistance so only lightly out of balance may not how easily. The tyres are relatively inexpensive so I would change the suspect one then fly as a test. If not the problem then use it again next time you need one.
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