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Everything posted by Peter008

  1. Interesting numbers as I find slightly more fuel used with mogas so work on 30 l/ph. It is not just the fuel as I double check the numbers in my head if I deviate. 1 ltr = 2 minutes 1 minute = 2 miles Rough but allows me to look it over quickly to check for an error.
  2. Neil does RAA in a J170 & GA in a 182 I think. Carlo does RAA but not sure what he uses or if he does GA. Others may know more
  3. Neil Hoffensetz Ayr 0428 777 290
  4. Peter008

    Spark Plugs

    I wondered why the statement as well Louie. They have worked well for three sets now so must be OK.
  5. Russ - Could you post a couple of pictures of the bottom cowl lip that you modified please? It will be interesting to see. Cheers
  6. Maj - How are we going for the maintenance tests that were in the members section for a short period of time? Is there any more news on the subject? Cheers
  7. I believe that there would be some space available in Ayr. If it is of interest email me and I'll pass on a phone number. My email is [email protected] Cheers
  8. I have one for sale if your are interested shafs64. I have just updated my iPad and purchased the model with data & GPS accessibility. $50 + postage will buy it. I think it to be about 12 mths old. It is a Duel XGPS150. Email me if you are interested thanks - [email protected] Cheers
  9. Have a similar water issue with the 230. It appears that the profile of the doors are slightly different to the shell. We are going to do some alteration of the seal as well as maybe changing the position of the door moulding where the seal sits. A last option would be to slightly straighten the doors where they bulge, so that they fit the opening better so the seal fits better. Have looked at a couple of different door seal profiles to see if that will cure the problem easily. I find when the door leaks water blows directly onto my face. Keeps me awake I suppose...... I have never removed the wings but looking at the attachment during the LAME services, it does not appear too difficult. Maybe a small engine crane or similar would assist with the weight of the wing during disconnection of the attachment points.
  10. If you look at the previous Jabiru threads there are some interesting comments about the Jabiru Pros & Cons. It may be of use before you buy. Cheers
  11. Welcome Roscoe. Have a 230 but trained in a 170. Both slightly different to each other in power and handling. If I was not looking to get a higher cruise speed I would have settled for a 170. I looked at and trialled a few other brands but came back to the Jabiru after comparing most points that I was looking for in the plane. A little has been said on this forum about the engine, mostly by a minority of knockers, but what is not in question is the airframe; it has proven to be solid. The engine could do with some improvements and from what I read further development is being undertaken. The range is good with 135 lts, cruise is good at 95 - 100 kts & resale appears to be as good as any other brand of aeroplane. Again, I looked for the 110 - 120 kts available with the 230. If you look around there a few deals available with people wanting to sell. Good luck and keep us posted as to what you buy. There a a few threads here at the moment that are interesting, commenting on where people fly and what they found interesting. Cheers
  12. I could not agree more Frank. Unlike you I am new to flying and have been only reading this forum for about six months. In that time I have read some interesting facts and tips that I have taken on board as something to consider when next flying. The difficult part is the absolute rubbish that gets written on occasions, often by people who probably do not believe what they have written, I would believe. I find myself biting my tongue because I really just want to post a comment as to how stupid some of the postings are. However, it takes all types to make a world so I will continue to read the interesting, ignore the ridiculous and not bother to read some threads that rabbit on by so called experts who have zero dollars invested in a product but are able to advise the manufacturer who has millions invested in the manufacture of the item. I believe that I will comment only on what I can contribute positively to. To the posters who keep things positive, interesting and informative, thank you for what you have contributed through the year. In the main I believe that I have learned things that will assist my hobby of flying. Please keep the information flowing. I do hope you all have a happy and safe 2014.
  13. Peter008

    Fuel efficiency

    Do you recall the difference in price to the standard wood prop Phil?
  14. Have a similar issue with the doors not sealing on the 230 also. Looking closely at them the doors are not quite the same shape as the door opening so will be doing something about it as soon as the wet starts and flying time will be shortened somewhat. Will have to cut the door, flex into a better shape and reglass. Will insert the latest top latch attachment whilst working on it. Gutters screwed on as the later models should see it waterproofed I hope.
  15. Am waiting for you to make an error after that comment dazza. Don't forget to advise all and sundry so we can see you eating a piece of that 'humble pie' that appears to be needed!!!
  16. Peter008

    Fuel efficiency

    I mirror your numbers Phil. The only difference is that I do my flight plan at 110kn and find it works just about right. Revs are always around 2800 - 2850 but notice that the revs will not get above 3000 rpm when under load. This is somewhat less than the Jabiru information. I suspect maybe the prop pitch is not an exact science with the wooden Jab props as an explanation of why the revs are slightly down but that is only a guess.
  17. Nothing wrong with the plane. Appears to be a wind shift during landing catching the pilot off guard. Moderate damage to the plane, pilot with a few scratches. Very easy to do.
  18. I get the same response cscotthendry. The link must have been taken off the site. Have tried a few times last night and again this evening. Just when I studied up on all of the info....... Cheers
  19. If I was to line the inside of the header tank as it would have been originally (although with different solution according to the Jab web site) would it also be an advantage to paint the outside of the tank as well? Has anyone asked Jabiru if they have a fix for it?
  20. Thanks guys. My next thought was to remove the header tank and give it to someone who may have the solution to slosh in it. Avgas is available where I am so maybe I switch to that and do the tank at the next service due in a month or so at the rate of use lately. From what has been said above it appears that Avgas either will not weep through the tanks as mogas does or it simply does not smell to the same extent. Thanks again for the advice.
  21. There was a couple in the Bargains section of the Jabiru web site not long ago Ross.
  22. You have had the same problem Frank?
  23. Evening folks I have been smelling fuel inside the cab of the jab for a little while but never able to locate the source. Today when opening the door it was overpowering so I again went looking for a leak. I am using premium 98 (BP) and have since purchase 18 mths ago. Previous owner used Avgas. At purchase I had to replace a hose clamp at the fuel tap in the console as it was too big for the job. I have pulled everything apart that I can think of but find no weep or leak. Have looked at fitting on firewall, both sides of tap, electric pump and filter and the 5 ltr tank at the rear to no avail. Pulled the covers off the wing tank fittings and no issues on either side. Obviously it is worse when the wing tanks are full, as they are now. Can there be merit in the thought that the fuel is weeping through the 5 ltr tank and evaporating thus causing the smell? I'm running out of ideas. Has anybody had a similar issue and found the problem?
  24. There is a small private strip at Marian about 30k west of Mackay. Is this the sort of thing you had in mind. I fly into there occasionally. It has 00 - 18 & 09 - 27 but reasonably short. I get the Jab 230 in & out quite easily. Can give you the contact number if you are interested.
  25. Could not agree more Col. I joined RAAus looking for an affordable method of doing what I had always dreamed about but thought it out of my reach. That was two years ago. Today I was enjoying the 2 hr flight south when I was caught in the middle of bad weather. The only path around controlled airspace at Townsville was blocked by storm cloud and general cloud cover as it often is. The cloud was sitting at the base of the mountain right in the only practical path though the area. Can't go up or around due to controlled airspace. If I was allowed to fly through controlled airspace it would not have been an issue. I turned back, parked up and drove four hours instead. The new RPL will give me the flexibility to fly through controlled airspace in the future (where there was no cloud this morning). At late 50's the DL medical should not be that much of an issue for me and if it is then the medical would have found something I did not know about my health. I will download the forms and get the paperwork moving this month in readiness for the rule change. I think the two organisations compliment each other with the changes. RAAus so I can own and maintain a little plane for reasonable cost, and the ability to get through controlled airspace when going up and down the FNQ east coast where I live with the new RPL.
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